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jean x reader rejection

jean x reader rejection

Anything is fine, really, Jean said, rubbing the back of his neck. Taking a deep breath you knock on Kirishima's door and wait for a response. His grades were starting to suffer, and he wasnt meeting his fraternity requirements. He clenches his jaw hard. But I need an internship, and it doesnt seem like you guys have an intern. No wonder why. most recent chapter - take a break! Thank you for reading! Maybe it was the time with Historia that had made her become such a huge sap. He waved, laughing as well. Your breathing is shaky and you're already regretting this. Hello. He repeated, stronger. So hes gonna help me move this thing. He patted the couch Sasha was snoring on. Well, it feels like a funeral in here! Ymir said defensively. Pretty please? Sasha begged, appearing at Y/Ns side and slightly shoving Jean. Youre only half an hour late. Anime/Manga Hanji Zoe Levi X Reader Jean Kirsten Sasha Brouse Mike Zacharaias. Not really knowing why, she decided to save his contact. And besides, she had said she didnt like Jean already. Reiner turned a deep red. let's just wish ur gonna get outta there alive. I seriously doubt it. I needed a day off.. This was much better.. Look how red you are! Jean decided not to correct her, since he was unsure if the red color currently tinting his features was because of the weather or Y/N. Y/Ns alarm woke her from her sleep, and she angrily swiped the notification away. Not taking requests. Jean's smooth voice still repeats in your ear. He had to relax and adjust himself. Of course she would. "Umm, no, I'm ok Kami, I think I'll spend the weekend here" Kiri said not bothering to look at the blonde. But good luck! And congrats on your job, lunatic.. "Hey! Just because we were looking for somebody, does not mean we hire just anybody. Erwins gaze bore into Jean. but now that summer is ending, my sophomore year of college is beginning and classes are starting up again i am happy to announce that i will be writing again!i will try to get back to all the mentions and replies and sweet inbox messages y'all have sent me, thank you all so much for your patience and for the love y'all continue to give me even after not hearing from me in months!! He shouldnt even be out on the field anyways, but Marley had a prestigious soccer team, which required more practice than other teams to reach that excellence. No matter if there was no one there, you will not let yourself be exposed. Nah, Im good here. He took a bite out of his sandwich. Aka, oh my god redemption arc!! And he was hurt, but he still has you to hold him together. so sorry for the three week delay. Brat. Your stomach is protesting your avoidance and it's starting to hurt, so you sit slowly and slip on your house shoes. lots of it. She leaned against the kitchen counter, staring pointedly at him. But in the end, would you say it was worth it? She watched him through her side eye perspective. Marco chuckled. Bt in Junior High, he was rejected by not one but two of his soulmates. There was a few beats of silence before Y/N finally spoke. Typical Kirstein., Historia sighed, exasperated. 2. Yes! Jean pumped his fist in the air. Theres only one firm left, and my friend Marco is currently stalling them. Y/Ns eyes widened. She would have never guessed he liked romantic movies. 'I can still salvage this, I know I can, just tell him you coward.'. Sasha was snoring loudly on the Porco couch. Your heart drops and you are quick to open your mouth again. How did you and Jean meet?. Shut up, Reiner growled. Y/N nodded, bending over into Jeans line of sight almost unassumingly. You didn't need to push me out in front of him to make me a clown!" And I think thats Hanges best friend., Yeah, its an accident firm, though, so I just hope they can teach me what I want to know about civil law. Made anonymous just in case. Tsuyu rolls her eyes and pushes you out into the hallway. Really? Shell wake up, just give her a minute. As if in response, Sasha mumbled in her sleep. "One of the traits that every critic notes in Emerson's writing is . Do you guys want a sandwich while we wait for Sleeping Beauty? Y/N offered, tilting her head towards the kitchen with the butterknife. Eren On second thought, not Eren. Oh, its a funny story. Y/N exhaled. so i am now proud to drop the results of the poll - the jean fic one! Regardless, she had her own stuff to figure out before she could even look at Jean as a potential candidate for her significant other. At home, Y/Ns phone lit up with a notification. when i ran out of things to read i was like, fine i'll do it myself. No, if Jean was going to go through with his plan to see Y/N, he wouldnt leave it up to chance. jean kirstein x black!fem!reader Tbh? Nothing will be perfect, so dont read this if youre a flowery-word whore.NSFW chapters will be marked!Chapters are tied together, but you dont have to read them all to understand :). Wanting to be more than an "immature" kid, you find yourself applying for the adventurers guild. You have a whirl-wind of emotions and that's when you finally settle on raising an eyebrow at the red head. M-U-E-nster. Jean was pacing on the sidewalk, his hand in his hair. He had barged into your classroom to talk to you. maybe study together. Wake up. You've been rejected, again. Or do they? Jean nodded, agreeing. The anticipation was killing him. But he couldnt name one. He wasnt sure if it was from the cold, or the thought of Levi Ackerman, Jean! Marco walked over to them, causing Y/N to jump away from Jean. It gives you such a gut-retching feeling whenever he looks like this. A day off with him wouldnt have been too awful for her. He's at the on campus gym and you know for sure he's gonna overwork himself to the bone. You are stunned and stuck in your place in the chair. Its probably just basic., Sure, Kirstein, Y/N dragged out the syllables. Come in, its chilly!. Reiner nodded, walking over to the couch. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. She barely had time to gather herself when he texted he was on his way, and for some reason he didnt take too long to arrive. Please! Jean was pacing the small apartment floor, agitating Y/N more. Wake upppp, He shook the side or her body with his palm. He anxiously peeled his glove off his hand, unlocking Y/Ns message. Reiner cautiously stepped inside the dorm, eyeing his surroundings. then i was busy into the night time which is my usual writing time. so NSFW. Her hands were burning with the cold. We have pickles and a wide variety of condiments and lunch meats. Y/N listed. You brought your gear but before you stepped in, you hung out by the door. It looks like he's poured a gallon of oil on his body already. Its so good, try it! Y/N began to assemble both boys their sandwiches. A silent swipe of your tongue glazed over your bottom lip to moisten the flesh before leaning in. "Yeah," he says still not looking at you. This isnt to be taken lightly. He picked up his phone off the locker room bench, unlocking it to read the various messages his friends likely were responsible for. But when was there ever not any traffic on the streets of Trost? Tsuyu had her pointer finger on her chin while her tongue was out. A test administered by one of the biggest pro heroes dedicated to civilian safety. Can someone open the door?. The midget or the blonde?, Y/N giggled. It was good. Not to mention they were seriously hammering his ass about retrieving the couch he left at Y/Ns house. But, he had completely forgotten about the internship fair, and now his desired firm was taken. You said after a beat of thought. Jean was a simp, and he was thinking about Y/N. She secretly felt the guilt of the relationship, and she didnt want to relive it. You place plates by the pot and wipe your hands on your thighs. Your blank face almost competing with his. Look, Y/N, Reiner started awkwardly. Dont be so sure. I hope you like hot chocolate, Im making some right now. Y/N shut the door with her hip. Wasnt that the whole Newtons law thing? Neither of them knew what else to say. He examined his reflection in the mirror, hoping that the shitty lighting wouldnt make him miss any noticeable spots. reader, warnings: cursing, some friends (tv show) references, hostility towards reiner >:( and some mentions of a disrespectful relationship. Jean, you take that side and well lift it to my truck. She could use the mental health day, and it was the last few weeks of the semester anyways. Historia shushed Sasha, swatting her. Jean awoke from his nightmare, drenched in sweat. My name is Erwin Smith. The longing started to hurt already. Pretty good. He turned to join his roommate inside their apartment for the night, where he was sure to think of Y/N. Well, I- um. What was Jean supposed to respond? Todoroki had to stop this. but yay!! You manage a small smile of your own then you turn back to the elevator. Jean vents her frustrations about an upcoming mission. Um, what? "Tell him what? He figured Y/N would bring it up, since she was not one to leave things unsaid. Thats actually offensive. After you dramatically die or something of course. Porco began to seriously doubt his own abilities at times like this, though. As Jean wept, the camel from the Carnivals petting zoo suddenly spoke. 'If what you said was true, and it's not too late, I would like to take you up on that date.' 'Really?' Not my intended group either, but I loved their mission statement!, Thats great, Marco. She finished chomping and swallowed before getting up. Were about to leave.. Before Y/N could respond, Historia piped up. Eating standing up.. At least in a fake, put together, effortless (with a lot of secret effort) look. I REPEAT THE DATES ON THE MESSAGES ARE WRONG I JUST REALIZED. You heard Denki shout while walking to the dorms. im gonna attempt to do some x reader oneshots and headcanons~! They were at once the lay face of the church, the spiritual heart of civic government, and the social kin who claimed the allegiance of peers and the obedience of subordinates. So what possessed you to text me at 5 in the morning?. She contemplated distancing herself. And Im sorry about the mess in here. The first thing you see when you woke up was Aether's and Paimon's faces which brings you to surprise. Are you 12? Y/N snapped. Jean guffawed. Realistically you would just be stuck in poverty, but in this case you're stuck six-feet under. "D-Don't scare me like that," you whispered this time. Thanks for the food, Y/N.. So what do you guys want?. You know where he's going, you've seen him come back from there a few times when you came back to school early. Oh, and Kirstein. Erwin called as Jean walked away. But now that Im here, I-I would love to work for you. Did not. There was also a random carnival ride and Connie engorging in cotton candy, but Jean didnt think that was relevant. You ready to go? He asked Reiner. Jean nearly choked on the bite of sandwich. He got even more flustered, looking away from her too. He wasnt one to turn down hot beverages. "No, I'm ok (last name)," your eyebrows furrow at this response. *please read the a/n at the end of chapter! Fuck! Jean groaned. Like a rabid chihuahua. Jean shuddered. Sasha groaned. Not in the sense of determination and perseverance, but of anger and hatred. He hoped Y/N reciprocated the gesture and perhaps his feelings as well. Y/N uncrossed her arms, trying to fix the visible displeasure in her face. In moments like these, where he's feeling like he can't live up to his own hero name due to human tendencies, Kirishima is Red Riot. She was processing her emotions, Porcos absence in her life now fading to a dull thud. No! Ymir and Y/N shouted at her. 'Wait.' You voice suddenly stops him, causing his eyes to snap up to meet yours. Zombie Apocalypse AU Jeanxblackreader The world has become a different place now were dead creatures rule the earth. The walk back to the elevator is like a walk of shame, though, you hold your head high fighting the tears. Reiner? She asked, somewhat in disbelief. You could always just starve.Ymir suggested unhelpfully. But his interest was peaked, and he knew if he didnt act soon he would end up confessing how much he longed for a date with Y/N. Well, you seem to be assertive. Why dont you just make your own, Sasha? Jean asked, raising an eyebrow. And as a pre-law. He couldnt master a certain trick no matter how hard he tried, and when Porco got mad attitude tended to follow, which got him into trouble more often than not. left kudos on this work! He was sure to make a bad impression. There was just no other word for it. Her phones display screen lit up with the notification that her mother was calling her. She hoped her disheveled state wasnt too off putting for him. What was not to love? How do you even fit in here? Jean asked, irritated by the tight fit. Finally arriving, he knocked and quickly brushed a few hairs off his forehead into place before she opened the door. Sasha, however, was distraught. You smell musty as hell., Jean turned over to face Connies medium frame. He checked the time and saw that if he rushed, he could make it to class in about 30 minutes. His pencil is in the same color spectrum as his eraser and his notebooks are color coded. Even if everybody else could tell otherwise. They discussed the details of the internship thoroughly, Jean pulling up a chair to read over the contracts he had to sign before he was officially a Smith-Ackerman intern. I dont! Now, you tell Connie I said hey or else Ill be mentioning that little assertive comment to Sasha. Y/N prodded. He was slightly irritated, partly due to the hunger he felt after vigorous exercise, and partly because his soccer coach was seriously riding his dick. You can imagine his fingers running through your locks while you watch something in your room. This is my associate, Levi Ackerman. You push the gym door open and walk in while looking at Kiri through your eyelashes. No! "Why does this matter?" He figured it was time for a change anyways, and Connie kept ragging on him about his wannabe goat beard anyways. There was a knock on the door then. If it was bad before, the this is catastrophic. Your point? Y/N placed her hand on her hip, butterknife in her hand. It was January for fucks sake.. Flirting with Jean was fun. You dare question my movie selection?, Hmmm, I dont know. Historias birthday bash. The central theme is the metaphysical and existential conflict between Gregory's desire to be perfect, as taught by Jesus, and his realization that it is impossible and between the divine grace and his sense of one's unworthiness to receive that grace. How was he going to respond now? Nice to meet you. He stuck his hand out. You can handle it.. [A choose-your-own-adventure story with branching narratives], "You just got slammed into a soft pile of grass, now theres like.. a bajillion hot women and men surrounding yo ass. Interesting.. People. Oooh, Im terrified. Y/N waved her hands. Only occasionally getting out to use the bathroom. Like a fish, Sashas mouth closed with a wet sound. One, to spite you. You might put on something lame, like The Notebook., The Notebook is fucking amazing, you pretentious dick., So they watched The Notebook, and towards the end, when it was revealed the elder couple was actually Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, Jean silently wiping away a stray tear, Y/N quietly whispered, Werent we supposed to be studying?, Jean shushed her. so i present : A story about competition, trial and error, compassion and above all - jean being the charismatic boy of our dreams, hehe. At this journey's end, once the dust has settledwhat is it that you seek? You offer reassurance. Dude, wake up. thank you guys so much!!!!!!! She was balancing her laptop on her side, one arm extending the door open. Only you hogged all the popcorn and cried like a fucking baby., Jean scoffed. Hello! But Mr. Kirstein, something tells me we werent your first choice. He wore an amused expression, raising a bushy eyebrow at Jean. Jean couldnt resist the laugh that escaped his throat, earning a dirty look from Reiner. You're thrown into the world of underground street racing in Shinganshina City. Kiri didn't say anything and just looked down at his shoes again. / He couldnt believe this. "Hmm?" She had pulled Historia aside to complain about Miches inaccurate song choice. But she couldnt help the desire. You don't know how he just laughs off Bakugou's jabs at him. You scope out the lobby of the dorms and he's not in the kitchen nor the dinning room. 3. Y/N fumbled her keys, caught off guard by the question. index Ask. seriously, the best readers I could ask for. How have you been? He asked Ymir. Jeans eyes widened, before looking the other way, a faint blush appearing on his features. One thing you've noticed was the eye he has for matching aesthetics. He left it a smidge open, it wouldn't hurt to just observe for a little bit. At least thats what Jean was trying to convince himself was his reasoning as he slipped his pajama pants off and slid on some joggers. Sasha sat up on the couch. Jean glanced at her. While Porcos little performance on her heart was short-lived, the impact was lasting. Typical_Yuqi, SugarTits02, Winter_jay, Hyitseme, Donner_7684, Alliebutt, KSZMDemila, chatomoeuwu, JustALightning, Character12, SilvrFox27, purplemeteorite, JavalynBel, Romi_nyx, Mnoven, Flamminghottie, IceQueen01, mothtomura, justopalready, wasabixx, queeneilonwy, mintenn, and sprinkles_plz You animal. Jean shook his head, trying to contain his smile. Now the only types of girls he seemed to attract were E-girls, who while cute, were not exactly his type. You cared for him. But I gotta go, Ill text you-, Jean, wait! Y/N stood up after him, his hand already on the doorknob. She figured Reiner would explain and grew flustered just thinking about the humiliation of Jean knowing what Reiner knew. Shit! Reiner exclaimed, turning red. Yawning, Y/N headed to the bathroom to begin freshening up. Nostalgia? Then what is it? Y/N shot back, staring just as intently. She was worried, but she wasnt one to push it. Its okay, Y/N. She came to the conclusion that while she was attracted to Jean immensely, she had to take it slow. Probably. Jean agreed. Y/N sniffled, inhaling Jeans oceany smell at the same time. He was seated next to her on their couch, clutching a pillow. You see it in the little things when he get's the last spicy-mayo karage from Lunch Rush, he'll give it to Bakugou because he knows that Katsuki will have a hissy fit over it. Own, Sasha mumbled in her life now fading to a dull thud she could use the mental health,! Now that Im here, I-I would love jean x reader rejection work for you the flesh before leaning in phones screen... You are quick to open your mouth again that was relevant the end of chapter stuck in poverty, of... 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jean x reader rejection