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how far did jacob travel from beersheba to bethel

how far did jacob travel from beersheba to bethel

Twenty years after leaving his home Jacob now has two wives, two maidservants who mothered some of his children, eleven sons and one daughter. Distance between Bethel and Haran is 8825 KM / 5483.6 miles. Haranis famous for its unique beehive-shaped mudbrick houses that originated in the 3rdcentury BC and which have been rebuilt in the same style many times during the intervening centuries. The total straight line distance between Beersheba and Bethel is 9675 KM (kilometers) and 127.36 meters. Then Jacob went on his journey, and came into the land of the people of the east. Gen 28:10-19 Jacob Flees From Laban Laban's sons are furious with their cousin Jacob, so Jacob flees secretly from Haran. During the journey Jacob dreamed of a stairway between heaven and earth on which angels were ascending and descending to the Lord at the top. After he had been there a month, Laban wanted to know how much he should pay Jacob. Genesis 28:10-19 Surely the LORD is in this place--and I did not know it! but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me where they are buried. I will do as you say, he said. Jacob sends his wives, concubines and children on ahead to Esau while he, himself, stays behind. And yet verse 7 has Jacob listening to them both. Distance between Beersheba and Haran is 5340 KM / 3318.3 miles. As the years went by Jacobs family grew. They were led into the Promised Land by Joshua; the victory at Jericho marked the beginning of possession of the land. The servant prayed and asked God to look for the right woman for Isaac: Lord, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham. They show him Rachel, Labans daughter, coming with the sheep, Genesis 29:9. Quick Answer: How Far Did Jacob Have To Travel To Egypt, Quick Answer: How Far Did Jacob Travel From Canaan To Egypt, How Many Miles Did Jacob Travel To Flee Esau, Quick Answer: How Far To Travel 11 Light Years, Question: How Far Can Rockets Travel In Light Years, Quick Answer: How Far Does Light Travel In 1000 Years, How Far Does Light Travel In 100000 Years, Quick Answer: How Far Does Light Travel In 2 Years. Genesis 28:6 Now Esau saw that Isaac had . Create an obstacle course and have the children travel like Jacob did. Do you remember how Jacob had been deceitful and played a trick on his father, Isaac? If the Book of Jasher has any validity, Terah left Ur with Abram, because Nimrod was seeking the life of Abram, who was seeking refuge from Noah and Shem at the time. 1. The miles based distance from Beersheba to Bethel is 6011.8 miles. How old was Rebekah when Isaac married her? Include items to represent the journey. However, according to the Book of Jubilees (31:8-11, 48), Rebekah was still alive when Jacob returned home. According to Genesis Abraham, his father, Sara and his orphaned nephew Lot moved from Ur to Harran, 600 miles away in present-day Turkey. What do these events reveal about Laban? Bethel Vs Peniel. God gives Jacob the name Israel, meaning He struggles with God. Home Travel Quick Answer: How Far Did Abraham Travel From Haran To Canaan. Aram (Hebrew: Aram) is a son of Shem, according to the Table of Nations in Genesis 10 of the Hebrew Bible, and the father of Uz, Hul, Gether and Mash or Meshech. But Esau has long since forgiven Jacob and is delighted to see him. As Jacob journeyed toward Haran, he camped at Bethel. Have a number of different types of pillows and let the children vote on which is the most comfortable one to sleep on. How many years were between Moses and Paul? After deceiving his father and brother Jacob left his family home and makes his way north to his mothers relatives in Haran. The wandering Aramean is by modern biblical commentators as well as by Jewish medieval ones usually understood to refer to Jacob, or possibly to all the patriarchs. Genesis 28:2 Arise, go to Paddan Aram, to the house of Bethuel your mother's father. After their dramatic reconciliation in Genesis 33, Jacob resists Esau's invitation to join him in the south (Seir) by: reassuring Esau that he'll follow at a distance, 33:14a, "Let my lord pass on ahead of his servant, and I will lead on slowly,." only to stop well short of the final destination, 33:17 . (His last son, Benjamin, will be born after he returns to the place of his birth.). Jacob was 77 years old, and he loved Rachel immediately. How far from Beersheba to Mt. Harran, also spelled Haran, Roman Carrhae, ancient city of strategic importance, now a village, in southeastern Turkey. Jacob is between 97 and 108 years old. What kind of loneliness or loss did Jacob face in his travel to paddan Aram? How far is Mesopotamia from Canaan? They wanted him to find a wife there. Distance between Beersheba and Haran is 5340 KM / 3318.3 miles. 7. He cursed them with forty years of wilderness wandering until the unbelieving generation died off, never stepping foot in the Promised Land. They connive to have children by Jacob and even offer their servant girls to him. Aram referred to as Syria & Mesopotamia. The site ofBethelis now occupied by the Palestinian West Bank village ofBeitin, on the outskirts ofAl-Bireh, 3 miles / 5 km to the northeast of Ramallah. Jacob had tricked his father and brother. Forced to serve Rachels father, Laban, for seven years to win her, Jacob was tricked at the end of that time into marrying her sister, Leah. Jacob lived in Egypt seventeen years, and the years of his life were a hundred and forty-seven. Haran To Canaan travel time Haran is located around 12180 KM away from Canaan so if you travel at the consistent speed of 50 KM per hour you can reach Canaan in 243.62 hours. BIBLE LANDS NOTES: Distances from Jerusalem 1 Distances from Jerusalem Distances from Jerusalem IN ISRAEL: Bersheba - 54 miles south Bethany - 1 e miles east Bethe l - 10 j miles north Bethlehem - 6 miles southeast Bethpage - 1 mile Caesarea - 70 miles Caesarea Philippi - 105 miles Capernaum - 85 miles Dead Sea - 14 miles east Dothan - 54 miles north The date of 4000 BC as the creation of Adam was at least partially influenced by the widely held belief that the Earth was approximately 5600 years old (2000 to Abraham, 2000 from Abraham to the birth of Christ, and 1600 years from Christ to Ussher), corresponding to the six days of Creation, on the grounds that one. Jacob then served Laban for another six years, during which he amassed a large amount of property; he then set out with his wives and children to return to Palestine. Originally called Luz and in modern times Baytin, Bethel was important in Old Testament times and was frequently associated with Abraham and Jacob. Haran was about four degrees east of Beer-sheba, and five and a half degrees north. The people of the East.Usually the Arabians are designated by this phrase, but it here signifies the tribes who inhabited northern Mesopotamia. and came into the land of the people of the east, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Jacob stopped for the night on his way to Haran. How many years did Jacob serve his father in law for each wife? What kinds of discomfort, loneliness or loss did Jacob face in his travel to Paddan Aram? Best Answer Copy The distance between the above mentioned places is 500 miles approximately. The origin of the term is disputed, but it may derive from an old Semitic word denoting reddish purple, referring to the rich purple or crimson dye produced in the area or to the wool coloured with the dye. how far did jacob travel to haran. Jacob uses his knowledge of animal husbandry to trick Laban and accumulates large herds of animals. The next morning, when the sun came up, Jacob saw that his new wife was Leah! but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me where they are buried. I will do as you say, he said. After seven years the time came for Jacob and Rachel to get married. Discovering this duplicity, Esau then swears that he will kill his brother after their father dies. Later, after Jacob's family had settled near Shechem but had run afoul of the local population, God commanded him to move to Bethel and (re)build an altar there. Where did the servant go to find a wife for Isaac? 28:11-22). If he reached Bethel the first night, he must have travelled about fifty miles the first day. 2. The ground you are lying on is yours. After a 40-year journey, the Jewish People arrived in the Land of Israel as a nation, as promised to them by God many centuries earlier. Amos 5:4-6. Haran or Aran (Hebrew: Hrn) is a man in the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible. Inicio; Servicios. While sleeping, Jacob dreamt of a stairway that reached from the ground to heaven. God is at the top of the ladder and angels are going up and down it. Men in those days sometimes had more than one wife. Through his son Lot, Haran was the ancestor of the Moabites and Ammonites, and through his daughter Milcah he was ancestral to the Aramaeans. ii. 165), hollowed out in the great mass of rock, and covered with a large, thick, flat stone, in the middle of which a round hole had been left, which formed the opening of the cistern, and in many cases was closed up with a heavy stone, which it would take two or three men to roll away.). They were led into the Promised Land by Joshua; the victory at Jericho marked the beginning of possession of the land. I will give it to you and your children and your childrens children. During the journey Jacob dreamed of a stairway between heaven and earth on which angels were ascending and descending to the Lord at the top. Esau wanted to kill him for stealing the family blessing. He is persuaded to accept Jacobs gifts. 3. \nAlong came a beautiful woman named Rebekah. When Terah begat Abram Genesis 11:26 states that Terah lived 70 years, and he begat Abram, Nachor, and Haran. God was at the top of the ladder. Say: Jacob had packed up his family and set out, but as soon as he arrived at Beersheba, he stopped. Jacob agreed to stay and work for a few more years. God! The Book of Exodus itself attempts to ground the event firmly in history, dating the exodus to the 2666th year after creation (Exodus 12:40-41), the construction of the tabernacle to year 2667 (Exodus 40:1-2, 17), stating that the Israelites dwelled in Egypt for 430 years (Exodus 12:40-41), and including place names. Many are quick to point out doubt in Jacob's prayer (vs. 20-22), but after all it was only a dream, and it took all the rest of his life to make it a reality ( Genesis 48:3-4). In the natural, Elijah had no chance of reaching Jezreel before Ahab, for Ahab was using horses, Elijah simply running. How far from Gerar to beersheba? After receiving the blessings from his father, Jacob traveled from the land of Canaan to the city of Haran, in Mesopotamia, where his uncle Laban, Rebekah's brother, lived. Click here to download the slideshow or click here to download the pictures to print. (Note: Like the cistern Bir Beshat, described by Rosen., in the valley of Hebron, or those which Robinson found in the desert of Judah (Pal. While unproven, some apocryphal accounts state that at the time of her betrothal to Joseph, Mary was 1214 years old. Abrahams migration took place some time between 2000 B.C.E. After all of the bad things that Jacob did, he was about to learn some good lessons from the Lord. God commands Jacob to leave and return to his home but Laban attempts to squeeze even more years of work out of him. At the coastal end, this lowland routeway joined up with the Via Maris the Way of the Sea which ran along the coastal plain linking the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Sometimes we have good dreams and sometimes we have scary dreams. He was sold into slavery when he was about seventeen (see Genesis 37:2), and he was thirty years of age when he became vice-regent to the pharaoh (see Genesis 41:46). Place for reunion with Esau-Welcome Home sign and/or celebration balloons and decorations. Before Jacob arrived at his old home he had a visit from God (in the form of an angel). 8. Game to Play: One child covers his or her head and face with a white cloth or bridal veil (like Leah) and the groom has to guess who it is. Seeing the jewelry, Rebeccas brother Laban ran out to greet the guest and bring him inside. It was a declaration that there was a new future for humanity, based on the acceptance of monotheism. Use your own imagingation but you might include: Place where Jacob wrestles-pillows for sleeping, angel halo. Esau welcomed him. The Journey. Haran is located around 12180 KM away from Canaan so if you travel at the consistent speed of 50 KM per hour you can reach Canaan in 243.62 hours. He would let Jacob marry Rachel too. What happened? If God takes care of him as he says, then he vows to give God a tenth of what he has. The most famous of these encounters was Jacob's dream of a stairway to heaven, with angels ascending and descending on it, and the Lord standing above it ( Genesis 28:10-22 ). As long as you keep holding down the option/alt key, you can even click and then drag in a different direction. From Beersheba to the South Pole, it is mi (km) in the north. Set up a ladder in the room and have the children draw or make angels and place them on the steps. How many miles did Jacob travel from Beersheba to Haran? Genesis 35:1 God said to Jacob, "Arise, go up to Bethel, and live there. There will be many children and they will populate this land. God also promised to be with Jacobs family and protect them. His brother was so angry he wanted to kill him. Living in Succoth (33:17) The first place Jacob lives in Canaan after his return is on the east side of the Jordan, a location known as Succoth. Then Isaac would give Jacob the blessing instead of Esau. Laban said that Jacob could marry Rachel now but he would have to work another seven years in exchange. Jacob heard God say, I am the God of your grandfather Abraham and your father Isaac. (1) Jacob went on his journey.Heb., Jacob lifted up his feet, that is, hastened forward. 11 He came to a certain place and spent the night there, because the sun had set; and he took one of the stones of the place and put it under his head, and lay down in that place. These seven years seemed to Jacob but a few days, for the love he had for her. When they were complete and he was 84 years old he asked for his wife, but Laban deceived him by switching Rachel for her older sister, Leah, as the veiled bride. Because of its strategic position, the Jezreel Valley was the site of many battles. Jacob wrestles all night alone with God, seeking his blessing. Jacob lived in Egypt seventeen years, and the years of his life were a hundred and forty-seven. Jacob actually purchased a some land at Shechem. Jacob crosses the ford of the River Jabbok (the modern River Zarqa) at Mahanaim under cover of darkness. And Bethel means the 'House of God'. He traveled to Mesopotamia, to the city where Nahor lived. Yet, Elijah ran with the hand of God, shifting the tide and reaffirming the power of God beyond even the acts that took place on the mountain top. He puts his wives and children on camels and crosses the river (the River Euphrates) then heads for the hill country of Gilead. 2011-2023 Mission Bible Class. In the night he wrestles with someone referred to by various designations such as an angel, a man and even God himself. Jacob calls the place Peniel (face of God) as he has seen God face to face. Jacob goeth near to her; waters the flock, Genesis 29:10; tells her who he was, Genesis 29:12. How many years were between Moses and Paul? Rachel, in Genesis, the first book of the Hebrew Bible, one of the two wives of the patriarch Jacob. Foundation iBible Maps| Event Summary The Bible Journey | Scripture Links Bible Gateway. Most scholars think Jacob and his family still live in Hebron. The next morning Jacob got up very early and placed the stone on which hed been sleeping onto its side. His wives are jealous of each other and even bargain over the nights they spend with their husband. How far is it from Beersheba to the South Pole? Haranis one of the oldest cities on earth that is still inhabited today. There he made his camels kneel outside the city beside a well of water. They reached Egypt after a 65 kilometers journey where they lived for three years until after the death of Herod in 4 B.C. 2. Help Unite Jacob and Esau. Distance between Beersheba and Haran is 5340 KM / 3318.3 miles. He married Rachel too and then worked another seven years. Travelling north, he rests for the night at Luz (Bethel) and has an amazing dream. Gideon, himself, was born in the Vale of Jezreel at Ophrah usually identified as the modern-day city of Afula (see Judges 6:11 & 24). Jacob could not see Leah so he thought he was marrying Rachel. Home Travel Question: How Far Did The Servant And Rebekka Travel. It appears he is willing to use his family as a cushion for his own protection. And on that long stairway he saw angels going up and down! Esau ran up to his brother and hugged him. Up and down it wives, concubines and children on ahead to Esau while he himself! Under cover of darkness girls to him wife was Leah calls the Peniel... Is it from Beersheba to the South Pole, it is mi KM... Leave and return to his home but Laban attempts to squeeze even more years have to work another years... 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how far did jacob travel from beersheba to bethel