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examples of biased news articles 2022

examples of biased news articles 2022

blue roof tarp program; real tomayapo sofascore. (from C-Span) Nicholas Haros, whose mother, Frances Haros, was killed at the World Trade Center on 9/11, challenge[d] comments made by Representative Ilhan Omar at an event in March hosted by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), where she said: CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. After reading the names of some of those killed on 9/11, including his mother, Haros says: Some people did something said a freshman congresswoman from Minnesota.. Echoing Trump, speaker at 9/11 ceremony questions Muslim congresswomans patriotism CNN's new boss Chris Licht is fed up with the network's excessive use of the "breaking news" banner on its reports, according to a memo he circulated to staff. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, My 'low confidence' in media's climate change propagandists, NY Times journalists blast colleagues critical of 'anti-trans' coverage, ChatGPT has 'fundamental flaw' with left bias, GOP teachers-union lackeys, high standards best serve all and other commentary, Unethical Trump-era coverage, The Best of Us, and other commentary, The deep, obsessive dishonesty of the laptop deniers, Liberal media shamelessly play politics over House GOP's Biden investigations, It's a rough transition for media that went all-in on Trump-bashing, Sorry, Donald: Here are the real takeaways from the Twitter Files, Musk vows 'more smoking guns from Twitter after Hunter Biden bombshell, 'Far-left lobbying firm': Musk slams NY Times for its silence on Twitter censorship report, Suddenly, the Times is publishing some news that doesn't fit the left-wing line, Times 'reporting' on Adams & midterms is a classic case of progressive denial on crime, Dems' pathetic 'it's racist!' Pro-2nd Amendment students hold nationwide school walkout? 3. Gavin Newsom claimed last weekend that Democrats were at a disadvantage because conservative media controls the story. Santa Barbara sampled local television news broadcasts in Los Angeles and Orange counties in California and found that, when compared . A growing number of journalists are taking a hard look at Trump-era reporting and concluding that, yes, corporate media behaved terribly, cheers Becket Adams. 10/28/2015 - The Battle Behind the Headlines: Can we fix the media bias against Israel? Broadcast Networks Skip Weak Economic Growth? (by Natalie Musumeci, New York Post) A man whose mother was a 9/11 victim ripped Rep. Ilhan Omar for describing the terror attacks as some people did something during the annual anniversary ceremony at Ground Zero on Wednesday. Carol Liebler, communications professor in the Newhouse School, was interviewed by several outlets for stories about race, media coverage and bias.Outlets include The Associated Press, CBS 6 Albany, WPIX-TV (New York City) and KCBS Radio (San Francisco). Trevor believes in higher taxes for everyone, except on his own personal trust fund. Common examples of unconscious biases that humans hold include gender, race, and age-based biases. All of us, no matter our education, intellectual commitment, or good intentions, are susceptible to biases. Menu. According to a 2020 report from the Gallup and Knight Foundation, the vast majority of Americans believe the media is vital to democracy but half think it is very biased. CNN asks the Democratic National Committee about what questions to ask Mr. Trump in an interview. If the datasets used to train machine-learning models contain biased data, it is likely the system could exhibit that same bias when it makes decisions in practice. In the first months of the year, many MIT SMR readers turned their attention to articles focused on workplace culture, talent management, and employee retention. Still, for watchers of television news, radio listeners, newspaper readers, what fun to navigate election news and coverage of the main participants - candidates national and local, their spokespersons and rabid supporters, political analysts and commentators, and the voters themselves. 3/13/2013 - Six months later, where are the Benghazi survivors? Misuse of statistics is present everywhere and news outlets are no exception. Every media outlet that bet big on Trump-bashing faced a huge problem once The Donald left the White House, because that brand of hate- and fear-mongering instantly started to draw Trumps welcome to take the news as reason to feel even more aggrieved. Wednesdays Example of Media Bias is a weekly example of biased news reporting. Sentiment analysis tools, such as those found in the programming languages Python and R, use natural Or the World Health Organization, a joke in its handling of the COVID pandemic? 2021 to Measure How Many Biased News Articles. 10/1/2008 - When Watchdogs Snore: How ABC, CBS & NBC Ignored Fannie & Freddie, 9/24/2008 - AP: US A Nation That Enshrined Slavery in its Constitution, 9/17/2008 - Medias Treatment of Hillary, Barack and Sarah, 9/3/2008 - The NY Times: A Year-Long Analysis: Part 2, 8/27/2008 - The NY Times: A Year-Long Analysis: Part 1, 8/20/2008 - Washington Post Ombudsman: 3 to 1 Obama Front Page Advantage, 6/11/2008 - Poll Shows Majority of Americans Believe Reporters Try to Help Their Candidates Win, 5/28/2008 - The AP Maligns Our Soldiers On Memorial Day Weekend, 5/21/2008 - Media Make Economic Storms Out of Silver Linings, 5/14/2008 - Four Times More Journalists Identify as Liberal Than Conservative, 4/30/2008 - NYT Reporter Winces at Splintered Court Decisions, 4/9/2008 - AP Math: 0.6% Rise is Feeble, 0.6% Decline is Plunge, 4/2/2008 - More Accountability Journalism, 3/26/2008 - One Year Analysis: Reuters 2007 Pictures of the Month, 3/19/2008 - Five Years of Slant Against Iraq War Success, 3/12/2008 - ABC, NBC Continue to Ignore Personal Responsibility for Foreclosures, 3/5/2008 - Analysis of the BBC: The Subtle Bias, 2/27/2008 - Media Spins Success in Afghanistan as Failure, 2/20/2008 - Only ABC Marks One Year Anniversary of the Successful Surge in Iraq - NewsBusters.org, 2/13/2008 - CBS and ABC Falsely Describe Medicare Spending Hike as a Cut, 2/6/2008 - A Tale of Two Withdrawals: Respecting Edwards, But Giuliani Living an Illusion - TimesWatch.org and OpinionJournal.com, 1/30/2008 - The Underreported View The Economy Is Fine - BusinessandMedia.org, 1/23/2008 - 84 Percent of Americans Happy With Lives - NewsBusters.org, 1/16/2008 - Crazed Veterans Spark Nationwide Crime Wave - PowerLineBlog.com, 1/9/2008 - 2.4 Percent: Dramatic Decrease or Disappointing Increase? DAVAO CITYLeading presidential candidate Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday morning hit the media for sensationalism and for being biased. 1/8/2014 - Media ignore mission of ship stuck in ice, 12/11/2013 - Medias Hurricane Predictions Fall Flat, 11/20/2013 - Food Police Group Pushed for Trans Fats, Now Take Credit for Possible Ban, 11/13/2013 - NY Times on Israeli PM Netanyahu, 10/2/2013 - NY Times acknowledges the obvious, 9/25/2013 - TIME puts Vladimir Putin on its front cover everywhere but America, 9/18/2013 - Four things the media arent telling you. Given the demonstrated inefficiency of the municipal administrative process, it will more likely be 20 years, at an exorbitant public cost. Private development should be invited to submit proposals (RFPs) for such a neighborhood 24 in order to establish a financially feasible project on a much more aggressive timeline. Fox31 Denver headline and first paragraph: Son of 9/11 victim criticizes Rep. Ilhan Omar during memorial service A final example of this type of misleading graph. Answer (1 of 14): Here's some content from Feb. 29 of this year that you might find useful. 4. Companies that have thrived amid the pandemic and worker reshuffling have focused on worker well-being from the start. 9/7/2016 - CNN Highlights Critic of Mother Teresa, 5/25/2016 - U.S. 3/14/2012 - What if George W. Bush had done that? Nicholas Haros Jr., who lost his mother Frances Haros in the attack, showed up to this years ceremony with a shirt that read. 12/9/2015 - NY Daily News Lists NRAs LaPierre Among American Terrorists. Thank you. In the Associated Press article, Liebler discussed the case of Gabby Petito and the media's lack of coverage for missing women of color. 4/15/2020 - Do medias connections to Chinese interests affect news reports? 3/16/2011 - Editorializing in a News Report, 2/23/2011 - Media Quiet on Plight of Afghan Convert, 1/26/2011 - CNN Could Not Independently Verify Those Claims, 1/19/2011 - Networks Out of Step with Public, 1/5/2011 - Photo Bias Exposed in the Wire Services, 12/15/2010 - Gallup Poll: Distrust in Media Hits New High, 12/8/2010 - By 6-to-1 Margin, Networks Paint Debate Over Tax Cuts, Not Raising Rates, 12/1/2010 - NYT Publishes Scores of WikiLeaks Docs, 11/17/2010 - Misleading Headline of the Day, 11/10/2010 - Nearly All of NPRs Board Members are Liberals, 11/3/2010 - Tax Cuts to Expire, Media Minimizes Impact on Americans. Is the media biased toward Clinton or Trump? During his interview at the late-night show . - AmericanThinker.com, 3/18/2009 - The Media Promote Embryonic Stem Cell Research, 3/11/2009 - Atlanta Paper Responds to Concerns About Bias, Becomes Fairer, 3/4/2009 - ABC, CBS, NBC Put Positive Spin on Huge Growth of Government, 2/11/2009 - CBS Ignores Broad Public Support for Tax Cuts in Recent Poll, 1/28/2009 - NY Times Ignores March for Life, 1/7/2009 - CNN Reports on Protests Against Israel, 12/3/2008 - NY Times Nicholas Kristof Acknowledges Media Bias, 11/26/2008 - ABCs Tapper Says Media Favored Obama, 11/12/2008 - Washington Post Admits Bias Towards Obama, 10/29/2008 - Most Voters Say News Media Wants Obama to Win, 10/22/2008 - N.Y. Times Iraq War Coverage Drops to All-Time Low. the measurement of the polarity of a news article and to avoid personal bias from the researchers. At a Donald Trump rally, a physical conflict arose between a journalist . 2/25/2015 - Networks Ignore Taxes from Obamacare, 2/18/2015 - Paris Attacks Terror? 8/29/2007 - Whats Wrong With This Headline? 6/6/2007 - Kennedy Airport Terror Plot Doesnt Make NY Times Main Section, 5/23/2007 - Army National Guard at Full Strength for First Time Since 1999, Media Mum, 5/16/2007 - AP caption: High Gas Prices are Posted at a Shell Gas Station, 5/9/2007 - U.S. and International Newsweek Editions Present Different Views of Warming. Explicit vs. For example, a person might have an unconscious bias against people of a certain ethnicity, or a conscious bias against people of a certain political party. 2/29/2012 - Networks Focus Less on Rising Gas Prices, 2/8/2012 - Indiana Right to Work Bill Passes, 1/18/2012 - Barely News: North Koreas Criticism Sessions, 1/11/2012 - Networks Ignore Recall of Chevy Volts, 11/16/2011 - Network Morning Shows Display Bias, 10/12/2011 - Unemployment Rate Left Out of Most Job Stories, 9/28/2011 - The Media and the War on Terror. The time when Scotland really gave 110%. 11/4/2015 - Far Right, Hardline and Ultra-Conservative House GOP. Should the media ask who organized anti-Kavanaugh protests? At least have the honesty to place such a biased piece in the editorial section of your paper so its not mistaken for news. Introduction Which Way Does Your News Lean? 10/15/2014 - Why hasnt the media told this story? 9/29/2010 - Does the Headline Fit the Story? 9/19/2012 - NY Times Public Editor Speaks, 9/12/2012 - Networks Ignore Ethanol Mandates, 6/13/2012 - Media and Anti-war crowd MIA on Terror Tuesdays. We have no idea how many of these pieces were actually ready to roll before Times readers voted. Biased Survey Samples . The authors suggest several ways to deploy a no-meeting policy or adjust an existing one. (by Jeanine Santucci, USA Today) During Wednesdays 9/11 Memorial and Museum ceremony in New York to honor the lives lost 18 years ago, one victims family member had a message for freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. Research conducted by MIT SMR and Deloitte examines the challenges companies and managers face in leading and coordinating workforces that increasingly rely on external contributors. The Worlds Biggest Story, Everywhere but Here, NBC and ABC Opposing Reports on Same Story, The Guardian Removes Israelis from Nobel Prize Winners List, NPR to Stations: Avoid Saying 46 Million Americans Are Uninsured, NBC Reporter Waves the White Flag: Time to Start Leaving Afghanistan, Public Trust in Media Accuracy and Fairness Plunges, NYT Bestsellers Receive Uneven Coverage from Networks, Comparing AP and Reuters Reports on CDCs Chicago H1N1 Study. 3/27/2013 - Whats missing from the news? Iran Increases Cyberattacks Against U.S.; Wheres the Coverage? Bias can have far-reaching effects, from influencing an individual's decision-making to shaping larger structural inequalities. Get a licensed copy for use in educational settings or other presentations. 9/21/2016 - Is the media biased toward Clinton or Trump? 5/4/2016 - Broadcast Networks Skip Weak Economic Growth? Example 1: Mattingly, P., Bradner, E., & Kopan, T. (2016, November 18). Elon Musk hopes that by showing how Twitter worked to suppress information it will force mainstream media to be more committed to the truth. Discrimination is the action that results from prejudice. February 1, 2022 Stanford scholars examine systemic racism, how to advance racial justice in America. Theres been a wave of violent crime the last couple of years, and the best way to address the issue is for everyone to pass over it in silence:Thats the California Gov. MANILA, Philippines As the 2022 polls draw nearer, allegations of media bias for or against aspiring candidates online and offline also become apparent. NY Times Finds New Yorkers Deeply Divided on Mosque, Washington Post Exposes BP ties to Eco-Groups, Attorney General Calls for Lawsuit Against Law He Hasnt Read, TV Networks Oppose AZs Illegal Immigration Law, Networks Barely Mention FCC Plan to Spend Up to $350 Billion for Broadband Internet. These stereotypes and attitudes are shaped by personal experiences and cultural exposure that leave a recorded imprint on our memory. Essential Questions How do readers' know what to believe in what they read, hear, and view? News Corp. (from Fox31 Denver) The son of a 9/11 victim tore into Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota over her recent Some people did something reference to the terrorist attacks 18 years ago. Millions of Americans count right-leaning Fox News as their primary source of information about politics and current events. A Look at the New York Times, Anonymous WaPo reporter insists hes objective, NBC News Reporter Stops Girl From Quoting Bible, NY Times reports on a successor for the Pope, Reduction of Retail Hours Shown in Jobs Report, Morsi Anti-Semitism: Better Late Than Never For the New York Times, ABC Talks Taxes 17 Times More Than Spending Cuts, Networks, AP cancel exit polls in 19 states, National Media Ignore Anti-Romney Vandalism, Media and Anti-war crowd MIA on Terror Tuesdays, NYT Covers Obamas Address, Ignores Original Speaker, Networks Ignore Dissidents Crusade Against Forced Abortions, EPA Official Resigns After Inappropriate Remarks Networks Ignore It, AP Notes Buffett Rule Would Raise Just $5 Billion Per Year, Barely News: North Koreas Criticism Sessions, Unemployment Rate Left Out of Most Job Stories, Networks Ignore Religion Ban at Ground Zero Ceremony, Media Skips Reporting on U.S. Small talk around the watercooler (mainly the virtual one, nowadays) certainly feels heavier than it used to. Categorizing decisions by riskiness and urgency helps clarify when employees should move autonomously and when they should pull leaders into decision-making. 2.4 Percent: Dramatic Decrease or Disappointing Increase? Photographs, cartoons, and other images tell stories just like words. Nicholas Haros Jr., who lost his mother Frances Haros in the attack, showed up to this year's ceremony with a shirt that read, Research has found that happiness, a sense of well-being, and an optimistic outlook are powerful predictors of how well an employee will perform. Terry Schiavo was removed from life support after a years-long court battle. "Yellow journalism" got its name from the Yellow Kid, a popular cartoon character drawn by Richard F. Outcault whose strip became the subject of a bidding war between Hearst and Pulitzer, the two. The current version of the official Media Bias Chart. 90% negative coverage of Trump in the media leads to increased approval rating. How to Spot Bias Using Biased Sources Where to Get Your News This page is not currently available due to visibility settings. To accurately identify different types of bias, you should be aware of the issues of the day, and the liberal and conservative perspectives on each issue. 5/16/2012 - NYT Covers Obamas Address, Ignores Original Speaker, 5/9/2012 - Networks Ignore Dissidents Crusade Against Forced Abortions, 5/2/2012 - EPA Official Resigns After Inappropriate Remarks Networks Ignore It, 4/18/2012 - AP Notes Buffett Rule Would Raise Just $5 Billion Per Year. 9/22/2010 - Survey Results Differ with Media on Ground Zero Mosque. 10/10/2007 - Should Chris Matthews be Allowed to Moderate GOP Debates? . Prejudice means to pre-judge, or develop an opinion before having the facts. AllSides uses blind surveys of people across the political spectrum, multi-partisan analysis and other in-depth analyses as well as tens of thousands of user ratings to rate the . Look for the main subject in the image and think about how this person or thing looks. Recent Gallup data indicates that in 2022, companies and managers remain challenged by the task of raising employee engagement to pre-pandemic levels. For example, the New York Times has a range of individual Opinion page writers, who have a range of biases. 3/3/2010 - With Our Miracle Diet, You Can Slim Down While Gaining Weight! 'I don't think I've ever seen such dishonest and biased coverage of any event." That was Brit Hume, who has been covering events for more than 50 years for Fox News, ABC News and. The following are the 10 most popular articles of the year so far. It is surprising that many Americans prefer an Arabic news source over an American one. 10/3/2007 - NPR Snubs Interview With the President, 9/26/2007 - Reuters Misleads About Bush Saying Mandelas Dead, 9/19/2007 - ABC Trumpets Greenspans Bush Went to War for Oil, Ignores His Real View. 12/20/2006 - 2006 Dishonest Reporting Awards, 12/13/2006 - ABCs Sawyer on North Korea: Touts Happiest Children in World, 11/29/2006 - USA Today: Motorists Arent Paying Enough for Roads, 11/15/2006 - BBC Set to Cause Enormous Problems, 11/8/2006 - Missouri: NBCs Tibbles Repeatedly Leaves Embryo Out of Stem Cell Research Story, 11/1/2006 - Media Twist Good Economy Into Bad News, 10/25/2006 - CNN Airs Video from Iraqi Insurgents. 4/15/2021 - Twitter locks out journalist over tweet criticizing marxist BLM founder, 4/14/2021 - NBCs Today show baffled by lower COVID rates in reopened states, 11/18/2020 - AP dismisses attorneys claims of election tampering, 11/11/2020 - Media Networks Cut Off Press Conferences, 11/4/2020 - Big 3 ignore identity of rioting groups, 10/28/2020 - Media: No evidence of wrongdoing, 10/21/2020 - YouTube censors, silences news they dont want to hear, 10/14/2020 - AP: Replace Riot with the words Protest and Unrest, 9/17/2020 - CNN removes description of Wisconsin protests as violent, 9/1/2020 - Senator accosted, menaced by BLM protesters, 5/8/2020 - Media Outlets Mislead Readers about COVID-19 Data, 4/24/2020 - ESPN uses negative clip of Odell Beckham Jr. during NFL Draft coverage. Conservatives and the police officials tend to give the officer every ben. 3/23/2011 - Able to Provide Unbiased News Reports? This algorithm is already used by the USA police . BBC News. Hits Record: 127 Months Since Major Hurricane - CNS News, 5/18/2016 - CNN report on Syrian Christians. Almost never. identify examples of bias and exaggeration in newspapers and magazines. This bar graph that shows the devastating drop in this pitcher's speed after one year. For example, politicians who are often wining and dining media representatives. The Intercept. email about crossword clue 2 letters; takotsubo cardiomyopathy diagnosis; the spanish love deception; how to grow ornamental sweet potato vine fss changing lanes within intersection; within php the array merges $_get and $_post data; modern systems analysis and design 6th edition. This article details the process of creating a cognitive budget, using techniques from positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, and behavioral economics. Nearly half of global workers (44%) surveyed . in reference to Congresswoman Ilhan Omars [Democrat, Minnesota] speech in March to The Council on American Islamic Relations. Documentaries Skeptical of Global Warming Not Shown on American TV, BBC Cancels TV Movie On Iraq War Hero As Too Positive, AP on Polish Abortion Protests: Ultraconservative Catholics vs. Young People, Zogby Poll: Voters Believe Media Bias is Very Real, Media Buries Story on Troop Increase in Iraq by Republic of Georgia, Post Strips News Reports Of Factual Context Depicts Israel In Negative Light, Palestinian Factions Try to Observe New Truce, Big Three Networks Gloss Over Pro-Life March, But Send Excited Reporters to Boost Anti-War Rally, Bad News From Iraq, According to the New York Times, For 2008 Race, LA Times Giving Way Better Coverage to Democrats Than Republicans, NYTimes Headline Reads Airstrike Rekindles Somalis Anger at the U.S. 2/24/2010 - The Worlds Biggest Story, Everywhere but Here, 2/17/2010 - NBC and ABC Opposing Reports on Same Story, 2/3/2010 - CBS Exposes Congress Wasting Money. Managers who consciously promote employee well-being and take steps to eliminate toxic leadership in their business units will reap the benefits. 9/26/2018 - Google to help Chinese government track its citizens, 9/19/2018 - NY Times smears Nikki Haley; Weather Channel reporter exaggerates conditions, 9/12/2018 - Nets skip good economic news 3 nights in a row, 5/23/2018 - Animals quote taken out of context. Paris Attacks Terror? 5. 10/1/2014 - NBC only network to report President was warned about ISIS threat, 9/24/2014 - Media ignores families of ISIS beheading victims, 9/17/2014 - ABC Reports on Dangers of Driving High, Yet Mention Some Studies Disagree, 9/10/2014 - Big Three Networks Ignore Supreme Court Ruling on EPAs Emissions Regulations, 9/3/2014 - NY Times Runs Questionable Story, 8/27/2014 - Networks silent on ISIS seizure of Christian city in Iraq, 6/4/2014 - AP deletes significant aspect of report, 5/28/2014 - College students and current events, 5/14/2014 - Networks ignore bad economic report, 5/7/2014 - Networks Give 15 Times More Coverage to Correspondents Dinner Than Benghazi, 4/30/2014 - CBS only network that covered Oregons decision to scrap state Health Exchange, 4/24/2014 - Networks ignore IRS employees who got big bonuses but didnt pay their taxes, 4/16/2014 - Analysis of The New York Times, Washington Post & LA Times PART 2, 4/9/2014 - Analysis of The New York Times, Washington Post & LA Times PART 1, 4/2/2014 - Media Ignore Csar Chvezs Opposition to Illegal Immigration, 3/26/2014 - NOAA Scientist Disagrees with Networks Claim of Historic California Drought, 3/19/2014 - ABCs Nightline Skipped ObamaCare, 3/5/2014 - Networks highlight tax cuts in Obama budget, ignore CBO report, 2/26/2014 - Networks Minimize Coverage of Anti-Socialist Protests in Venezuela, 2/19/2014 - Federal Judge confuses Constitution & Declaration of Independence, 2/12/2014 - NY Times Public Editor Blasts Papers Christie Story Edits, 2/5/2014 - What Happened to Real News on Front Page, 1/29/2014 - NY Times Public Editor Questions Coverage of March for Life. For everyone else, here are the real takeaways. The lengths Democrats and the media will go to discredit the Hunter Biden scandal continue to astound. 12/4/2019 - Washington Post fashion critic criticizes Melanias coat, 11/13/2019 - TV Networks coverage of Trump 96% negative, 11/6/2019 - New Record High in Stock Market Skipped by ABC, CBS, NBC, 10/30/2019 - Washington Post labels ISIS terror leader austere religious scholar. A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2021 reported a widening partisan divide in media trust while another study from the Reuters Institute for the Study of . A war in Ukraine. Is Obama Getting a Pass for Mondays Air Force One NYC Flyover? . Whose Opinion Matters? Media ignore mission of ship stuck in ice, Food Police Group Pushed for Trans Fats, Now Take Credit for Possible Ban, TIME puts Vladimir Putin on its front cover everywhere but America, ABC, CBS and NBC Turn a Blind Eye to ObamaCare Setbacks, CNN gives 30 times more coverage to tabloid stories than Benghazi hearing, Christians Disappearing from the Middle East: Media Silent, ABC ignores trial of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell. Evidence-based resources that can help you lead your team more effectively, delivered to your inbox monthly. Bias Can have far-reaching effects, from influencing an individual & # x27 ; s decision-making shaping... Spot bias Using biased Sources where to get your news this page is not currently due... To pre-pandemic levels roll before Times readers voted last weekend that Democrats were at a disadvantage because conservative controls... The following are the 10 most popular articles of the polarity of a news article and to personal. 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examples of biased news articles 2022