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drug information resources ppt

drug information resources ppt

Chapter 5: Literature Evaluation II: Beyond the Basics. Requester's name, address, method of contact (e.g., telephone), and category (e.g., health care discipline, patient, public). AS, Van These references may often serve as an initial place to identify information, due to the fact that they provide a fairly complete and concise overview of information available on a specific topic. GD, Rollings We provide pptx file download or online edit. Chapter 4: Drug Literature Evaluation I: Controlled Clinical Trial Evaluation. 2011 ed. Table 32 lists resources that may be useful for specific categories of drug information requests. Information is organized by disease state and color-coded to speed usage. Shannon The Code of Federal Regulations containing aspects of federal laws is available at http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/index.html. Often requestors may not have that information; therefore, it may be necessary to search for a manufacturer Web site to identify the specific individual ingredients and then look for information on the individual components. Patrick M. Malone, Meghan J. Malone, Sharon K. Park, Copyright McGraw HillAll rights reserved.Your IP address is 7. However, a question regarding the clinical trials supporting off-label use in a specific population will likely require a search of primary literature. 17th ed. In these cases, alternative resources may need to be employed. Example: jdoe@example.com. Included in this rotation is the preparation of a Drug Information Bulletin, a formulary drug review for the Drugs and Therapeutics Committee, a patient drug information pamphlet, and a journal club presentation. Is it possible to identify the author of the site to contact with additional questions or comments? This is most helpful when seeking more basic science information about activity of compounds on a cellular level. ), https://accesspharmacy.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?bookid=981§ionid=54480666. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. These organizations do not evaluate every Web site available, but instead only those who request evaluation. GG, Freeman Find out everything you need to know about drugs, their effects and the law. The compliance policy guide (CPG 608.400) Compounding of Drugs for Use in Animals and the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA) can be found at this site; these documents are considered essential reading for any pharmacist who practices veterinary pharmacy. Chapter 3: Drug Information Resources. Pharmacotherapy: a Pathophysiologic Approach. This resource is available online as well as for mobile devices. It is useful for regulatory issues pertaining to animal health. There are also text and graphics describing medication administration techniques for dogs and cats. Additional information about this program is available at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/loansome_doc.html. For example, when looking for treatment recommendations for management of irritable bowel syndrome it might be appropriate to contact the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (http://www.iffgd.org/) to obtain information about current practice standards as well as possible emerging therapies. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. Systems do not index all terms the same, so it is necessary to determine what terms a database is using in order to conduct a successful search. Drug interaction facts 2013: the authority on drug interactions. Drug Information Resources Tertiary Resources Secondary Resources Primary Resources Slide 3 Tertiary Resources They include: Textbooks Compendia Review articles Other general information such as may be found on the internet first-line resources when dealing with a drug information question. TK. There is a tablet identification section as part of the electronic format. Trissels 2 Clinical Pharmaceutics Database [Internet]. Porter From a clinical pharmacy perspective, veterinary medicine and human medicine complement each other, with the human-trained pharmacist being uniquely positioned to educate and serve veterinarians and animal owners. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. JE. Applied therapeutics: the clinical use of drugs. LV, Adejare These texts are also included in the Access Pharmacy electronic subscription. The information obtained from this literature is the basis for evidence-based practice. Trease and Evans pharmacognosy. Veterinarians outsource prescriptions to community pharmacists to help control inventory, high drug costs, and the need for compounded drug therapies. Drug Policy Browse information about drug policy in the United States. Birchrunville (PA): Food-Medication Interactions; 2012. The electronic resource has also partnered with the USP Verified program to indicate which supplements have been certified to contain a quality product by USP Verified. Create a poster (word document or ppt slide) about a drug: Include the following information: Describe this altered state of Expert Help Study Resources What is DailyMed? Most of the information needed by a practitioner can be found in these sources, making these excellent first-line resources when dealing with a drug information question. Truven Health Analytics, http://www.redbook.com This resource primarily contains data regarding prescription and OTC product availability and pricing. The recipient(s) will receive an email message that includes a link to the selected article. This text is also included in the Access Pharmacy electronic subscription. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. AHFS Drug Information is available in paper format (updated annually), an excerpted paper format (AHFS DIEssentials), and a mobile drug reference version. Barrons 5th ed. Information is also provided about legal and technical issues in compounding practices. http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/poison-control/, http://www.ahfsdruginformation.com/products.aspx. Washington, DC: US National Institutes of Health; [cited 1 Mar 2013]. Currently there are a variety of sources where consumers obtain their health information. KA, Polen 19th ed. HH, Peak In addition, the NLM has a video and posted questions to help determine high quality sites (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/evaluatinghealthinformation.html). Listed below are some examples of secondary databases and types of requests they are helpful in addressing. Micromedex: Drug Interaction . Drug Scheduling Learn about the categories used to classify drugs depending on their medical use and their potential for abuse. Stuttgart, Germany: Medpharm Scientific Publishers; 2008. This information is available in hardcopy, CD-ROM, via online MedicinesComplete subscription, and is also included in some Micromedex Healthcare Series packages. Evans Drug Information Center Goals1. Also, limited information about stability is available. The operator AND will combine two terms, returning only citations containing both of those concepts or terms. YJ. This list is not comprehensive and reflects only a limited number of resources available. How do I report missing or incorrect device records? Goodman & Gilmans: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 6th ed. Drugs in pregnancy and lactation: a reference guide to fetal and neonatal risk. The operator NOT would be helpful if a user wants to exclude certain topics, for example, a specific disease state. Comprehensive information is presented including pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, and disease management. Drug IV Compatibility. Some of the most popular resources may not be written at an appropriate level for a consumer to understand or may not provide helpful information for the patient. Pharmacokinetics - 4 weeks (longitudinal) The resident will learn the knowledge and skills to; DRUG INFORMATION RESOURCES BY Drug Information Unit (DIU) f INTRODUCTION The term drug information may have different meanings to different people depending on the context in which it is used. A-Z Drug (Generic) Information. However, if the requestor wanted information regarding use of either clonidine or guanfacine in this disease state, then the term OR might be used. Each practice setting requires slightly different primary literature based on the specific areas that are of greatest importance to that facility and the patients cared for in that location. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. Generally the best method to find information includes a stepwise approach moving first through tertiary (e.g., textbooks, full-text databases, review articles), then secondary (e.g., indexing or abstracting services), and finally primary (e.g., clinical studies) literature. CK, Hodding For example, if a requestor asked about use of a dietary supplement product called GABA Plus in ADHD, it would be difficult to search for information, unless the requestor was able to provide a list of ingredients contained in the product. The center has extensive experience in assisting veterinarians in poison management by providing immediate and specific treatment recommendations. In addition to these resources aimed at consumers, there are consumer-specific sections of many tertiary resources discussed earlier. Philadelphia (PA): Saunders/Elsevier; 2012. T, Nathan 4th ed. For example, if looking for information regarding the herbal product ginkgo, it may be helpful to search under the botanical name, common name(s), as well as common alternative spellings. King Guide Publications, http://www.kingguide.com Over 450 IV drug monographs are provided. The Web site, http://www.petplace.com, has pet centers focusing on different species (dog, cat, bird, horses, fish, reptiles, and small mammals) and is written for laypersons. Contains information about various medications as well as disease states and conditions. It is important to remember that different search engines use different techniques to identify Web pages, and that no search engines identify all Web sites. Pharmacother. Saunders; 2012. Medpharm Publishers, http://www.medpharm.de This drug information source contains information on drugs available in over 130 countries. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. Gold Standard, http://www.clinicalpharmacology.com This electronic database contains monographs of prescription and nonprescription products as well as some dietary supplements. Preparation extends beyond simply informing employees about a drug-free workplace policy or program. This is available in loose-leaf, bound, online, and mobile device formats. REPOTOX [Internet]. There is also limited patient counseling information, but the strength of this resource is in the chemistry and pharmacology information. information on how best to use drugs for populations. However, many articles are not available via open access routes; in those cases alternative techniques may be needed. 3. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier; 2010. Index nominum: international drug directory. types of drug or medical information. R. Evaluation of personal digital assistant software for drug interactions. WM, Berns Saunders, http://www.us.elsevierhealth.com This text is available in print, CD-ROM, mobile device, and Internet (http://www.cecilmedicine.com) formats. This resource has also partnered with AHFS (described above) to offer an electronic subscription combining their two databases in a seamless search. Generally, a request from a consumer or patient could more appropriately be answered from available tertiary resources than from a stack of clinical trials. Initial basic toxicology data are provided, but the majority of this text focuses on management of toxicologic emergencies with a variety of common drugs, botanicals, pesticides, and other occupational or environmental hazards. The online resource also includes tablet identification features as well as medication pricing information. Accessibility http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/CentersOffices/OfficeofFoods/CVM/default.htm This Web site provides information for pharmacists about the legal or regulatory issues that affect the practice of veterinary pharmacy or veterinary medicine. SB, Trevor This is not a resource focused on patient care issues. Montvale (NJ): Thomson Reuters Healthcare; 2011. Washington, DC: American Pharmacists Association; 2011. Recent revisions have dramatically increased the amount of information included in patient counseling sections. What sources should be consulted to determine the appropriateness of this choice? This text is also included in the Access Pharmacy electronic subscription. However, there are several disadvantages to the use of primary literature alone. Additionally, the use of the term pediatric may just refer to the medical specialty caring for pediatric in some resources, rather than treatment of a pediatric patient population. MD, McClowskey Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013. After completing this chapter, the reader will be able to. Other sources used to provide drug. Additionally, there is less lag time between publication and inclusion in the database. lB*cuU&(')*kh4KI/b,[(|BEe_%!*Y{{;}w hWWIeR$ Gd:>iS&=2\DZ @Y R*\@c>\&Sj5 6TPRI#a*\&l2*[th*Q'-AGShk9Nf%O)H!7vZb, IFs0B2#P HJv9#DB A,$1Vi 30r822fGlgb8q/?~&mwx~$XV)O L~.UVbd|Pdi !)@ !4 Due to factors such as cost and memory requirements practitioners must be judicious in their selection of databases to purchase for a mobile device. Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, Dosage Recommendations (General and organ impairment). Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Its focus is on clinical casebased presentation of information. 12th ed. Additionally, many electronic networked resources allow use of the same resource at more than one location. The main focus of this database is pharmacy information, including pharmacy administration and clinical services, making it the most comprehensive global database for pharmacy specific information. For example, PubMed links users to open access journal publications and articles resulting from NIH-funded research through PubMed Central (http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/). A summary of relevant clinical trials is also available. Aronson JL, Loscalzo 2004;61(19):2023-32. Elsevier, http://www.elsevier.com This text is designed with a student focus and emphasizes therapeutic impact of pharmacology. Bubble Answer Sheet hydroseed nozzle Grade Level: 4. When trying to improve the overall quality of searching secondary references, drug information specialists have looked at the use of filters to provide better searching strategies. actor observer bias vs fundamental attribution error, data integration specialist superbadge challenge 8,

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drug information resources ppt