medical pick up lines dirty
Stand back. The site contains affiliate links and commission may be paid to the site as a result. Because youve been looking right all day. 4. Because someone needs to cut the tension between us. 28. Can I be your ophthalmologist cause I can't stop looking into your eyes. Youre systemic, and Im pulmonary. 4. "Me and you would undergo a more energetic reaction then Potassium and water.". Wake up happy! Id check your blood sugar, but youre sweet enough. We have compiled over 150+ best doctor pick up lines in this post. 3. Without you, even a defibrillator wont save me. Im stuck prepping slides, but thinking of you. I need a life. 14. Hospital jokes and medical humorwill definitely be appreciatedand you have hopes of meeting The One. 8. 31. When you walked in the door, your beauty hit me so hard that I have priapism from all the trauma. Why study an embryo when we can make one! You must be the one for me Since my selectively permeable membrane let you through. Youd better be a cardiologist, because something about you makes me want to give you my heart. I can find every pulse in your body! 23. If you're one of the guys who spend their afternoons swiping on different dating apps and yet aren't communicating with anyone, you're probably suffering from blank page syndrome. Sleep with an anesthesiologist! You can call me metronidazole because I do great work below the diaphragm without needing air. I dont want an apple a day because I dont want you to go away. My sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia makes me think Im falling for you. 14. I'm a medic, I know your body better than you do! 4. I wish I were your coronary artery, so I can be wrapped around your heart. 49+ Cute Medical Pick up Lines For Doctors (Witty, Funny,, 51+ Best Engineering Pick up Lines (Funny, Dirty, Flirty,, 69+ Doctor Pick up Lines (Medical Students flirty lines), 30+ Best Uno Pick up Lines (Funny, Flirty, Witty Pun), 79+ Cute Disney Pick Up Lines [Magical Flirty, Funny,, *Best* EMO Pick up Lines (GF/BF Dirty, Funny, Cheesy,, 51+ Best Engineering Pick up Lines (Funny, Dirty, Flirty, Jokes Puns), *Best* EMO Pick up Lines (GF/BF Dirty, Funny, Cheesy, Flirty), 99+ Pizza Pick up Lines (Funny Pineapple hugot lines), 89+ Best Bumble Pick up Lines, Opening Chat up Lines, Best Tinder Pick up Lines to Get Laid (Funny, Cheesy, Dirty), 99+ Hilarious Minecraft Pick Up Lines/Chat Up Lines, (79+) Accounting Pick Up Lines (Accountant Funny Hugot, Taglines), 50+ Terrifying Death Pick Up Lines (Dying, Suicide, Died), [99+] Best Nerdy Pick-up Lines (The Geekly), 49+ Cowboy Pick up Lines (Cowgirl, Western Lines). Here are some extremely dirty pick up lines to say to a guy to charm him. You must be proline-rich because youre kinky. I'm not trying to pressure you. If youve been waiting forever to ask someone out, you dont want to botch that either. When you're way past that awkward dating stage and want to reveal that naughty mind of yours, give one of these dirty pick up lines a try. Top 101 Dirty Pick Up Lines You Should Be Using | Les Listes Come into my office and take off your pants. Youre soo sweet, youre giving me a toothache. Cardiac Nurse Pickup Lines. Sleep with ananesthesiologist! I want to melt in your mouth. You're the sinoatrial node of my heart. Because youre paralyzing. 13. Go to my room. Do you believe in love at first site, or do I have to walk by again? Medical pick up lines - 128+ Lines Be-lung Together2023 I seem to be suffering from a lack of Vitamin U. Moreover, you can even use them as tinder openers during hot situations like how to flirt with a medical student through physical therapy. 190 R-Rated Dirty Pick Up Lines | Thought Catalog Hoorah! Cause baby you be spinning my head, Are you an a-fib? Financial advice should likewise, not take the place of a dedicated financial advisor. 35. Will you turn me on? 3. Did we have class together? From cheesy jokes about stethoscopes to puns about needles, these lines are sure to make your date smile. I've heard the only way to feel safe at night is to sleep with a nurse. Trust me, I KNOW how to palpate you right! Why? I just want to swab you up and down, then left and right, until were both afebrile. Dirty pick up lines | Pickupliness 10. I swear we had chemistry! Or you just rocked my world?! My sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia makes me think I'm falling for you. Are you an anesthesiologist? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A funny joke that shows your witty sense of humor will make you instantly appear more attractive. Therefore, if youve got your eyes on someone in the staff, you should always be prepared. 3. 25 of the Very Best Medical Pick-up Lines | AIMS Education Girl, are you my ex-fix? Your body is a wonderland, and I want to be Alice. I hope my love for you is arterial, because I don't want it to be all in vein. 8. 2. I didnt plan on specializing, but you seem pretty special to me. 107. Law Of Attraction Signs Someone Is Thinking About You. Maybe you need a little Vitamin ME in your life. You took my breath away. Please lower your standards and go out with me. My couch pulls out but I don't. Let's play house. Because you're making me drool. Because Im pretty sure I fractured every bone in my body falling for you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lets take a look at how medical pick-up lines, or any pick-up line, works. Youre both hot. You're giving me torticolis by the way you're making my head turn. Do you have an inhaler? Youre both hot. Because youre giving me a serious bone condition! My love for you is so strong it cant be dialyzed. If I was an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me? 13. 53+ Pick Up Lines for Girls to Use on Guys (Flirting Lines) 67+ Best Vine Pick up Lines to make you laugh (Flirty, Puns) Is Your Name Pick-up Lines? Use this compiled a list of cheesy and clever Doctor, Nurse, Hospital related Pick Up Lines. I wish I was your coronary artery so that I could be wrapped around your heart. Go for brainy medical puns if it seems the mood is right, or try out your best funny medical punsfrom a trusty stash if you can't call it. Are you worth the side effects, girl? First we'll get hammered, then I'll nail you. Not everyone is a natural comedian; in fact, were pretty certain the majority of us arent. Because you take my breath away. Sleep with an anesthesiologist! 104. Youre looking hot today. If I flip a coin, what do you reckon my chances are of getting head. Sleep with an anesthesiologist! Cause I have a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me feel like I should take you out!, Did you cut my phrenic nerve? Because I'm falling all over the place for you. Dirty Pick Up Lines That Will Make You Cringe! Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but heres an IV, so dont die, maybe? The way you talk to me leaves me aphasic. What do you and a febrile patient have in common? If I go into cardiac arrest, will you give me mouth to mouth? Also, if you have more exciting pick-up lines I didnt mention here, please share them with me. You're systemic and I'm pulmonary. You be the engineer and I'll go choo-choo. No really, I'm certified to do it! We have so much in common. Contribute to #LifeofaMedStudent! 30. 26. That's because humor is one of the best ways to reduce stress. Cause I have a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me feel like I should take you out! Did you alter my vestibular apparatus?! Pick up lines are a very clever way of charming the one you like, without seeming too obvious. Im no organ donor, but Id happy to give you my copulatory organ. 14. Are you drowning? 69+ Best Alphabet Pick up Lines (U & I) ?. Stand back, Im a doctor. No one else can cut off your clothes, restrain you, and sedate you like a medic can Wanna play? (In case you didn't get that.) Did you cut my phrenic nerve? Your email address will not be published. Im jealous of your stethoscopeI am the one who should be wrapped around your neck! Top 100 Dirty Pickup Lines for Your S.O. - Raunchy Pickup Lines Because Im feeling the urge to give you CPR. Posts about medical experiences are fictional in nature, and any likeness to any persons, patients, or academic centers is coincidental only. ;). Because Im falling all over the place for you. 26. You must be giving me diabetes insipidus because when Im around you, I cant concentrate (my urine). Are you my appendix? Often, the way you envisage meeting the person of your dreams isnt anywhere close to the reality. 69. Youd better be a cardiologist, because something about you makes me want to give you my heart. Medical pick up lines will surely be appreciated while you have hopes of coming across the special one. Oh, and by the way, you have my consent. Did you cut my phrenic nerve? Copy This. 15. 23. Can I be your ophthalmologist cause I cant stop looking into your eyes. Doctor Pick Up Lines Funny. Roses are red, violets are blue, you make my heart skip, I think I have Mobitz type II! Are you drowning? [41+] Best EMT Pick up Lines (Medical Cheesy, Dirty, Flirty,, 49+ Cute Medical Pick up Lines For Doctors (Witty, Funny,, 30+ Best Uno Pick up Lines (Funny, Flirty, Witty Pun), 51+ Best Engineering Pick up Lines (Funny, Dirty, Flirty,, 59+ Electrician Pick up Lines (Dirty Electrical Puns, Jokes), 40+ Funny Perverted Pick up Lines (Dirty, Witty, Flirty, 105+ Volleyball Pick up Lines (Flirty, Witty, Funny Lines), 99+ Pizza Pick up Lines (Funny Pineapple hugot lines), 89+ Best Bumble Pick up Lines, Opening Chat up Lines, Best Tinder Pick up Lines to Get Laid (Funny, Cheesy, Dirty), 99+ Hilarious Minecraft Pick Up Lines/Chat Up Lines, (79+) Accounting Pick Up Lines (Accountant Funny Hugot, Taglines), 50+ Terrifying Death Pick Up Lines (Dying, Suicide, Died), [99+] Best Nerdy Pick-up Lines (The Geekly), 49+ Cowboy Pick up Lines (Cowgirl, Western Lines). Medical pick up lines will surely be appreciated while you have hopes of coming across the special one. If you need a love doctor, I have, like, a medicated degree. Copy This. Specialist, would you be able to retouch my messed up heart since you were the one to break it? 20. The right approach is to acknowledge this reality and forge ahead with humorous self . 1. Love exists everywhere, even in your profession as an EMT. Funny pick up lines for doctors. Because you have acute-phase! Check them out! Are you a pulmonary embolism? Please lower your standards and go out with me.
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