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i hate being an occupational therapist

i hate being an occupational therapist

For example, you may need to be able to drive and go to the grocery store. Are you independently wealthy? In order to be marketable as an academic- it is preferable by most departments to have a PhD, or a related are of study MS. For example a masters in public health, a PhD in sociology, etc etc. Gain work experience. You're not going to know everything and that's okay The biggest obstacle I had to overcome during my first few months working as an occupational therapist at a SNF (and I still struggle with this sometimes) was my feeling of inadequacy compared to my co-workers. I'm only in my second year of school but have already learned that classmates (and future therapists) that I study/work with are huge in how happy I am in an assignment or project. I let a client not pay for a session. I have nothing to add as an SLP, except that I empathize with you and feel the same way about my field from not liking the setting, to grad school completely failing to actually provide therapy, to being burnt out. Thanks for the article. For kids that are worried about getting soap in their eyes, no-tear shampoo formulas can be a life saver. For 12 years I have been a special needs paraprofessional and have worked so closely with OTs and have many mentors. Very encouraging information! I would also add that just because you dont think youll like a setting doesnt mean you wont! Thats part of being a novice. Yeah! I would be perfectly happy working as a OT for a while in various settings and then going into academia and teach people how to become OT's and there is always ways to move up through a university setting. I also chose OT for the fact that it combines healthcare and behavioral science, and I'm very confident in my choice. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Occupational therapists help people who have difficulties caused by physical or mental illness, disability, accidents or ageing. I welcome all replies. Do you hate the phrase, "that's not my job!"? Because more people are wanting to become occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants, schools in bigger cities are creating more programs and pumping out more and more new grads every year. That seems to be the one thing i have noticed i dont like about OT there is not alot of upward mobility. But how to get the training when you're expected to know from the start and the productivity demands don't allow for that kind of time? And just because you are struggling doesn't mean that you are failing! Think about what you like about OT, what drew you to it. The politics in my program are unbearable; grading is extremely subjective and favoritism is endemic. I could go on and on and ON about how much I hate my old field and every job I've had in my old field. Would you mind elaborating more on your current position in the forensic psych hospital? The job flexibility and variety of job options combined with knowing you are truly making a difference in peoples lives makes it a great career choice as long as youre prepared and you know the potential drawbacks you might encounter. and visual impairments. Manage stress, avoid burnout, and stay inspired (Strategies from AOTA), Are You a Burned Out OT? If you are not OK with this, you can opt-out if you wish. That's an exhausting list of things to do to get a job. Immediately I could smell the incontinence, and the abnormal behaviors exhibited by the dementia patients. Top new foods with well-liked sauces or seasonings to help them seem less strange and unusual . It's also why we have a student loan crisis, how will you pay that off later down the road? 24.3 miles away from Apple Massage Therapy. Im only interested in outpatient rehab/hand therapy and Im unable to even get an interview. This post covers the most common reasons I hear of why OTs are frustrated or unhappy with their jobs. OT came to me like an epiphany and for the past two years I thought I was preparing for my dream career. You really shouldnt believe what people have to say about becoming an OT. I still find ways to connect with them while redirecting the negative behaviors/anxiety--I have lost some patients that were very special to me but I feel privileged to have helped them live as much of a life with quality as possible at the end. Is it possible for the field to phase out? Abstract. Ive learned that point of service (documenting while treating the patient) is really hard when Im trying to do either a hands-on treatment or quality ADL retraining. Fortunately, most rural parts of the country have a desperate need for occupational therapists. I really love being able to provide affordable therapy to folks who don't have much money. Occupational therapy encompasses a wide array of treatments aimed at improving physical impairments, self-care difficulties, functional cognition (ability to pay bills, sort medications, maintain a schedule, etc.) (Especially if you are in a small rural setting) so try to network with any other OTs in your area. You are using an out of date browser. in this field, and I hope this post can give you some comfort and clarity of why you might be feeling like this. Tips to Reclaim your Practice (OT Flourish Podcast). How important is it for an OT to have a creative side? Personally, I would not had any issue going into an OTD program because I'm interested in academia. As a new grad OT as a month, I feel you 100%. At speech therapy, Nathan goes back without me. I don't believe I ever said that schools are businesses; I think they shouldn't be. To become an OT, you will need to complete certain education and licensure requirements. Maybe in business roles, like HR? Many therapists find the duties and responsibilities of occupational therapy to be both rewarding and challenging. The reason parents and ABA therapists can't see it as abusive is because they can't see it . Hybrid remote. Join us, and you'll help more people live better lives by achieving their individual breakthroughs. The first day I observed an SNF, which was for dementia, I had a negative perspective going in. Someday, maybe I'll run into them in Heaven. Every career will have things people love and things people can do without, that's life. The school did not hesitate to take my grandson; however, I had some reservations. In the end, my gf has decided not to pursue OT for other reasons. Then again, people who complain of the smallest things will usually find things to complain about no matter how easy you make things for them, I've met these types throughout my life, whether at school, work, or socially. This is important to consider when your student loans from OT graduate programs alone might be well over $100,000, not including interest. I personally use MedBridge Continuing Education for ideas since its all online and provides unlimited courses for the year. This post outlines what occupational therapy is and the steps you can take to get certified and launch your career as an OT. And my school didn't prepare me for so many things. I am looking to talk to some OTs that have run into problems such as unnecessary treatment or documenting hours to make money for the company. What would be most helpful for you? It took forever to get into it. So while you do get to provide meaningful treatments and help people achieve their goals, you will likely have to deal with the struggle of meeting your productivity on a daily basis. All resources are student and donor supported. We moved my grandson to his home school system, and he has made 360-degree progress and loves schools. Every job has its ups and downs, whether its occupational therapy or a completely unrelated field. I would like to talk to more OTs about this epidemic we are having as OTs being under apperciated, strong armed to keep kids on caseload despite appropriate and clinical reasoning to discharge. Hi! Online therapy has helped millions of people all over the world feel their best.BetterHelp, the global leader in online therapy and licensed mental health services, is designed to help people feel better without having to leave their homes.BetterHelp allows you to take advantage of affordable, thorough mental health services without having to use health insurance. I cant imagine doing anything else. Maybe look at a change of role, maybe an emerging role. Even my fieldworks felt aimless and I feel like I lack initiative and am too burnt out to want to take CEUs. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. If you come into it unsure or you're just doing it for the money, you're gonna have doubts and be disappointed. I would like some of you guys thoughts on the future of ot. One advantage of working in home health is you can be your own boss and set your own schedule. 2. I worked in SNFs for over a dozen years, and the productivity expectations were ridiculous, in addition to blatant fraud. "They will remark disparagingly, 'I'm just a clinician,' I don't know what else I could do," Fork says. Among other unethical issues I have had. We have next to zero phd faculty members and my program is in the top 20 in the country, how that happened is beyond me. Ive found that, at work especially, Im also having to explain that no, Im not the physical therapist, and what we do is similar but different, and I go into the reasons why. I applied for a few rehab positions, but did not get an interviews. I worked in a school and realized that it's definitely not for me. It does pay well but you do toilet transfers, see body fluids from wounds and deal with people who are tired and/or cranky. This is what Ive done for the several years, and I really like the ability to have the change of pace. Global health through occupation is contingent upon our understanding of the human as an occupational being. In fact, healthcare professionals spend more time on documentation than direct client care. Less expensive state schools are harder to get into, so you may have to choose a private school and pay an average of $80,000+ for your Masters degree, and over $100,000 for your Doctorate. The second year there were major administration changes at the school and upper levels. Attitude counts a lot. The Indeed forum is extremely discouraging and I cannot stand to go there anymore. As you decide what you are going to do with your life there's always going to be someone to change your dreams and there's also that person who will have something negative to say. Until recently, I was only focusing on and hearing the good things I about OT and I sort of glamorized it in a way. While the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the average salary for OTRs is $86,280, the average for new grads is quite a bit less (tens of thousands of dollars less). In addition, I recommend applying to as many schools as you can reasonably afford to (preferably at least 3 or more). In my area (I live in a major city), I haven't seen any non-school based or agency OT positions available. This was one of the schools where I contracted OT services. He did great the first year with initial struggles. It is a relief to encounter other people who feel the same. But, this is especially applicable in home health therapy. Your training as an OT was about learning to identify and solve problems in holistic ways most others cant. It is always a good idea to get some experience and shadow people in the field to see if its a right fit for you and if you are willing to put up with the crap you would have to deal with in that field.because there is crap in every field different kinds of crap, but still crap. Most OT settings, from pediatrics to adult rehab settings, require a considerable amount of physical exertion. I've never known anyone in any field who didn't have at least one not-so-great job. Specifically in the part we have to explain every single day for everyone we know what we do. Im about to start OT school. Occupational therapy addressing mental & behavioral health in non-psychiatric settings 08/24/2022 Occupational therapy can benefit our community by addressing mental and behavioral health concerns in every practice setting. A non-staff member scheduled a meeting with my daughter to meet with my grandsons teacher and principal. No particular college major is mandatory for admission to OT school, Tyminski says. I met one that had been doing it for 30 years. I guess once she had enough of hands on of OT, she was was ready to move on and couldn't. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. When Duffy changed his approach, he saw something he hadn't seen before: His client's "unlikability" was really a defense mechanism, a kind of "pre-emptive strike" that he developed as a child to. Learn how your comment data is processed. This article has been incredibly helpful. If you would like to request support for a child from the Occupational Therapy Service, please complete this form>. I've had to abandon Indeed. I heard so many bad things about SNFs from Indeed. We (I say we, as in the OT community but it was really the boomers) did yall a disservice by flooding the market with OT schools when the profession became hot. We learn in school how meaningful our profession is (which it is!) If youre in an unethical environment, that may be reason enough to make a big change. I agree with OTROX, if the majority of your exposure to OT is coming from these forums then you need to do a little more research on the career. I still plan on going into OT, I just want to be prepared for everything, even the negatives. I dont mind educating the general population on what we do at all, but I imagine after doing this for your entire career it could get tiring. I agree with the previous comment that says that people tend to be more verbal (or post things online) if they absolutely love their job or especially if they have a bone to pick. I honestly thought all through school I was going to work in peds. It's always good to go into a profession knowing the downsides of it. The is NO accountability, no ethics, and certainly no remorse over the illegal activity. We don't know. ), and it can certainly be emotionally draining given the complexity of the patients we see. Is it non-clinical? Local government? Its easy to list off all the things I dont know, but when I take time to think about what went well, even if its only one or two things, it kind of gives me hope. The disparity in financial compensation is just awful, honestly. I believe in you, OP. I agree with this. If you dont mind me asking, what kind of OT dream job did you land? If so, Ive absolutely been there (multiple times) and I first want you to know that Im so sorry that youre feeling this way! I JUST NEED TO VENT: I found that my aptitude and academic achievement was equivalent to, if not higher, than some medical students, who then became, obviously, physicans; yet, in my first year of employment I earned about $30,000 ($15/hour). Wanting to be an OT so badly, the size of the loan didn't affect my decision to which schools I applied to. and we come out thinking every job will be fantastic. They'll call the profession a complete joke. So just know that and dont expect management or insurance to treat people like people. And if you do decide to go back to school for something else later on, you'll still be able to make decent money doing home health on the weekends or per diem work as an OT. The therapist and client form a therapeutic relationship. Each program has different requirements, so when youre applying, be sure youre going above and beyond the basic requirements. I just like to be open-minded and hear all sides and weigh it all out. Or inpatient rehab. Also, if you work in long term care care, there is significant pressure to be at a productivity rate that is often unattainable if you are really practicing ethically. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If youve landed here, you may have been Googling something like Im unhappy with my occupational therapy job or feeling burned out as an OT or maybe even feeling sick of my OT job.. THAT SPEAKS VOLUME!!!!!!!! I've heard of this notorious indeed forum from Reddit and people say to pay it no mind. Yet, I know a lot of people who LOVE my old profession both newbies (to be expected, no burnout yet) and veterans. MOT4ME, you've offered some helpful advice on these forums but this particular comment was very condescending and unnecessary. Hello! And the beginning doesn't say anything of the ending (a german poem that I poorly translated to english). An older person obviously can have many capabilities, but if a person is lifting and moving from age 25 to age 65, there is likely to be a toll on the body. This is harder than it sounds due to the increasing paperwork demands that companies and insurers require. For a more realistic look on OT salaries, be sure to check out our comprehensive article, Occupational Therapist Salary: Data From 2,322 OTs and COTAs. Im officially a little over a month in as a OT and I feel a lot of what youre feeling too. But honestly, being an occupational therapist is hard. Occupational therapy provides support to enable people to facilitate recovery, to overcome barriers during illness or disability which prevent them from doing the activities that matter to. Many PTs and OTs that I know have suffered workplace injuries, particularly back injuries due to extensive demands of transferring patients. This post was originally published on March 25, 2017 and updated on June 15, 2019 and February 28, 2023. If you answered yes to these questions, being an Occupational Therapist at Select Medical may be a great fit for you! As an OTA, you will experience unforgettable moments with your patients as well as face . Therapy should be treated as the helping profession that it is, and not a factory with demands so high many therapists dont even have time to eat or use the bathroom. Ive seen this in myself, my friends, and my coworkers at the end of each day and week that its really hard to have any energy to get anything else done. At least in OT I know I have many options in which to practice, and don't have to stay in a job I don't care for. Are You a Burned Out OT? A CNA is there to dress, help with toileting, etc. Some may also have a doctorate. Occupational therapy is not always the sunshine and rainbows that you read about in the countless news articles touting its frequent rating in the top 10 happiest and least stressful jobs. Moving around all day, versus sitting for long periods of time, has been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and premature death. I think any profession will have people who are sick of it and burnt out. They found where they belong and stayed there. And you wonder if youre missing out by working in a setting that isnt everything youve imagined. My first job was on the MH ward of a mens prison. Requesting support and further information. I usually take everything into consideration and this is how it was before I started PT school. Because of this, your application has to be really strong to stand out among the massive number of applicants. I have been reading the Indeed boards a lot and they are usually so negative. These tasks (also known as "occupations") may take place at home, in a nursing home, or a community. Upon arrival, it was the entire IEP team. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. NO documentation at all this meeting. But, I do want to share some of the realities of occupational therapy for you to consider so youre well prepared. Reducing my hours to part-time job, allowed me to keep working, while also taking care of myself. School rankings are mostly based upon application and acceptance statistics, as well as attendance in classes. Becoming an occupational therapist is expensive. Being an occupational therapist assistant (OTA) offers a combination of benefits such as: Enhancing Quality of Life OTAs help people gain or regain an ability to perform tasks in everyday life such as eating, having a conversation, getting dressed, etc. In order to practice in the United States, you must pass the National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) examination. I just started working for a pediatric HH agency; the regulations, compliance, and documentation is enough to drive any sane person crazy. As an occupational therapist, you'll need to: take a 'whole person' approach to each patient's physical and mental wellbeing by considering all their needs - physical, social, psychological and environmental assess, plan, implement and evaluate treatment plans in hospital and community settings Occupational therapy assistants work under the guidance of an occupational therapist, who conducts the client evaluation and assessment, then comes up with treatment goals and a big-picture plan for accomplishing them. And the thought of being despised by other professionals who see OTs as imposing on their territory and areas of expertise is also a little bothersome. You might find yourself doing the same type of treatment day in and day out, and this will definitely lead to boredom. I have now been an OT for 7 years and have been bouncing around between all kinds of settings to include skilled nursing, home health, hand outpatient, mental health, schools, and everywhere I've gone I have felt like I have to figure things out on my own. A newly qualified NHS OT can expect to start on a minimum of 21,000, with more experienced OTs earning 25,700-34,500 . while my physician medical resident peers complained about a $30,000. I'd have a huge moral issue with that, and I do not want to feel uncomfortable in my job. doing what you love. Would I personally change my career choice? 5.) Im so sorry to hear this! The therapeutic relationship can be difficult if there is a personality clash. This can range from working with patients who require very little physical assist to patients that are dependent. Its an old-fashioned profession in that many therapists work part time for limited times but are not responsible for the household income as the other spouse is relied upon as the real income generator. Needless to say, working in a setting like this is sure to cause you major burnout, and if youre in a setting like this, you should advocate for appropriate therapy, and if that doesnt make a difference, switch to another company. I advise everyone to research into the profession and keep an open mind. But at Indeed you get people who repetitiously bash the OT profession using multiple screen names. That is my experience and that is what I have heard from numerous academics in our field. Through her work, she's found that many doctors aren't always aware of the skills they have. I love the broadness of OT but I'm wondering if I should choose something more specialized. Additional job details. Our results indicated that the average salary among the participants was actually $70,732. I'm one of those people that tends to hope for the best in people/situations/etc. Your therapist might be an ultimate sweetheart. You'll . I hope the kiddies heard us loud and clear on this one. Also I got into an MOT but plan to get my post professional doctorate so I can possibly teach someday. Whether you are an OT, know an OT, want to be an OT, or just want to hang out with some OT's, you are welcome here. But there are certain things about OT that concern me. Were there any profs you connected with? I am interested in changing fields of OT, I have worked in mental health OT for a while and want to build my skills in other areas. I have been an OT for over 36 years, and although I enjoy working with clients, I find the paperwork excessive and unnecessary for quality of care. You can't only know about the good, beautiful things about OT. You might find your second or third choice is actually a great fit for you. Im always on my toes switching back and forth from inpatient rehab to very different diagnoses and treatments in acute care. A session generally lasts for one hour. Please feel free to email me at sarah@myotspot.com if youd like to discuss this further. Due to the demand for therapy, full-time, part-time and contract positions are often available. Ive found that hospital and clinic settings are the best for learning and for being around other therapists to help show you the ropes. Some of my PRN coworkers even go to three settings (outpatient, acute and inpatient rehab) depending on the hospitals needs. In any profession there are upsides and downsides. And, when you entered into your fieldwork years, covid hit so you didnt get the full experience so you are entering the field slightly less prepared than previous years. See body fluids from wounds and deal with people who repetitiously bash the profession... 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i hate being an occupational therapist