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parallelism in the ballot or the bullet

parallelism in the ballot or the bullet

For instance he describes the African population in America as "Africans who are in America." . Test your knowledge with gamified quizzes. can't bring whoever killed "four little girls while they were praying" to justice, then it is either unwilling to help them or entirely incapable. Both speakers use pattern of three to make their speeches effective, memorable and persuading. Malcolm X was a civil rights leader before he was assassinated at the age of 40. Right there it brings you down. "(I Have a Dream Speech). Malcolm X was a civil rights leader and part of The Nation of Islam. X's purpose is to awaken the black . Well, you and I been sitting long enough, he claims, and its time for us today to start doing some standing and some fighting to back that up.. Through his triumph and survival of the murder of his father in 1931 when he was six years old, but also educating himself in prison which he was in for seven years from the ages 21-28 (Draper 7).With this story, it inspired people in the various ethnic communities, and neighborhoods. Some of them were Christians. The Ballot or the Bullet is a speech delivered by Malcolm X in 1964. Despite their religious, differences, they came together. Best study tips and tricks for your exams. Let it be the ballot or the bullet. Words: 732 - Pages: 3 Premium Essay Malcolm X's The Ballot Or The Bullet . The Nation of Islam, as led by Elijah Muhammed, forbade its members from participating in political processes. African Americans should be "re-educated into the science of politics" in order to understand the importance and effect of the vote they cast:[12]. He points out that if the government can't bring whoever killed "four little girls while they were praying" to justice, then it is either unwilling to help them or entirely incapable. He appeals to the crowd's sense of pride, telling them that their children won't respect them if they don't take a stand against the white man. Have all your study materials in one place. Your vote, your dumb vote, your ignorant vote, your wasted vote put administration in Washington D.C. His repetition of your followed by a negative adjective and vote made his parallel structure apparent he used your to throw shade on african americans and how they complain about our white presidents. He explains to the crowd that self-determination is the key to success. Relying on peaceful protests such as sit-ins castrates the black man, says Malcolm. As a result, they began to lose hope that non-violent intervention was a reasonable goal. Sign up to highlight and take notes. the democrats were in control of the house of representatives and the senate. Through repetition of inflammatory phrases and accusatory diction both which create appeals to anger, Malcolm X effectively persuades his audience during The Ballot Or The Bullet.. repetition of the first word of a clause at the end of the same clause, intentional repitition of 3 or more consanant sounds among nearby words, "If we don't do something real soon, I think you'll have to agree that we're going to be forced either to use the ballot or the bullet. [12], Black nationalism was characterized by its political, social, and economic philosophies. Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. Inherent: an adjective describing something of a central and permanent nature. Then you wonder why where you live is always a ghetto or a slum area. He made a fool out of you. What do we care about odds? For example, the theme and title of the speech the ballot or the bullet is mentioned about 16 times by the speaker: Let it be the ballot or the bullet. parallelism "And until we become politically mature we will always be mislead, lead astray, or deceived or maneuvered into supporting someone politically who doesn't have the good of our community at heart." epistrophe "They don't hang you because you're a Baptist; they hang you 'CAUSE YOU'RE BLACK. At the same time, the speech indicated that Malcolm still supported Black nationalism and self-defense and thus had not made a complete break with his past. In April 1964, in the midst of a 54 day Senate filibuster of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, Malcolm X gave his famous speech, The Ballot or the Bullet. This government has failed the Negro". Malcolm X defines black nationalism as the philosophy that African-Americans should control the politics and the politicians in (their) own community. Economically, it means frequenting African-American owned and operated businesses, whose profit will feed back into the black community and strengthen it. And anyone who puts forth any effort to deprive you of that which is yours, is breaking the law, is a criminal. Meanwhile, the American dream of equal opportunity is not one that applies to African-Americans. Malcolms purpose was to emphasize the idea that the black community needs to be informed about the political community. Analyzes how malcolm used parallelism to establish credibility amongst his predominately christian audience by . He gave this speech on April third in order to talk about both the election and how African-American people should proceed in order to benefit from the election. in "the Ballot or the Bullet" with Malcom X. what made the speaker qualified to give this speech. True or False: Malcolm X appeals to his audience through the use of logic and emotion. Although "The Ballot or the Bullet" advocates self-defense, it discusses non-violent ways of achieving equal rights for African Americans. JCBEdPRO. I'm not here to argue or discuss anything that we differ about,", "I'm not a politician, not even a student of politics; in fact, I'm not a student of much of anything. Whether you're educated or illiterate, whether you live on the boulevard or in the alley, you're going to catch hell just like I am. In America at the time The Ballot or the Bullet was given, segregation was still occurring. ", "Not only is he a crook, he's a hypocrite. In "The Ballot or the Bullet", Malcolm chose not to discuss religion but rather to stress the experiences common to African Americans of all backgrounds. He likens his status as a Muslim to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s as a Christian, knowing that in the past, his own religious affiliation has been a point of contention; he and Dr. King may have different ways of worshipping, but they are both known as civil rights leaders. "The Ballot or the Bullet" is a speech made by Malcolm X in Cleveland, Ohio, on April 3, 1964. 11. Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring! An old woman can sit. [5] The Nation of Islam, which advocated on behalf of African Americans, had significant disagreements with the Civil Rights Movement. The white man didnt know what he was doing when he let black children read about liberty or death in his history books, he says. Understand this, it's dangerous. Deliberate use of many conjunctions for special emphasis. The dollar is taken from the African-American community and given to outsiders. In frequenting stores not owned by an African-American, the money is given to another community. Unlike the 1963 March on Washington, which was peaceful and integrated, the 1964 march Malcolm described would be an all-Black "non-nonviolent army" with one-way tickets. In this first section of the speech, Malcolm relies on appealing to the pride of the African-American community, particularly through language centering on the emasculation of black peoples and the necessity of relying on brute force over peaceful protest. "The Ballot or the Bullet" has several purposes, a well-defined audience, and several rhetorical devices like logos. What does this mean? Malcolm X's "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech was a powerful call to action for African Americans to take a more militant approach to the civil rights movement. An analogy is a form ofcomparison through which a speaker wants to show similarities or differences between people and events. In addition, many African American men have fought and died in each war the United States has been involved in. A coward can sit. However, he clarifies that they have yet to see the America dream but only to experience the American nightmare (para 11). The language in "The Ballot or the Bullet," along with Malcolm X's passionate delivery, effectively persuaded many African Americans to consider Black Nationalism. But, he said, the police department and local government often sided with segregationists against the Civil Rights Movement. Although he advocated exercising the ballot, Malcolm X expressed skepticism that voting would bring about full equality for African Americans. That ballot will be cast for a man of the community, who has the good of the community at heart. The tone is provocative and righteous. [6], Malcolm also chose not to discuss the religious differences that divide Muslims and Christians, a common theme of his speeches when he was the spokesman for the Nation of Islam. This downplaying of his religion reverberates in the context of a speech advocating for political engagement. Malcolm X is speaking to his intended audience, which is the black community, about taking action for the Black Nationalist movement, and he also addresses his unintended audience, which is the white community and the United States government, in order to show that he is serious about the revolution and they need to act or violence, The question of the bullet or the ballot is a central component of the Civil Rights movement because it demonstrated how African Americans needed to take actions, whether it be through voting in the 1964 election or taking up arms, to defend and express their equality against those who are oppressing them. Free and expert-verified textbook solutions. Compared to whom we are now. He said that Black nationalists believe that African Americans should control the politics and the economy in their communities and that they need to remove the vices, such as alcoholism and drug addiction, that afflict their communities. If he waits too long he will be responsible for letting a condition develop in this country which will create a climate that will bring seeds up out of the ground with vegetation on the end of them looking like something these people never dreamed of. Whereas the Civil Rights Movement advocated on behalf of integration and against segregation, the Nation of Islam favored separatism. His black protectionist outlook called separation instead of unity and equality. Douglass received an invitation to speak at a Fourth of July celebration in his hometown, and the speech he gave called out the hypocrisy of celebrating freedom as a country while millions of its residents are enslaved. For example, in the third paragraph of the excerpt, X strikes a blow at the government which [deprives the black community] of [their] voting rights, economic opportunities, housing, and, On April 12, 1964, Malcom X gives The Ballot or the Bullet speech at Cory Methodist Church in Detroit, Michigan. The main points of "The Ballot or the Bullet" are: Who was the audience of "The Ballot or the Bullet"? The economic philosophy of black nationalism promotes African-American control of the economy of the African-American community. It was ranked 7th in the top 100 American speeches of the 20th century by 137 leading scholars of American public address. The mood oscillates between despair, anger, and hope. Did Malcolm X believe the Democrats wanted to help African Americans achieve equal rights? California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana in 1996, and activists like Dennis Peron whose partner died of AIDS in 1990 played key roles in organizing the ballot measure. The African-American community has enormous political power, Malcolm X claims, if they vote as one. [and] anti-oppression" and that, if white Americans take issue with being considered a problem, all they have to do is stop treating African Americans in those ways. Malcolm X uses a combination of logic and emotion to appeal to his audience. 5- Parallelism: Wrapping Up. . ", "They don't hang you because you're a Baptist; they hang you 'CAUSE YOU'RE BLACK. The Ballot or the Bullet, Part 2 Summary and Analysis. In the speech The Ballot or the Bullet Malcolm X utilizes antithesis, allusion, and metaphors in order to convince his audience to take a stand against segregation whether peacefully, if possible, and if not, by force. Human rights activist Malcolm X in his speech, "The Ballot or the Bullet" reiterates the injustice in America towards people of color and inspires the black community to use their power in numbers in the election (ballot) or if necessary by force (bullet). "They don't have to pass civil rights legislation to make a Polack an American," said Malcolm X "The Ballot or the Bullet," a speech he made on April 3, 1964, in Cleveland, Ohio. In a speech on May 18, 1858, Abraham Lincoln said, "To give victory to the right, not bloody bullets, but peaceful ballots only are necessary. [6], When he left the Nation of Islam, Malcolm declared his willingness to cooperate with the Civil Rights Movement. At the start of "The Ballot or the Bullet," Malcolm X dispenses with the divisive issue of religion in favor of the common cause of civil rights. GradeSaver "The Ballot or the Bullet The Ballot or the Bullet, Part 1 Summary and Analysis". A ballot is like a bullet. Well, in this situation, it teaches me that even a legend person like Malcolm X are once easily distorted by the words of the people around him. I think the title suggests an ultimatum between voting or violence, and one action or the other is to be done depending on how the government will handle the case. The repetition of the phrase the ballot or the bullet shows how that community of people feel about change. True. Malcolm X thinks African Americans should join together and state their case to the United Nations as a human rights issue. [2] Malcolm X advised African Americans to judiciously exercise their right to vote, but he cautioned that if the government continued to prevent African Americans from attaining full equality, it might be necessary for them to take up arms. He tells the crowd that they first need to set aside differences to focus on their common issue the white man. Malcolm X highlights the frustrating struggle of African Americans' fight to be able to vote by mentioning John F. Kennedy's desire to force Cuba to have democratic elections. Malcolm X began his speech by analyzing his audience and declaring that it is time to decide whether to vote, With this discussion, he uses the appeal to pathos. Malcolm X invokes one American dream while condemning another. "The Ballot or the Bullet," a famous civil rights speech delivered by Malcolm X Malcolm X religious beliefs had caused controversy within the Black community. Like the colonists, Malcolm X is ready to fight tooth and nail for the liberation of his community, whether that means using his vote advantageously or participating in outright revolution. If gaming the political system doesnt work, he recommends African-Americans turn to outright revolution. Summary of Malcolm X's "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech. Before this ultimatum could ever be proposed . What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, Emancipation from British Dependence Poem, Poems on Various Subjects Religious and Moral. _____Cole had all *ready *toasted the bagels by the time his parents woke up. Why was "The Ballot or the Bullet" important? Everything that came out of Europe, every blue-eyed thing, is already an American. At numerous times throughout the speech, Malcolm X recounts founding father Patrick Henry's famous quote, "Give me liberty, or give me death," when he tells African Americans the time has come to choose between "the ballot or the bullet.". Don't be throwing out any ballots. Selecciona la palabra que no est relacionada. Malcolm X closes by defining his goal as a Black Nationalist who wants African Americans to gain political, economic, and social control over their communities. The Question and Answer section for The Ballot or the Bullet is a great "The Ballot or the Bullet" opens by addressing the differences in religious beliefs that divide the African-American community. Being a black nationalist, Malcolm X says, does not require you to give up any of your personal organizational affiliations. [3][4], On March 8, 1964, Malcolm X announced his separation from the Nation of Islam, a black nationalist religious organization for which he had been the spokesman for nearly a decade. The political philosophy is self-government. The young generation don't want to hear anything about the odds are against us. Tone and Mood The tone is provocative and righteous. Let him know that it must be the ballot or the bullet. Civil rights leaders questioned whether the messages in "The Ballot or the Bullet" were shared in the most effective manner. Because election time is a time where the black community is taken advantage of; Malcolm X addresses the issue about the legislation civil rights with defines the right to guarantee the voting rights to the Negros within the states. Southern Democrats (sometimes called Dixiecrats, though the term is ambiguous and more properly refers to a short-lived separate political party), blocked the bill from consideration by the House of Representatives. Over 10 million students from across the world are already learning smarter. In "The Ballot or the Bullet," Malcolm X clarifies that African Americans have no inherent bias toward the white man; they are "anti-exploitation . Work Cited "Malcolm X: The Ballot or the Bullet." American Public Media . Stop procrastinating with our study reminders. Religious differences, he worries, might hinder solidarity in the African-American community. In his, "The Ballot or the Bullet" was a public acknowledgment of. You don't throw your ballots until you see a target, and if that target is not within your reach, keep your ballot in your pocket. Malcolm asserts that African Americans have earned their rights because they've secured massive wealth for the United States by working for free as enslaved people. Malcolm X, a Muslim, credits Elijah Muhammed, the leader of the Nation of Islam, with making him into the man he is today. Malcolms main purpose of the speech is to persuade African Americans to fight for their right to vote and to warn the U.S. government that if they restrict minorities from equality, violence will in turn take effect (Montoya 211). Malcolm uses emotions because he wants the audience to feel the events in America especially when it comes the time to vote. First, Malcolm X was inspirational in many aspects and his upbringing added to this aspect. [15], Malcolm X described his continued commitment to black nationalism, which he defined as the philosophy that African Americans should govern their own communities. He also references Abraham Lincoln's statement, "To give victory to the right, not bloody bullets, but peaceful ballots only, are necessary," from his speech on May 18, 1858. He came back to America with renewed purpose and a new perspective that redefined racism as an American rather than a black versus white problem. The tone of "The Ballot or the Bullet" is both urgent and angry. By contrast, Martin Luther King Jr. advocates for an engagement of Civil Disobedience by calling for nonviolent direct action which allows for African Americans to be heard by forcing their, How Does Malcolm X Use Ethos In The Ballot Or The Bullet, The Ballot or the Bullet is a speech delivered by Malcolm X in 1964. Let the world know the hypocrisy that's practiced over here. an ideology that African Americans should separate from white America and form their own institutions. Let him know that it must be the ballot or the bullet."( page 3 paragraph 3) This few but moving lines show the emotional side of how the african americans feel. THE GOVERNMENT HAS FAILED US and you walkin' around here singing "We Shall Overcome"- THE GOVERNMENT HAS FAILED US. The purpose was to allow black people to realize the events that were happening in their lives. "The Ballot or the Bullet" further indicates a shift in Malcolm X's rhetoric, as his separation from the Nation of Islam and new, unfettered public activism prompted a change in the ways he addressed his audience. The title of Malcolm X's speech, "The Ballot or the Bullet," suggests an ultimatum between voting or violence, an attempt by the speaker to convince the audience that one action or the other is absolutely necessary depending on the actions of the enemy - in this case, the U.S. government. . [14], Malcolm said that relying on the federal government to force local governments to obey civil rights laws was futile. Why did Malcolm X say was 1964 an important year for African Americans? Separate to the "big" ballot, we are running ballots in the Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and other areas. Due to the fear of severe punishment, blacks were scared to fight for equality; however, on April 3, 1964 in Cleveland, Ohio, one brave soul finally did. Be perfectly prepared on time with an individual plan. Malcolm X began his speech by acknowledging that he was still a Muslim, but he quickly added that he didn't intend to discuss religion or any other issues that divide African Americans. It took decades for the men involved to be prosecuted as FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, prevented their prosecution in 1968. We've got to change our own minds about each other. in "the Ballot or the Bullet" with Malcom X. what made the speaker qualified to give this speech. These tools make The Ballot or the Bullet more memorable and help the speaker maintain his audiences attention. Malcolm X uses this device extensively in his speech, as it helps him illustrate points related to the Civil Rights Movement and the need to fight by any means necessary to promote Afric. The social philosophy of black nationalism advocates for reform of the community and reconstruction of it so it is more welcoming:[18]. Insulting his listener is meant to stoke the listeners sense of anger and injustice, and therefore to provoke him into more direct action against white supremacy than the peaceful protests advocated for by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are able to do. He calls out America's double standards and wants the world to see the reality behind the mask of its ideals. Likewise, by stating his continued commitment to Black nationalism, Malcolm reassured his followers that he had not made a complete break with his past. Malcolm X addressed the issue of "rifles and shotguns", a controversy that had dogged him since his March 8 announcement that he had left the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X did not believe the Democrats wanted to help African Americans achieve equal rights. Malcolm X states that, since 1964 was an election year, it was the year for African Americans to stand up and show the United States government they would no longer wait for the rights they deserve. 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parallelism in the ballot or the bullet