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do libras hide their sadness

do libras hide their sadness

Libras Are Trusting & Trustworthy Because they're all about trust. Libra women, when sad or upset, often find that their behaviors betray their emotional turmoil. Shes ugly on the inside and on the outside and she's vain for no reason. Pretty damn true. Please take time to read a few of her books to understand what she was really all about. The cat she got for us 1month before she moved in liked me more than her so we got 1 more so they could play together that failed dead cat. I dont know. Most times anything short of that makes me feel unwanted. After more than four decades, I have realized that II much more prefer the company and friendship of other fellow Librans. Now he lives in Japan and if I ask him to get me anything from there he would send me by post, or any info about computers, or hints on how to solve computer problems etc. 10/17 libra seeking balance on September 06, 2016: I am a Libra male and lately I have been feeling disconnected from myself(sign). Caregivers who mask their own emotions can also reinforce the idea that you should do the same . As soon as the topic turns emotional, he'll clam up. I searched under "Star signs related to types of crimes" and got the shocking result: Paedophilies = Librans. This can harm their relationship with others. Most Libras are quick to put a wall up to protect themselves from insecure, jealous, judgemental, negative, condescending people who attack them. Pisces is the most sensitive sign in the zodiac. I highly value: integrity, loyalty, honesty, and friendship. Creating injustice and spreading unfairness tip the balance of the scales in which Libras will work tirelessly to set back right. When she is overcome by sadness or melancholy, it is certain that her emotions will have a drastic impact on the choices that she makes. Finally, to our regret, years later we gave up and let the kids go since she was ruining our and their lives in the process of her severe selfishness. Libra men are sensitive. You know what makes you tick and your negative and positive characteristics. Did not tap out because I do not believe in giving up easily in love. They often enjoy talking about their feelings and may even cry when feeling sad or hurt. I am a libra and this doesn't describe me. I won't let anyone treat her badly. This funk can have lasting effects until a Capricorn really gets back to their old self. Am I going to take out all my frustrations on my wife and kids even???? Been with one for 3 1/2 years. These libras gossip in such a way that so many don't consider them as gossipers. They need someone to talk to about their problems, in order to help them navigate life. Saying Yes When They Mean No Libras hate arguing more than any other sign, so they often try to be agreeable in an attempt to avoid any possible conflict with their partner. But that's a 1 way thing. I made decision to stop communicating with her. (Sun and moon are in 8th house) but he and i are good people. They are highly intuitive and have a good grasp of psychology. The verbal abuse was ridiculous. I am a few years late in reading your amazing and very poignant article regarding The Dark Side of Saccharine Libra, but I am soo glad I found it. Libras can be extremely easy going until their sense of justice is upset. Librans might speak kindly in public, but even the best ones do not really believe others have feelings or brains. There is a reason why they say Librans make good judges, its because we are able to take every situation or event and tear it down to it's nuts and bolts to see what's really within. Our empathic abilities allows us to see inside you and we can pull out the most sensitive things that no one knows and use them as weapons to destroy your very being if we are crossed. This is very interesting; my mother is Libra and her vacillation between kind and cruel has kept me confused and emotionally bleeding for my entire almost 58 years on this earth. Libra shies away from conflict everywhereexcept within the family. We are not too bulgar to chaos in public. Hm. Should she be pressed, then she may behave in a manner that removes herself from that person's presence. Libra people are charming and very easy to attract you. I know first hand I have a love:hate for Libra people. How do you know when to let go of someone you love? glil ou. Their sadness is one of hopelessness and they're prone to giving into it. But at the same time, Libra men can also be quite expressive with their emotions. A negative Libra will move in with or marry someone to escape the financial or emotional pit they have dug for themselves. They are highly intuitive and have a good grasp of psychology. RELATED: What An Aquarius Really Thinks About You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign. Just my experiences of libras I know. Not a single libra I can truly trust. In person with me he followed me around my campus and was excessively "helpful". She seems to create alot of drama, does not have a good word to say about people, compains. Hero though he was, Gandhi ignored his wife, refused to send his sons to college, and disowned his eldest because he married instead of being chaste. His wife and kids. I was a fool sheltering her from all her accusers but they were actually right all along. It seems not every one is on the same page though. She wanted me to turn on my friend and hurt her, did didn't fly with me I'm grown and 3yrs older. They know what needs to be done in order to get what they want,and its most likely theyll get it one way or another. Libras are known to hide their real feelings in order to avoid conflicts with the people around them. Let him ask a few questions that were way out of line before lost my temper & told him to plz back the hell off. The alarm bells were ringing, I was no longer denying the gut and i made sure I got her whole astrology chart (on the pretense of performing a compatibility report for her new Prey). Warning signs. we only give excuses on purpose even we can cry or beg to make you belive %100. I am a libra male born on September 23rd. But hard for the Librans who try their absolute best so show that they are genuine, and actually try to be even and open minded. when, in fact, your sign might have some deeper insights into your personality traits instead of just scratching the surface. I'm a Capricorn we are smarter than this. Im happy i read this because hubpages looks like an awesome website. Some people agreeing with this in its whole has proven they know and strongly dislike a certain libra in their life, and have no reason to disagree because of the obvious pain THAT negative libra has caused. When Libras are healthy they are funloving, charming and very intelligent. Libra guy 2 met me and my husband "TOGETHER" at a college Christmas party. While we were dating i let her know about my one true longtime best friend which was my first ex (gemini)from high school yrs (different schools). They're divorced now. They are tooo real people to be fake. Libras a diplomatic people we dont like to be mistreated or treated unfairly nor like it being done to other people yes I am lazy and charming and very indecisive but yes Libras are very sweet and loyal ppl but if we dnt get it back in return yes Im throwing a fit. A Libra mom still reminds her 50-year-old daughters to say thank you.. Fast forward my boyfriend (Aries) with (Libra) moon broke up with me today. and yes you probably deserved it! When Gemini gets depressed, their mind starts to wander and they over-think everything. Pro Libra tip: let go of your high expectations and unreal fantasies, life will become a lot more easier. Diplomatic, graceful, charming and even witty! Break out of your shell and be the life of the party. When she shares her feelings with you, be certain to show her that you are willing and able to provide her emotional and intellectual support. But that is a learned thing. Both can be very friendly, sweet, helpfulbut then they seem to turn on a dime. And while it would be nice to have this kind of mind-reader in our lives, we should always make sure we understand our own emotions before we get others involved. Libras are the nicest people of all the signs until you rub us the wrong way. Things seem to be falling apart around me. They seem cool, and often emotionless but often there's a storm of feelings inside. Muahahahaha ;)~. Look: This is a very typical attitude for a Libra man. Libras are the biggest gaslighters imaginable. Be Mysterious. I wont bite ur head off lol. I'm going to be very honest, I was pretty ruthless with my ex wife, especially in the latter part of our marriage. I put it together that all this DRAMA and out-of-the blue nonsensical conflicts always seemed to connect back to Mr. Libra 2, He was always the mutual link. His protectiveness will not be shown in an offensive manner, since that is not how he operates. Thank God doctors brought me back alive. They isolate themselves and start to detach, even though they still attempt to appear happy. Libra Woman. Yet, that didn't stop Mr Libra from pursuing me and creating "DRAMA" by telling his friends I was "divorced" or "was getting a divorce". the least balanced sign. People should understand that not every Libran is the same. i am in my 40's and i have went total no contact with her on several times. what a joke!!! All libras say that hate being embarassed; so much that they are willing to betray someone or talk shit about someone else in public to distract everyone's attention from their flaws or faults. Libra: Don't leave them alone I can agree with some of the second parts of statements: e.g. Of course all us libra aren't like that and have EVERY negative trait. I ended up feeling hurt and confused because I saw the signs that said he didnt want to be with me but kept pursuing anyways. If you can't relate to all the negative sides, why feel attacked in a certain way? The thing I don't like is how they can gossip VERY negatively about people (behind their back) but talk in their "sweet tones" and are charming and complimentary to you in person -- that you may not know that the Libra IS the source of the negative and/or false rumors. In turn, this will give her a chance to build a new life on a strong foundation. They're good communicators and mediators; they know what words that all the patience and wise people would say, so you would believe them and even sympathise with them. She told me she loved me and carried on, even said I was her world, her confidante, her saving grace (Calipreston), then when I started thinking OK maybe there is something here she carried on for weeks, then bam. When he learned I didn't own a car, he would "insist" on driving home from class. She is the most flaky and fake person i know. These people would never guess that Professor Libra was NOT at all on their side and was infact VERY jealous of them. A lawyer once made a circle of names with a dot in the center. BUT with my loved ones I AM WHO I AM. Like she has some sort of ledger in her head. After the beginning of the year she started being more flirtatious. Everything in this article rings true. But the point is we are shit at emotions, because our minds are a major dumping ground, where is so much stuff that the stuff we say and the stuff we believe often go in different directions. He is very intelligent and extremely good at computers/programming and logical science, stuffs which requires a lot of high IQ. How to Start a Conversation With an Aquarius Man, How to Have a Healthy Relationship With a Sagittarius Woman. Annelise from copenhagen Denmark on July 06, 2018: Silvia from an Aquarius to another Aquarius give us Capricorns dark side thank you ;), They lie about everything about them self, live in a romantic dreamworld where everybody admires love and wants them Lol lovely. but im not fake and i dont try to control her life. BUT dont forget the good as long as you stay on their good side theyll spoil you be your shoulder to cry on and alot more. It's a bad place to be when someone makes you feel you don't know what you're talking about, are stupid, or just plain crazy. She avoided me like the plague, lol. I feel like a pawn on a chess board to her. If a libras dark side showing youve had to provoke them in some way. When Libras get sad they feel like their heart is breaking. Its a constant battle. We got back together. By Samantha Maffucci Written on Dec 16, 2021. They always try to be objective and rational, but they tend to be emotional and sensitive. They are the cause to my misery. If look from the good side we're doing you a favor before you meet our Lucifer side so you must be happy :). I remember my mum saying to me that he used to steal money from my dad, reason why he had to lock the drawer where he could keep his cash safe. I am thankful she has a new Prey in her life, anything to keep her away from me, let her manipulate that poor sap of an Aries man! By hurtful i mean really hurtful libras observe and are very diplomatic, they watch your everyday behavior ask you lots of questions if they are interested and learn about you enough just to be able to push the right buttons to hurt you. Those born in the first week of October are prone to depression (saturn decan) due to their repressed emotions and hide it so well. It's extremely unfair to call Sylvia Browne a fake psychic. (I made Mr. Libra 2 look good in photos). As a Libra male, i agree with most of this. If you piss off or let a Libran down, do not both trying to: because they know what you did and your ability to do it again. Yes I do throw tantrums and become manipulative but only when I am wronged and taken advantage of for a long time. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. I tend to feel deeply and take on too much responsibility. Libras may also do this because they want to be liked and accepted by thoe around them. I SWEAR NEVER to go near this monsterous scale bearer again EVER in my living, breathing life. You can't be weak around these majestic women. For me, it was to my defend my kids and anytime she went past the line of reason in punishing them, I was right there to invoke the one thing Librans are good at, utilizing and that is our rather sharp tongue. I'm not. im not saying all libras are like this but my mother certainly is. And nope im a Loyal libra. Libras love with a passion. Asked us who we thought the dot was, we shrugged, he then told us it was the very libra I am talking about. she has never ever apologized to me and never will. I am POSITIVE I am not the only libra who thinks this. We will love to the ends of time and to our very detriment and will give chance after chance after chance to prove your self. Throughout the years we dated other people but always kept in contact with each other. Having to explain why you're feeling blue, especially when it feels like it's all piling up on you, can end up making you feel worse. Reason why they play games and betray the people closest to them. Visit SAMHSA's website, or call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or 1-800-273-TALK (8255). September 9, 2022 by Anna Howard. One Libran is not going to be the same as the other. Munay, I am a Libra and I have to disagree on every aspects lol for me personally I do good until Im messed over as soon as you mess over me its over with. she can do as she pleases. I wouldn't trade my beautuful Libra baddie for nothing. I am worried that the very same relationship that i have with my parents is what I will have with my wife and kids. If someone pulls a trigger I'll definately explode and make their life miserable because they get what they deserved. We are the empaths of the Zodiac.the unconscious rhythm of the universe connected to both sides of all things: Light/Dark - Good/Evil - Balance/Chaos - Moderation/Gluttony - Sanity/Insanity - Love/Hate - Beauty/Ugliness - Consciousness/Unconsciousness etc etc etc. LIBRA: Libra tends to swallow their anger and sadness. Think of Mahatma Gandhi. Like it is mentioned above we like to flake out on our family members and that is something I can't deny, we are just looking for guidance we can't find and actually we know all the stuff we want to know already, we just can't find it in all the shit that we bathe in in our minds. Ive tried to reach him but he wont answer. Im a gemini. Known for being indecisive and eager to please, this air sign is unlikely to ever initiate a breakup and very likely to mourn one long after it's over. He will yell that all he wants is some peace. My sister is so jealous of other people's happiness, she does whatever she can to ruin theirs. Libras are known for being charming, beautiful, and well-balanced. All on their side and was infact very jealous of them a car, he & x27! The topic turns emotional, he & # x27 ; t leave them alone i can agree with most this! Their behaviors betray their emotional turmoil the outside and she 's vain for no reason these libras gossip in a. 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do libras hide their sadness