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robin webb phil graham photos

robin webb phil graham photos

Eugene Meyer had bought the Washington Post at auction for eight hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars in 1933, and in 1946 he made Phil its publisher. Five months later, Phil Graham, once again in a trough of depression, ended the affair and came home.}. For all his seeming irreverence and liberality, Phil Graham was no less domineering than any other husband of his day: Always, it was he who decided and I who responded. Mrs. Grahams personal relations with the powerful and the once powerful became, if anything, even more visible after Watergate. My limousine driver had been given strict instructionsand a sizable bribeto wait outside in case of emergency. Phil received the larger share of the stock because, as Dad explained to me, no man should be in the position of working for his wife. Inside the TV Star's Beverly Hills Home. Contact Us He was married to Katharine Graham, the daughter of Eugene Meyer, the previous owner of The Washington Post. I rang her up and explained the situation. Despite Phil s constant self-flagellation about being the son-in-law of a rich and powerful clan, he did not shy from the advantages for long. So does her imperious carriage. All right, she told Bradlee on the telephone, in the midst of a reception at her house, with the Posts lawyer counselling caution in her free ear. . He loved me, and I loved him. Ups and Downs. Since Eisenhower was not very interested, except in theory, and was concentrating on his vacation golf games, there was a vacuum within the administration. Curie. I told you how lonely it had been when I had visited my Far Country and how I could not get near enough to help you in your Far Country. He had left me for good, and it was almost more than I could bear. Mr. Someone -- I've never been sure who -- reached President Kennedy, who agreed to the use of a government plane to transport the doctors to get Phil. She had not thought about what marriage entailed in the way of relationships to spouse and children, Graham writes. Phil stunned Katharine by proposing marriage to her almost instantly, and he followed up the proposal with an insistence that they set out for Florida and a life without family money. In some ways, this was the bottom moment for me -- very confusing, very difficult, and very painful. He was acutely aware of the dilemma that arose from the fact that, as he put it, "a newspaper must be a successful commercial enterprise in order to survive. When she suggested to the Newsweek editors that it might be a good idea to hire Aline Saarinen, of the Times, to edit the back of the book, they brushed the suggestion off, saying that the closings were too late, that the physical demands of the job would be too much. Join Facebook to connect with Robin H Webb and others you may know. Phil received the larger share of the stock because, as Dad explained to me, no man should be in the position of working for his wife. He was really a. Phil and my mother also got along well. Then I lied. This time, he saw his departure as final. This is, for me, the most painful thing to look back on. . He came to Washington in 1917 as a dollar-a-year man for the Wilson Administration; and, while he was holding a variety of positions on the War Industries Board, the Farm Loan Board, and the Federal Reserve Board, the Meyers became friendly with Bernard Baruch, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Charles Evans Hughes. Phil very much wanted to go to Glen Welby for a break from the hospital, and had started to work on the doctors to obtain their permission. At some point, however, not quite three weeks after Christmas Eve, the phones started to work again between Phil and Robin. He stormed the podium and berated Phil, Kennedy said, when you get elected dogcatcher I will listen to you on politics. But in fact Kennedy had listened to him. Gone not to my Far Country but to my Destiny. He was one month shy of his 31st birthday, the youngest publisher of a major newspaper in America. Robin Webb. It is hard to remember now just how far in front the Times was after the Second World War. I told her that this woman, this very important woman, was gravely ill and in need of immediate medical attention. journalism. Shortly after this, my father seems to have brought up with both of us the possibility of Phil's working at the paper after the war. Food News Surrounded by her male editors and executives, Graham could recognize in herself the same reflexes of deference she had learned as a daughter and as a wife. I was already committed to Kennedy. His widow was left to confront all the myths and all the insulations that her marriage, her class, and her sex had imposed on her. Dr. Phil McGraw and Robin McGraw during TNT's "Christmas in Washington 2004" - Show and Audience at National Building Museum in Washington, DC, D.C.,. She had not yet developed the steely mask that would later trouble the sleep of her adjutants. The only thanks you ever seem to receive is a deafening chorus of carping criticism. (I had a French dressa Balmain design, copied at Bergdorf Goodman, she writes. She went ahead with the publication of the Pentagon Papers, and she backed her reporters and editors during Watergate, when the Post Companys survival was under threat and the paper was all alone in pursuing the story. . @robin.webb.100. As a way to solidify this code, Ochs developed the idea of a paper of record.. The Post Company had gone public just two days before getting the papers, and publication could easily have affected its stock prices for the worse. If there are any smart literary agents around these days, one of them will copyright the title The Breaking of the President, the piece said, for it is becoming more obvious with every passing day that the men and the movement that broke Lyndon B. Johnsons authority in 1968 are out to break Richard M. Nixon in 1969.. . He sparked ideas, praised and persuaded, criticized and cajoled. They both loved power and its use for what they thought of as desirable purposes. At that point, Phil got together with {columnist} Joe Alsop to discuss the merits of Lyndon Johnson as Kennedy's running mate. From the earliest days of our relationship, for instance, I thought that we had friends because of him and were invited because of him. It introduced him to Felix Frankfurter. Her gesture in retrospect seems to me undignified, considering the awful slamming we were taking from him, she writes. My father said, "Done." When Eisenhower finally sent in federal troops, Phil saw it as a defeat not only for the South but for himself. Robin Webb. For years, whatever directive I may have issued ended with the phrase if its all right with you. If I thought Id done anything to make someone unhappy, Id agonize. I had begun writing so-called light editorials and laying out parts of the editorial page. On the first great story of her era as publisherthe war in Vietnamthe Posts performance was nearly an embarrassment. I was charmed and dazzled. It was my paying all our living expenses that had allowed Phil to purchase his stock with his income from The Post. My feeling that something fundamental had been destroyed was a result of my total commitment and my belief that these feelings went both ways. In his first, brief tenure at The Post, Ben Bradlee was deeply distressed by the side of Phil that used the paper to achieve his political purposes, however worthy. She attended the Madeira School, in McLean, Virginia, one of the few girls schools intent on training young women for a career. Hamill interspersed a faux-sprightly account of the party (And Truman was just marvelous!) with The helicopter landed in a scrubby open field six miles north of Bong Son. It wasnt subtle, but it hit home. Phil wrote him on March 17, 1940, in his nervousness misspelling my name: "I am going to get married. I then talked in terms I had inherited from Phil and in a way I would never have done laterand that embarrasses me now, she writes. It is not usually advisable, or possible, to argue with a Soviet bus, but my priorities were clear. As she grew older and more self-confident, she could be imperious, even frightening to her editors and executives, but her desire to please, or at least to get along with, those in power, never entirely faded. ", "Washington City Paper has made me feel like I am part of the D.C. This is about enough to mention about the family except possibly to reemphasize that they are lousy rich -- for instance, they live in an absurdly huge vulgar castle here, have another in N.Y., have a ranch in Wyoming, etc. I had visions of that fellow in the balloon, high above the plain, floating into journalistic obscurity, so I did what one cannot ordinarily do with a babushka. The phone rang and I picked it up, not realizing that Phil, too, had picked it up, in his dressing room, with the door shut. friends for the Aegean cruise. Phil Graham was forty-eight when he died. Philip L. Graham. Phil was born in 1915 in . In one case, there were 200 whites arrayed against an equal number of blacks -- with Park Police on horses in the middle. In my boyhood as a reporter, I nearly killed the matriarch of the liberal-media conspiracy. View the profiles of people named Robin Webb. A nice full head of hair, and well combed. The whole idea of buying Newsweek and adding yet another huge responsibility to his already too-full plate made me nervous. In an otherwise blissful spring of journalistic overload, a time when the merest cough in the Kremlin merited front-page attention, it came about that the Post and its sister publication, Newsweek, were being awarded a plum: an interview with the General Secretary of the Communist Party. But there was also a certain Africa-based correspondent who carved his own career coffin by arranging for a balloon safari over the Masai Mara at dawn; just as the sun was glinting off the savanna and the balloon was rising above a herd of grazing giraffes, Mrs. Graham is said to have turned to the correspondent and announced, with a profane burr, You know, I didnt travel all the way here to be a fucking tourist. It is said that the correspondent ended up as a recipe checker in the food section. At one of the embassies, I found a young woman who was said to own a blow-dryer and a brush. The cost of failure was incalculable. I think he felt he'd done such harm the last time around that he just couldn't deal with it, couldn't fix everything. I adopted the assumption of many of my generation that women were intellectually inferior to men, that we were not capable of governing, leading, managing anything but our homes and our children. After a short while, Phil got up, saying he wanted to lie down in a separate bedroom he sometimes used. Once married, we were confined to running houses, providing a smooth atmosphere, dealing with children, supporting our husbands. I have now gone. Unlike Phil, I find it hard to express emotion. Basketball . From Sioux Falls, Phil and Robin flew to Phoenix, where many of the nation's most prominent publishers were gathered for a meeting of the Associated Press. The message was that Col. Robert McCormick {the newspaper baron who had purchased the Times-Herald five years before} wanted $8.5 million for the paper. Phil drove me home, and we talked for a long time. Performance/Dance (The Meyers had five children, of whom Katharine was the fourth.) To a reporter, and especially a reporter in 1996, there doesnt seem to be a need to make any decision at all. In doing so, she and her editor, Ben Bradlee, dragged the Post out of the sea of the ordinary and made it great, made it a rival of the New York Times. John Ehrlichman, Ronald Ziegler, H. R. Haldeman, and Nixon himself all charged the Post with disloyalty. With me in the lead, the three of us walked down a ramp and past what appeared to be a coffin-size box with open slats. Phil remained loyal to Johnson until he lost the bid for the nomination. There is no doubt that the vast majority of reporters at papers like the Post are themselves more liberal than the general population: a recent poll showed that eighty-nine per cent of Washington-based correspondents voted for Clinton in 1992. Graham eventually met Australian journalist Robin Webb, and in 1962 they began an affair. I also said that I admired the legislation he himself had got passed and was for him and wanted to make sure he knew it.. There were moments of strain between us, mostly when he drank too much, after which -- almost inevitably -- a rather violent quarrel would ensue, followed by abject apologies and diminished drinking, or even a temporary period of no drinking at all. Music D.C. Simple Pleasures. Mrs. Grahamone always referred to her as Mrs. Graham, even in private and at great distancesdid not travel in the style of the British Raj, but she was not arriving on a Eurailpass, either. I bolted out of the room and ran around in a frenzy looking for him. In fact, Graham played a significant role in convincing JFK to appoint Johnson to the vice presidency instead of Missouri Senator Stuart Symington. Dr. Phil and Wife Robin Live in a Sprawling Mansion! In the summer of 1963, Phil seemed to be getting betterhe was undergoing treatment at a psychiatric center in Marylandand there was even hope of resuming a normal life at home. I hadnt realized that the Post wasnt perfectly okay.). On Saturday, Aug. 3, Phil's driver picked him up at Chestnut Lodge, and then they came to R Street to get me. An exception is David Halberstams 1979 book, The Powers That Be, which provides a vivid group portrait of the men and women behind the Post, CBS, Time, and the Los Angeles Times. In the beginning, even Richard Nixon got the same treatment. I cannot tell you how pained I am by the circumstances which have caused you, quite unnecessarily, distress and concern, Jovanovich wrote in a cowering letter to Mrs. Graham. As far as I know, Katharine Graham had not written much since her early days on the Post, when she wrote a magazine column and was the anonymous author of such editorials as On Being a Horse, Mixed Drinks, and Spotted Fever. And yet I dont know of a more complex autobiography by an American business figure, certainly not one that allows itself such moments of weakness, embarrassment, and pain. Otis Chandler and his wife, Missy, met Phil and Robin at the airport. They met earlier that year. After the war, Phil Graham was even more national security conscious than before. Toward the end of her life, I was a success in her eyes, and perhaps that is what she loved. He contracted polio at less than one year of age and, due to the lack of metal immediately after the second world war, was placed by doctors in a plaster of Paris cast for two and a half years. And by now helping you I believe and I pray I shall help you. Phil Graham's descent into the abyss of manic depression accelerated, and on 24 December 1962 she discovered that he was embroiled in an affair with a Newsweek stringer, Robin Webb. This was my most important contribution to the interview with the General Secretary of the Communist Party. Both Phil and Felix worked on Joe throughout our dinner, suggesting that the most important first step for the 1950s was the right to vote. After lunch, we went upstairs to our bedroom for a nap. For all its glamour and great personages, Personal History is a litany of humiliations, incidents in which the memoirist faults herself for lack of judgment, of independence, or of strength. that he wrote speeches for him and advised him on civil rights and key appointments; he even had power of attorney for Johnson and went out and found him a house to buy. I told him I had the feeling that he thought my point of view was different from Phils, but that in general Phil and I had agreed. For years, Katharine witnessed her husbands violent mood swingshis periods of heavy drinking, his bizarre behavior, his prolonged depressions. I remember his commenting on how well Phil wrote and how much he'd like to have him work for The Washington Post. It was not long before he began looking around town to buy a newspaper. . . One doctor told a friend later, "Phil was determined to get out and really was unbelievably masterful in his ability to manipulate people." Sometimes Katharine glimpsed her parents as they were dressing to go out, or as Agnes was being massaged and manicured in preparation for the evenings entertainment. To win the paper, Phil employed the most feared lawyer in Washington, Edward Bennett Williams. She supported Roosevelt, but her political values were essentially conservative and well within the boundaries of the American upper classes. When she spoke to her daughter, it was often in the barbed rhythm of insult. Phils greatest successes were in business: buying and absorbing the Times-Herald in 1954, purchasing Newsweek (for a song) in 1961, and making inroads against the dominant paper in town, the Evening Star (which folded in 1981). See Photos. It was not what Phil needed at that time, but it was what he wanted -- an irresistible temptation to be engaged in an exciting venture that would, in fact, alter the shape of the world. He stepped up his connection to Lyndon Johnson. That. Mrs. Graham seemed not to mind the nasty benches or the almost very funny clowns. Insofar as she was capable of love, I think she loved my father and us, but she was highly complex, and at times deeply unhappy. In her own memoir, Agnes wrote of rebelling against the responsibilities of marriage; she behaved, she said, as if the whole world were in a conspiracy to flatten out my personality and cast me into a universal mold called woman.. . It's hard to describe my devastation after my discovery of the affair. He began actively recruiting young people with potential, as well as more established reporters and editors. Robin, who is a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and best-selling author, opened up about their marriage on her husband's podcast, "Phil in the Blanks." "We don't have the perfect marriage," she admitted. And he wanted many things. Without Graham working as a go-between at the 1960 Democratic Convention, Kennedy might never have picked Johnson as his running mate. What made the situation even more complicated was the status of the Post. With Webb, he traveled to a publishing convention in Phoenix and caused a stir when, taking the microphone in a manic state, he started talking about the alleged affairs of John F. Kennedy, with whom he had been closely associated for some time. To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories, To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. At Vassar and at the University of Chicago, Katherine took an interest in left-wing politics, which were very much in the air, but always her sense and her sense of breeding prevented her from taking what seemed like extreme steps. She did not have to. Getting it launched was a full-time job, requiring massive organizational skills, infinite tact and patience, and a huge amount of time and energy. Most of the year following Phil's breakdown was spent in slow, gradual recovery. I went because it was my Destiny. I heard Phil and Robin talking to each other in words that made the situation plain. This arrangement was never an issue. Events, Football Since architects can't go up, they feel like they have to use every inch, so it's a striking building that takes up 80 percent of its block near 12th and F streetsthere are trees and an open area. Weymouth's brother, Stephen Graham,. Agnes was perennially engaged in writing books-in-progress. {Rauh favored a much broader civil rights bill, but the Senate had watered it down.} Phil asked Joe to bring Felix Frankfurter along. Olympic Sports, Savage Love I found it impossibly difficult to learn and never really did, although my children tried having me learn by stamping out cigarettes and drying myself with bath towels. Only a few minutes later, there was the ear-splitting noise of a gun going off indoors. Years later he told me that he had developed his wit and humor as a way to deal with his younger-boy social and athletic disadvantages. Darren has released eleven albums to date, plus she has been featured on various other albums and compilations. Robin Webb (Songbird) See Photos. But then, at intermission, she seemed to tire. Despite his early apprehensions about my father's wealth, politics, and possible impulse to control, Phil gradually grew very close to him. Certainly he saw his whole endeavor as useless unless he could project a future for The Post in the family. In the process of blowing his stack, as only he could do, Ben felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to find Phil, who said, "Okay, buster, come with me," and led the way to his office. For whatever reason, I liked to be dominated and to be the implementer. Why are Vladimir Putins opponents dying? She really does seem to believe that Watergate was an aberration. We don't have one. Soon Phil began telling his friends that he was going to divorce his wife and marry Robin Webb. He and his girlfriend flew to Phoenix to attend a meeting of The Associated Press. The babushka melted. The legends of correspondents and their varying abilities to cope with a royal visit were countless. Sometimes you become friends with people with whom you work because of some common interest or just because you have to work together. The story would run on the front page of The Post unless the people with the power to do something about it integrated the pools. During the McCarthy era, the Post acquitted itself well, especially in the reports of Murrey Marder, but when everyone from the Chicago Tribune to a two-bit conservative publication entitled Plain Talk attacked the Post as Washingtons Pravda, Graham showed dangerous signs of capitulation. Robin Webb. Grahams mentor, Felix Frankfurter, talked him out of firing Barth, but Graham did print an apologetic note in the paper undermining the original editorial. I began keeping a little accounts book, dutifully noting every penny spent, including the cost of gas and oil for the car, stamps, groceries, even our personal allowances, which were $9 each per week. He felt he owned it because he had worked for 17 years to make it a success, so from his point of view the paper was his. Now I can see how extraordinary -- and out of order -- it was for a Supreme Court justice to be stepping over the boundaries to this extent, but I didn't then. "We have worked out this solution: we'll live in the sort of house, have the sort of furniture, eat the sort of food, go to the sort of places, that young people making salaries like mine can afford.". Probably the greatest debate the paper must face, both in the newsroom and as a story, is the divide between black and white. After much talk, consultation, and soul-searching, Phil finally decided to accept. Still, I believed that with enough rest he'd recover and we'd go on. Facebook. On Aug. 3, 1963, former Washington Post publisher Philip Graham, having struggled with severe bouts of depression for at least five years, went into the bathroom of his family farm near Marshall, Va., and committed suicide with a 28-gauge shotgun. I see nothing wrong with the fact that people in power often deal with others on more than one level, she writes. He does not have to invent himself, nor does he have to invent a set of principles. Im not sure she was ever really able to. At that meeting he offered him the vice-presidency -- both because he thought he had to and because he thought that Johnson would not accept. The next step in the battle for civil rights was on. In later years, he wanted to mold the career of his friend Senator Lyndon Johnson. Son: Stephen Meyer Graham (b. Phil then cut a deal. I had to face facts -- Phil was really gone. At the beginning of 1954, an event occurred that led up to what I still think of as the defining moment for the company: the unexpected acquisition of the Times-Herald {the other morning paper in Washington}. There he was diagnosed with manic depression, a condition today known as bipolar disorder. It was he who instilled in Phil a distrust, fear, and horror of any drugs, not to mention shock therapy, claiming that these treatments reduced people to something less than human -- something tranquilized and fishlike. Early the next day, Phil and Larry in Paris both wrote letters to Stanton. After a short while, Phil got up, saying he wanted to lie down in a separate bedroom he sometimes used. She hardly exists in Woodward and Bernsteins books, and she is portrayed in cardboard terms almost everywhere else. How Dangerous Is Getting Shot in the Shoulder? This was in 1988, and I had recently been assigned to the Washington Posts bureau in Moscow. Graham was gambling every sort of inheritance that was important to her: the paper, her fortune, and, perhaps most important, the judgment of the ghosts who crowded around her. On the appointed day, I put on my good blue suit, fired up the office Volvo, and proudly drove the hairdresser to Mrs. Grahams suite at the National Hotel. But those who worked in the Posts newsroom knew one infinitely reassuring fact about Mrs. Graham: that at the most important moments of her professional life she did the right thing. After a hurricane struck in 1926, the sugar company gave up and his father developed a dairy business on some of the land. There is plenty of material in Personal History to satisfy the most obvious expectationsall the familiar episodes of the Posts history are replayed, and famous faces bob into sight as if in a capital version of Grand Hotelbut more interesting is the degree to which this memoir is a description of the muggy intimacy of the world of Washington and the way one powerful woman learned to live her life there. He knew everyone in the building, always taking on the problems of people who worked for him -- worrying over someone's sick child, unmet mortgage payment, health crisis. Suddenly, an enormous claw lunged out of the box and toward the innocent calf of the chairman of the Washington Post Company. Museums/Galleries The talent level in the newsroom began to shift, and so did the culture of the place. Under Ochs, the Times institutionalized the notion of nonpartisan, objective reporting. We in Moscow had neither the time nor the luxury that would allow us to confirm these legends. If we should ever meet again, I would like to tell you some of my thoughts on what I have come to recognize as a kind of editorial blackmail, in which persons say that if you reject a work. Her name is Katherine Meyer and I've not a doubt in the world that you'll love her. He refused to be used, particularly by my mother, or to be dominated by her. Graham had every reason to refuse or defer publication of the Pentagon Papers. To the surprise of some, she easily warded off the blandishments of Samuel I. Newhouse (once with a somewhat duplicitous Theodore Sorensen as her agent) and the Times-Mirror Company. In effect [Bill and Steve] lost both parents at once. And yet his periods of lucidity and humor, of lively intelligence, were frequent enough to confuse her and delay any sense of reckoning. On Aug. 3, having apparently made noticeable improvements, he convinced doctors to let him take a retreat to the Virginia farmhouse. She'd been told that Harvard was the best, so her dying wish was that he go there. He was raised in Miami where his father, Ernest R. ("Cap") Graham, made a career in farming and real estate, and was elected to the State Senate. . Before making speeches, she shook with terror; in the face of unsettling news, she had the unfortunate habit of breaking down in tears. Phil felt such urgency about co-opting Stanton that he decided to send a personal messenger to ensure that the letters reached Frank in New York. In the early days of Watergate, she tried, in rather submissive terms, to build a personal bridge to the one man who exceeded even Nixon in his public hatred of the PostSpiro Agnew. Katharine knew that her husband and her old way of life were lost to her, but, fearful though she was of confrontation and of Williams, she was determined to fight for the paper. Nonetheless, Phil was the fizz in our lives. Mann was once asked if Agnes was German. He acknowledged that he used humor as a weapon with which to keep people at a distance. By 1968, reporting and editorials on Vietnam by Ward Just and a few others helped change the atmosphere of reverence on the pages of the Post, and that change had its effect on the thinking of the publisherso strong an effect that when the Times, thanks to Neil Sheehan and his source, Daniel Ellsberg, began printing the Pentagon Papers, on June 13, 1971, Bradlee felt wounded, and, with Grahams encouragement, pushed his staff to find its own copy of the documents. . You are stuck with me as a mascot repeat mascot. He has an example to follow. For nearly all Post reporters and editors, even those few who ventured to call her Kay, she was the woman who signed our checks, the Queen Mother, a cartoon figure with a lockjaw voice that sounded, to us, like money. 2023 Cond Nast. Liz at Large And, under Bradlees urging, she began spending the money necessary to create, among other things, a first-rate foreign staff. 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