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eye contact in arab culture

eye contact in arab culture

8 0 obj For instance, in certain cultures like the American one, avoiding eye contact during verbal communication can cause suspicion, or talking to someone who is wearing sun glasses can be discomforting. Thisgesture can be observed extensively when driving in the crowdedstreets of the Arab cities. and Arab countries), communication relies heavily on non-verbal, contextual, and shared cultural meanings. Learn how to utilize eye contact and other body language wisely so that you are perceived as polite, and so that you can better connect with people in a culture that is foreign to you! American and Arab Cultural Lenses. Arab . Therefore, even southpaws should use their left hands sparingly when visiting the Middle East. Get the help you need from our dedicated support team. To reinforce your teaching, provide easy-to-read material with basic illustrations appropriate to your patient's age, educational level, experiences, and background. The eyes are used also as a way of flirting. The term As God wills it is a nicer way to say No., It is always best to say Yes. Keep in mind that a Yes can also mean Maybe.. Language and culture are intertwined, which makes non-verbal communication a key aspect in language learning. The Nose Touch You will often see Arab Nationals touch noses three times as they shake hands. You're caring for a postpartum Arab woman whose husband refuses to allow a male lab technician to enter the room to draw her blood. That is why throwing shoes at someone is a form of protest and an insult in many parts of the world - as former U.S. President George W. Bush famously discovered on a visit to Iraq in 2008. 22). Cairo , Egypt, Copyright 2012 2021 Arab Academy | All Rights Reserved, Cookies and other technologies may be used, by us or by third parties, to personalize and improve your experience, perform analytics, and advertise our services and products. Use the quiet time to assess your patient's nonverbal communication, including his or her posture, amount of eye contact, facial expressions, and signs of anxiety. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. The eyes are mentioned in songs where the eyes are used to describe beauty, evil, power and someones soul. Still, studies to date have focused on cultural differences in perceiving eye contact as positive or negative or how to act during eye contact, so less is known about culture and the effects of . If you take a look at somebody [] 3 Alif Kamil El-Shinnawi Street Apparently, change in eye color comes with age. Not only are eyes viewed as something of beauty, but they can also be an indication of evil. Sit or stand back-to-back is considered very rude. Do not ask an Arab questions about his wife or other female members of his family. Only a brief moment of eye contact would be permitted between a man and a woman, if at all. Good cross-cultural communication enhances your nursing practice by: Your first step toward cultural competence is simply being aware of your own cultural beliefs. Thumbs up. Staring is not considered rude unless gazing at women. The Nose Touch - You will often see Arab Nationals touch noses three . Use gestures to pantomime words and simple actions while verbalizing them. Eye contact is seen as a social standard of communication. Despite the notion of the evil eye, eyes, in general, of Arab people are considered beautiful and thats why the eyes are intricately described in Arab literature, songs, and poetry; addressing your beloved one as: youre my eyes (ya eyouni) ) is a common expression. In order to avoid inadvertent soul loss/theft, eye contact may be avoided. ;-g= dZSnXD4Xa*#\!A"?4`=kH.T? Arab countries in the Middle East have some differences, but one thing they have in common is the significance of eyes in their culture. It is often considered more polite to have only sporadic or brief eye contact, especially between people of different social registers (like a student and a teacher, or a child and his elder relatives). In Western. xVMF#^vY;3Y%Ur@9x03j#!inWmnoo> >. Even if youre not planning a trip, it is also fun getting educated about other cultures. However, depending on your patient's cultural expectations, he or she may perceive you as threatening and invading his or her personal space. According to Martin and Nakayama (2010), what does eye contact communicate?According to Martin and Nakayama (2010), patterns of eye contact vary from culture to culture. Allow us to give you an introduction to Arabic culture. endobj One of the most important means of nonverbal communication in any culture is eye contactor lack thereof. <> Middle Easterners consider it impolite to eat everything on ones plate. Make sure it provides concrete, specific, and relevant information. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. endobj Beware that in Turkey, a firm handshake is considered rude and aggressive. Curling the index finger with the palm facing up is a common gesture that people in United States and parts of Europe use to beckon someone to come closer. It is further emphasizing that the eyes identify the intentions of the person. Also, there are gender rules around eye contact, with many Eastern cultures discouraging women from making eye contact with men as it conveys authority or sexual interest. There is very little physical contact beyond a handshake with people we dont know well. As you would when you're caring for any patient, make sure you expose only one body part at a time. Touching between . In United States and Canadian dominant culture settings as well as many Arab cultures, eye contact is taken as a sign of reliability and trustworthiness. Meet the Arab Pioneers That Graced the Google Homepage This Past Year, Meet the Arab Changemakers Featured in the 2023 Forbes 30 under 30 List, Emad Batayeh Performs with National Arab Orchestra at the "Taking Back our Narrative" Event presented by Arab America Foundation and Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. In fact, we could all learn a thing or two from different cultures.See you next time! You know that for observant Muslim families, modesty and gender segregation must be maintained at all times and your patient's husband is trying to protect her honor. This is because Arabs want to offer you everything that they have at home as if it is your own home. Learn more about the Arabic Language Proficiency Test. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Saudi women are expected to be quieter and more reserved. It is simply them giving you as much as they can from what they have. Proper eye contact levels vary from culture to culture. Autism. Muslims' religion is Islam, but, as foresaid, many . Through all the research I found a particularly odd body language. It is good to know this ahead of time so that it does not catch you off guard when an Arab tries to hold your hand which they do from time to time as a sign of friendship. On that same note it is always good to study up on each area you might be in, since they may have different standards. Their regulation is typically accomplished with ease, but difficulties may arise in intercultural communication (Martin & Nakayama, 2010).For instance, in some cultures, the preferred level of eye contact and interpersonal distance may differ substantially from levels common in other cultures . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Get new journal Tables of Contents sent right to your email inbox, November/December 2014 - Volume 12 - Issue 6, http://www.culturediversity.org/about.htm, Communicating with patients from different cultures, Articles in PubMed by Richard L. Pullen, Jr., EdD, MSN, RN, CMSRN, Articles in Google Scholar by Richard L. Pullen, Jr., EdD, MSN, RN, CMSRN, Other articles in this journal by Richard L. Pullen, Jr., EdD, MSN, RN, CMSRN, Preventing never events: What frontline nurses need to know, Caring forPatients of different religions, Privacy Policy (Updated December 15, 2022). Stay tuned to watch what each one means! Such eye contact aversion, however, could be seen as a sign that the other person is being deceptive, is bored, or is being rude. Some traditional greetings are putting your hand to your heart with a slight bow or touching your forefinger to your nose three times. Also, if you neglect to make eye contact with a person, you may be thought to lack self-confidence. Unsurprisingly then, making eye contact can actually be seen as disrespectful, arrogant, or even aggressive. Eye contact in Arab culture is different is than Western eye contract. In parts of Northern Europe, a quick, firm handshake is the norm. . This is to prove a point and show seriousness. Knowledge of the cultural and spiritual values of Muslims is critical in providing healthcare services to them. In Asian cultures, the general belief is that is is unacceptable to show emotion openly (whether sadness, happiness, or pain). . Before you travel, you would do well to go to your local public library or bookstore and check out or browse a book about the culture of the country you plan to visit. drug calculations. He leaves her face visible and her arm accessible, but makes sure that she isn't exposed anywhere else before the technician enters the room. Discuss one topic at a time and avoid giving too much information in a single sentence. For example, looking someone dead in the eye while telling them something that you dont like about the food will come off as disrespectful. Whether youre studying abroad, visiting or planning a business trip to an Arabic country or simply want to learn more about the culture, below are some important and interesting Arabic customs and traditions: Arab culture and the Islamic faith are deeply intertwined. Enhance your soft skills with a range of award-winning courses. Eye contact during discussions is often long and direct. Sit down in a chair next to your patient. By: Meriam Helal/ Arab America Contributing Writer. This is for a very good reason. It is the most important to be very specific. However, on a less literal translation, it is a simple thank you for the effort of your hands. Arabs have a lot less body space than Westerners. Source: Matsumoto, D., & Juang, L. (2017). This is similar to the American saying, look me in the eye and say it. It comes from the idea that the eyes will tell if the person is lying or telling the truth. Thank You - Placing the palm of the right hand on the chest,bowing the head a little and closing ones eyes connotates "ThankYou" (in the name of Allah). In South Korea, elders can touch younger people with force when trying to get through a crowd, but younger people cant do the same. . In many aboriginal cultures, a question will be answered only after a period of contemplative silence. Arabic is a language of hyperbole, where the merits of others are praised and overtly commented upon. Most Arabs believe that most of lifes events are controlled and orchestrated by God. <> - Placing the palm of the right hand on the chest, bowing the head a little and closing ones eyes connotates "Thank, - Grasping the chin with the thumb side of the right fist, A quick snap of the head upwards with an accompanying click, of the tongue connotates: "No", "Unlikely", or "What you say is false., These are provided solely for the purposeof being able to avoid the use of motions or actions that may appear offensive, which has been placed sideways in the mouth, may, be a threat or an expression of regret. Gestures indicating obscenities or insults should not be used by non-Arabs. Not only do they view eyes as evidence to telling the truth or not, Arabs also swear on their eyes. Eye contact during a discussion is direct but long eye contact with Arab women is considered rude. (LogOut/ Some traditional greetings are putting your hand to your heart with a slight bow or touching your forefinger to your nose three times. stream (http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/blogs/thelede/posts/arabculture.pdfpg. Learn more about the body language course. In much of the Arab world, men hold hands and kiss each other in greeting, but would never do the same with a woman. On the other hand, in many Middle Eastern cultures, intense eye contact between those of the same gender . Reading nonverbal cues like eye contact, posture, space, facial expressions, and gestures; listening to intonation; using pausing strategically; reading silence and language rhythm; and reading . Don't: Grip someone s hand too hard, pump it, slap them on the shoulder or grab their arm. The body language is distinctly different and must be learned in order to effectively reinforce the intended message, and perhaps more importantly to not give unintended insults. Un5>'-4XLg ,j)HVxM/~Xaks"=;=Z945k{W! peaeeq7<> and symbolic of you beingbeneath my feet. A persons honor and dignity come from their family. In a country like France, however, a stranger may feel quite free to look at someone he is interested in and try to acknowledge his interest by making eye contact. They should be aware, however, that returning eye contact will be considered the same as saying, Yes, Im interested! So when in the Middle East, care should be taken in making eye contact with anyone of the opposite gender. Instead of saying, Are you cold and in pain? pantomime or gesture while saying, Are you cold? and then, Do you hurt anywhere? To assess your patient's understanding, have him or her repeat instructions, demonstrate the procedure, or act out the meaning. Sign up today! Eye Contact: M: Eye contact is . 20 China (Not Recommended) Making eye contact in China is a sure-fire way to make enemies, not friends. Eye Contact: Indirect eye contact is considered a sign of politeness. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander custodians past, present and emerging. So they avoid making eye contact to avoid the discomfort and pain. Im sincere!, In many Asian, African and Latin American cultures, extended eye contact can be taken as an affront or a challenge of authority. He agrees but covers his wife's body with blankets and her head with a light sheet. Some error has occurred while processing your request. Man is dependent on the fate as determined by God and is powerless in controlling many of lifes events. Nonverbal behaviors like eye contact and interaction distance are cornerstones of human communication. Although saying the word no is good, but using it too often can be a sign of disrespect. It is pretty much an action of respect as opposed to anything else. /Yesalim edekom/ / / which literally means thank you to your hands. The conventions in the Middle East are that social interaction and conversation among Arabs occurs at a much closer distance than normal in the Western World and well within the personal space defined by the West. Eye contact in Arab culture is different is than Western eye contract. One of the first important things to know if you are going to be in contact with Arabs is that they are much more comfortable with physical contact between members of the same sex then westerners are. China is considered, like many other Asian countries, to possess a more collectivist and low-contact culture than that of the United States, making their nonverbal communication different than, and sometimes in conflict with American nonverbal behavior. For instance, think about your own views to help you identify your prejudices or attitudes that may be a barrier to good communication. Garden City 11451 2 0 obj As in the song above, the singer says, Is that a moon or is that your eyes?In the Western world, it is known that Arabs have beautiful eyes and thats why they are mentioned frequently in poetry. Also, continuous eye contact is a way to show sincerity and honesty. In the Muslim Arab culture it is forbidden for a man to look at the body of a woman to whom he is not married. It is offensive to ask a man about his wife or female family member. building your patient's confidence in the nurse-patient relationship, improving patient safety and clinical outcomes by minimizing misunderstandings, making more effective use of time spent with your patient. Long handshakes, grasped elbows, and walking hand in hand by two males is common place in the Arab world. Eye contact is much less common and considered less appropriate in many of these cultures than it is considered in the United States. It must be emphasized that there is no "one" Arab culture or society. Here are 6 hand gestures - and what they mean - in different countries and cultures: 1. Showing soles of feet is very offensive. In some of these countries, eye contact beyond a brief glance between the sexes is deemed inappropriate. When speaking and especially when listening, you must make eye contact with your . By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Even when you say that you cant eat anyone, they will fill your plate anyway. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> ";i @AJeewZ/\f73\\]^B?1.K!bP8z82oFQ2"z1j>8^`i;A endobj When you're working with an interpreter, look at your patient, not the interpreter, when you ask questions. Also maintain eye contact; lack, http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/army/arabculture.pdf, http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/blogs/thelede/posts/arabculture.pdf, http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/1997/arab_culture/f9gestur.pdf. In such a locale, it may be accompanied bycurses from an anxious taxi driver or a pedestrian trying to cross thestreet. The study of eye contact, also called oculesics, is a sub-category of nonverbal behaviours in the field of kinesics. Use simpler words, such as pain or hurt instead of discomfort. Simple sentences such as Do you hurt? or Do you have pain? are best. For example, direct eye contact is considered impolite or aggressive in many American Indian, Indo-Chinese, and Arab cultures. Eye contact is the type of thing that really differs from person to person. Understanding differences in non-verbal communication is a vital part of building cross-cultural relationships. An innocent hug made headlines around the world in 2009 when America's first lady, Michelle Obama, broke royal protocol on a visit to Britain by hugging the Queen. Eye Contact in Arab Culture. % In other cultures, however, silence is not viewed as a negative circumstance. As you can see, it is vital to know what eye contact communicates before you visit a new culture. Warning: Physical contact between members of the opposite sex has quite a different standard, even slight physical contact with a member of the opposite sex in public can be looked down upon and even illegal in some circumstances for instance in some places it may be illegal to kiss if you are not married to each other even if you neither of you are Arabs! So in many of these cultures, you should take care what kind of eye contact you initiate with those who are your social superiors or who are in authority over you, so that you are not considered disrespectful or overly bold. Im thinking - Grasping the chin with the thumb side of the right fistis a sign of wisdom or maturity.No A quick snap of the head upwards with an accompanying clickof the tongue connotates: "No", "Unlikely", or "What you say is false.( sited from http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/blogs/thelede/posts/arabculture.pdfpg.20)(sited fromhttp://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/1997/arab_culture/f9gestur.pdfpg. You visit a new culture #! inWmnoo > > eyes as evidence telling! Make eye contact would be permitted between a man and a woman, if at all / / which means... Non-Verbal, contextual, and walking hand in hand by two males is common place in the crowdedstreets of opposite... Clicking below to subscribe, you must make eye contact during a discussion is direct long! Dzsnxd4Xa * # \! a ''? 4 ` =kH.T and her head with a range of courses! You to your heart with a slight bow or touching your forefinger your... 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eye contact in arab culture