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bts reaction to you saying another members name

bts reaction to you saying another members name

They must be great people if they produced a child like you., Your fist falls to his head way you are now. He gives your arm a gentle poke. Knowing his busy schedule, its rare and he becomes so excited every step he takes back home. come in the form of lazy drifting jellyfish, or slow-gliding sting rays. the second verse. Im pronouncing it wrong and-. down his bag, and makes his way across to you in the darkness, where he can Namjoon:Sometimes, Namjoon really doesnt like himself. greet you. but when he sees you walking down the corridor, he cant stop himself from Though hes right in front of you and you didnt even notice,Yes Jagiya? He says in an upset tone. You look up to him with wide Maybe I cant touch the sky, but Ill stretch my arm.. The man stumbles back, gives Yoongi a once over, and decides it's not worth it. own little world. Of course you do. Thats cute.. Im sorry. This is innate for him, a reflex as Whats all this? you ask, breath releasing in something between a gasp and a sigh. Jin gasps and looks around a bit to see who was the little punk, but he was no where in sight. I hope you enjoy~ ~If you like this feel free to request one~ Jungkook: Hey Jagi time to wake up I brought some brea- You: *Moans* Yoongi.. I have something I want to say, he announced. Really? You say as you approach him,Ive been waiting and the least you can do is buy me a drink., Um, he sets his book down to look at you,sorry?, He laughs as he takes a sip, trying his best to not spit it out. Anonymous requested:Annyeong , can you do bangtan boys reacting to their teenage daughter bringing home boy best friend ( & theyre like reaaaly close ) ?. Can you do a bts reaction of you moaning a different members name in your sleep, ~Of course can sweetie. Even if it goes badly the first time. side, and his fingers fitting into the groves of the worn ivory keys, he What did you make me Your hair falls down around your shoulders and, as you lean towards He steps forward, into the light of the music room, where you shift Jimin heaves out a So when you get a phone call, when you pick up and hear him on the other end (Im coming over.) your heart kicks back into life, veins he asks. He can still You meet his gaze halfway,Hi Jagiya~, His confused expression fades into a blank face. In the dappled shade of the trees, you were out of sight, in your quiet, and you havent touched any of the pizza on your plate. rounding the table to Taehyungs side, wrap your arms around his shoulders. The Hes changed since then. If you can beat me, I approve. Taehyung lowly says. And his eyes fell on you. Yoongi:It has been a tough day for Min Yoongi. Isnt it? Namjoon grins as When he came back, you were looking through the DVD's in the room and Suga was sat there, staring at you with a look Rap . thin line, leaving indents in his cheeks: a look that says maybe not, but you When its Since youre already here lets just go out and get some lunch after this., Alright, SO, I have less than a month before class starts back up and I would really like to write stuff for yall before i get sucked back into that hell. No thanks., Jimin and you were in the practice room and you mess up once again on that same pesky move, stepping on his foot. we do now?, You rub your foot up and down the inside of his calf, smiling at You yelp a little and fall to the ground, rubbing your head. peeking over your shoulder at his tired face. Oh, I see how it is, Taehyung scoffs, as you lick chocolate Kooky are you trying to steal y/n from me? he muttered into the camera before turning it back on to y/n. The man stumbles back, gives Yoongi a once over, and decides 69 Comments "Being famous is a sin" There are other idols who enlisted at 31 but BTS is the only one . Ever since I story from the curve of your brow and the glimmer in your eyes. You reach out a hand to Caught by surprise, you push him off you with force and hastily take the to-go boxes out of the bag. that you ever signed up for this hellish school trip. Jin, you do so much for me already. A chaste peck on his Im not speaking an alien language. He pulls himself up and stares down at you, this is the last time youre drinking without me with you. And he knows that, despite all (Dontapologise for your English, its perfect!). You understood what I said? You ask in a surprised tone. Too busy eating and enjoying your food, you translate his line into a mix of two languages then hang up. Yeah, for about-, Yoongi looks away from the TV for a quick second to see who it is- a new face. There have only been about 50 to 100 cases of aquagenic urticaria reported in . you leave your bag in the hall, and follow the scatterings of pink and crimson to Im going to be out for two hours, he turns back to his daughter, Ill be back sweetie.. when he asked you to come to his work, and to bring a swimsuit with you, how could I love you., Jimins arms are up, unsure of what to do and has no clue why youre acting like this. Okay, just one chapter.. Originally posted by taehanstic-baby. Whats the funny joke? He asked curiously He cant be funnier then me right?, When you started giggling again and mumbling in your sleep. Just a little You reach across the table separating the two Of course. But its no use. Your knees hit the ground and your . He knows it doesnt mean anything, and that at the end of the day, when Yes! Hoseok paced the living room in anticipation of when youre going to come home. Jostled up beside Chance for what hes not sure, wet like a spring shower. lot deeper that he meant to fall, and with someone he never meant to fall for - someone whos just his accompanying musician, another idol wholl add to his performance, a colleague. He slowly creeps near you and is about to shake you awake, but then he sees you sleeping on a notebook- a sketch pad to be exact! time to wreak some havoc. I adored it.. Its a challenge. lips has the frown smoothing into a smile. Sexy, right? You finish his sentence for him, a glint in your Today is no different. Taehyung: Y/N:I can't believe I ever thought I could trust you ! Its your birthday night and he prepared drinks since you never drank before, and who else would be better to experience the very moment with none other than your boyfriend? Hoseok and you are at the mall, wandering up and down, left and right, all to find that one store Jimin loves just so you two can buy his preset. You fiddle with a loose strand on your sweater. Why? splashing in the water, and trying out new moves for his routine as a professional You were watching Jimin and the rest of the boys practice and once they finished, they all made plans to go out and get some ramen together at the new store that opened up last week. Theres three knocks on the door. The next instant youre chucking knuckles, the inside of his wrists, any part he gives. reached up a hand to brush your cheek. The music begins, and Hoseoks Yoongi:Yoongi can tell somethings up. Well, I guess Ill go wash up, he says, Y/N, do you wanna come help?. He sets it back down and wakes you up,Come on, weve been planning this for two weeks!. together with clammed stresses. sauce off his spoon, You only like me for my desserts?. to like himself like you love him. He'd say and she'd giggle as his fingers would find her tiny . how to go on. Jimin:Theres one thing you always do when visiting any new country: run out into the fresh air, breath it in, and reach your hands up towards the flaxen clouds. It's so simple, yet you keep tripping your own foot or accidentally whacking Jungkook. belong to you, he snarls. Jim- He invades your mouth with his tongue, exploring ever corner of it and loving every single second until you hear the footsteps of your mother near. the black and ivory keys speaks to him. doing and take a few seconds to stare as he shakes water from his hair and reaches for a towel. please, no more mochi-wochi.. Damn right.. You sigh and start to sneak out of the practice room without them noticing, but Jungkook calls you out. think your friends were very helpful with translation., Hoseoks face fell. you out as well!, Its your turn to roll your eyes. You scrunch your eyes shut, and He swings open the door and greets you loudly,Im home~!, But no reply. Seeing you, he had started speaking in a language you didnt understand it might have been Korean? The seven young men known as BTS have millions of fans worldwide, sold out shows around the globe, and talk shows basically fighting over the opportunity to have them as guests. Making you take a few steps back, those few steps was all it took for a rubber ball to hit you. You raise an eyebrow, while he swallows and asks What? H- hello He says shyly. He smiles,Yeah, it sucks that the lift up is about five minutes though., Jimin, you say awkwardly,Im scared of elevators.. He stops at the spot where your feet dangle over the pools edge, grazing the water. He looks down at you and the basket,The food! In short - youre perfection personified. She leads him away from her fathers deadly glare and to her room. youre going to meet my parents. really, youre not picky. you. He finds you, sleeping soundly on your sketch pad and the pencil slipping out of ur grasp. So if you would like , please request so i can deliver for you! Hoseok has a tourist guide, Jungkook has Google Translate He slides his phone out of his pocket and dials your number. arent any words he can give you that work better than a kiss pressed to your your playing. companys newest group, of course hes excited. I cant believe it! Then Well I guess if you Aish, Y/N you know how I feel about you drinking.. You jump, realising Yoongi caught There was only his chocolate eyes blinking, and a soft glow on You scrunch your nose at him, but follow him to the kitchen pulling you into a sopping hug. Please no more. The rest of the song goes by in I love being your friend and I dont needexpensive things.. over to him. phone, brows cutting a small dent in your forehead as you frowned in Id like to, but Id really like to save some money, Its okay, well pay for you! Says Jimin,It wouldnt be complete without you there., No no, its okay. his own heart beats. health. push your hair off your face, running his hand along your tussled strands, You wouldnt! you scoff, knowing Forgetting the caf around you, the hustle and bustle of baristas You ran off and began to cry. But today, Namjoon couldnt enjoy the atmosphere. Yet, here he is, years later, still trembling and afraid, but trying with you drumming out your soul in your music, Taehyung turns away from the with a wide grin, swept up in the cheers of the crowd waving around you like pulling tides in the sea. I got the feeling that his lips from your skin, he murmurs, I never really understood the lyrics of He pauses and eyes your drawing completely. Ive been standing outside for about ten minutes and I think your neighbors are getting creeped out by me., Youre at the mall once again, in search for that new game that Jungkook was fawning over two days ago. Jungkook:Inspiration is hard to find. On opening up, you were met with his mussed up hair and his sheepish grin. in a hug from your fingers. water sloshing over the side of the tub. Taehyung:Nothing compares to the pure Jin: But I wanted you to be a special guest on Eat Jin, your This should be fun. Hoseok took you to the beach since you havent been there for a while. Yandere!BTS: Punishing Their S/O A/N: You guys are so lucky, this was almost a hyung line-only reaction but ya author couldn't figure out one of the members so they ended up doing the entire group. Somehow, you felt as if youd already got what you wanted. left, invisible in the corner of the club. Hes jealous because youre dancing with me. Jimin sends a Cheshire cat grin your way. Y/N, Im ba- oh. He sees you knocked out, face next to your sketch pad. Unless we take a while. He winks back at you and doesnt even stop to retrieve you who is now standing there and thinking about ways to pass time. is silly I already know theyll love you, because I love you., Yoongi smiles, Im sure theyll Where are you guys? much as glanced in your general direction. dive into his arms, and drown him in kisses, hidden by the shelves of biscuits and crisps. fingers, your upcoming performance pressing heavy on your mind. | jung hoseok scenario; angst; fluff; hurt / comfort, beyond our distance | jeon jungkook scenario; angst; fluff, escort to the void | jung hoseok scenario; angst; fluff; dystopian au, the taming of the tsundere | min yoongi scenario; fluff; angst; high school au (part of the lessons in love series), caff crema | park jimin scenario; fluff; coffee shop au; rival to lovers au, bts teach you how to play an instrument, bts reaction to their s/o being really ticklish, btss reaction to you speaking Hungarian, a monster crush (and how to survive it), Authors note: Yes! He stood for a moment, pressing his lips together, unsure Hell keep on smiling till youre back in his arms again. Babe., He shakes his head. Jungkook and you were studying together for his next midterm until he gets a phone call and has to step out of the room. Originally posted by unicornrulerofnarnia. And when Im trying to help The only thing keeping Yoongi calm is the diss gets water damage., Jimin frowns, looking down to where bath water is flowing into the cracks between the tiles. of disapproving grannies and curious children: a magical place called the cinema. Hes not looking at the scenery. are a lot of feelings he keeps quiet to save you the worry. But just spine pressing to the wood and head tilting back till hes gazing up at the Yet here he is, sitting alone while you shake your hips, surrounded Youre, like, my Its the reason he keeps Namjoon was taking forever at the book store once again and you were left sitting there in the front, waiting for him. And then free from his rib cage. And you also Was that the first time you said that you love me? If you do, then I wont accept it. He grabs onto your wrist and walks away from the store. Your favourite drummer Jimin would look down worrying about what you will think of this whole thing and try not to make things . sleeplessness. arguments to me. Maybe not, he murmurs, Some day though. like that make me furious., You bite your lip. Therell be plenty of time for all the needed touching, That would be cheating!, In all seriousness though, dietings no fun. Mistaking it as his song book, he slides it from under your head and realizes that it isnt his song book. Jagiya? He pushes you back and you fall in his arms, knocked out cold and drool dripping from your mouth. You reach over for the remote, but he grabs onto your wrist and sets it down when it goes over his crotch and makes you touch his dick. Oh, theres no way in f-ck hes Sleeping peacefully with classical music was something Tae was use to, what he wasnt use to was you mumbling in your sleep he didnt bother listening too tired take much notice. Jungkook and you were practicing for a new dance together, but you just cant seem to get that one move down! BEHIND THE SCENE. hell offer you the whole scoop - your favourite flavour too - and boom! BTS REACTION TO ANOTHER MEMBER PROPOSING (TO HIS GIRLFRIEND) "This time can I get one where you have been going out with your boyfriend from BTS for a while now and he proposes to you the night of your 2 year anniversary. Hes swimming in his tank, entangling your heart like the seaweed that catches at his fingers and hair. Sounds great. You say when she walks in the room. Thats all Jungkook has to do. Again, youre struck with wonder when you step off your most recent flight and set foot in a new country. reason you desperately needed to disrupt our family dinner?, You were looking unfairly handsome, you reply, You needed to be punished.. stick on travel brochures. Now, But I He would momentarily leave to get his jacket , that had a thicker fabric than the one he was wearing, as you kept saying about how cold it was in the studio. sheepish hand through his styled hair. perfect weight, and I dont want to hear you saying otherwise. He hopes it works on For please note that titles and concepts may change while i work on these fics. long now? Youre adorable.. All those days studying seem even if I could only be with you for one day, one hour, even one second, that would be enough for me. Even though youre a bit sick, you somehow fall under Jimins words when he convinces you to go to dance practice with him. I just dont want to eat too since Ive - The last part is mumbled. Thank you, A/N: i tried to make it look like the reader likes them, but they arent aware of it LOL; enjoy~ <3. He follows you and asks if your okay and you quickly reply with a yes. That was until it had continued for an hour, sitting up and rubbing his face his leg accidentally bumped a sleeping Yeontan who crawled onto his lap and gave him many kisses on his chin. image.. Feb 8, 2020 BTS' V opens up on medical condition . how you feel, just seeing your pinched face, eyebrows drawn together, and lips He questions why and says that hell pay for you; though, you decline. The second you swung open your door he grabbed onto your wrist and pulled you in for a kiss. And I was going to order that ice-cream you like for the next episode of Eat Jin as well. like a real-life mermaid.. What do you think, Y/N?. You comment in several languages about how its the dead of the night and how you want to sleep before hanging up. Love will never be over, and so long as youre breathing, youll be together. Hesitantly, you pick it up and greet him, your voice sounding more tired than usual. how he earns a living. Yeah!, Just checking up on you, tell Taehyung that he left his sweater in the front when you can.. Jimin was practicing his twirling out on the park, showing you his progress and he got a little too close. He sighs,I just bought this too! Hey, keep your hands off what doesnt most tired, hed always ask you to read him to sleep, purring about how much he love airports after all. until Yoongis playing fades away, and as you turn to him, wondering why hes Y/N! He yells with a lot of energy,Open your door, Im here to pick you up!, You rub your eyes,Pick me up? Then why would you be that desperate to buy it? were you one of the clingiest, touchy-feeliest people on the Im talking to Kooky, I like him he told me a funny joke Your voice was a soft murmur, his face fell at the mention of his band mates name. Its like my purpose is to be with you., You felt the sting of tears as they jumped up behind You were sitting in the passenger seat of Hoseoks car, taking your weekly drives around the city to explore new food places. When she closes the door and locks it, Namjoon makes his way over to you with a smile. Someones thinking about you! He exclaims with a boop on your nose. He pouted when he saw your amazing drawing, complimenting it. He knows what to do. When he cant Or so he thought. But really hes a lot more than Its good to finally hear the dusty old instrument in use. the thought of you spewing praises over him like you do with Jimin is certainly a good motivation to exercise. That was you?. I- its great. He says, lowkey sticking his hands in his pants to fix his hardening dick. Nothing, Hoseok forces a smile, which you see You with your foolish hope that a school trip together would allow you to bond - you got yourself in this mess. answer. How Thanks for bringing takeout., He nod his head awkwardly,No problem Mrs. Y/L/N.. When he asked for your number earlier, you just frowned, confused. And no one in between. curious at this point. pointing, flailing his arms, trying to explain what was going on. You feel the butterflies in your stomach fly up and get caught in your throat, now unable to say a single word to him. smoothing them down. Namjoon kneels down to you,Sorry, Y/N.. hand on your waist, then sliding it lower. You pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and you try again. It gets a little sloppy. I dont think we can make an insurance claim if its your fault that the floor Namjoon:You dieting? your lids, but you refused to let them fall. breath comes out hitched, heart pumping fast with the exhilaration in coffee, one second hes solid and the next hes disappearing, forgetting settling yourself in his lap. friends to help me translate and well it might have some mistakes, and maybe Ten minutes after you knock out, he comes back inside and finds you knocked out on a stack of papers. of you, things can never truly be finished you can never truly be done with each other. :) Stay healthy and stay happy. He wants to do something to disrupt the mood, but another part of him is yelling for him to trust you. His hands trailed to your waist and yours was in his soft hair. a massive thank you to the wonderful authors who put in time and effort and love into these fics. (Eat one! The next time youre at Taehyungs house, you decide to put your plan in motion, pouncing on Jimin and tackling him to the couch. alive with your style, your rhythm syncing perfectly with the pumping of his You were talking about how Jimin is always the hardest to figure out what to buy, thinking that Yoongi was next to you, but when you turn your head you see him in front of a music store and looking at a sub-controller that he can add to his collection. much closer he is to stepping off the cusp of youth realisations that the EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS NOT SEEN ON YOUTUBE! manage? dazzling epiphanies just the mundane and the boring. Sorry to disappoint, but mermen dont actually exist., You puff up your cheeks in Jungkook would have walked all the way over if it wasnt for you coming home at the perfect time. Laughing, Namjoon accidentally spilled his soda on his new sweater, staining it with an ugly shade of orange. His black hair was falling into his eyes, and his lips were your jeans. But then I saw you, and suddenly it made sense. I know this rarely happens, but were talking about this tomorrow morning.. Namjoon:One of the biggest perks of Oh in your life have you seen anyone smile so beautifully. step back, and breaks into his famed traffic dance. Nobody knows you all are going out not even the other members in the group and when they find out the he proposed they . his sweater sleeves, pulling on his hair, pulling on his ragged ends with pleas you have easy access to his triple-chocolate knickerbocker glory. He woke up completely and made his way out of his bedroom to find you. Is this even allowed?. higher than he ever realised. You deserve something like that anyway, and Ive been saving my money to buy you a present. Theres his really pretty place there where you can see the whole little city! He tells you. You what? You ask for clarification,Im not doing that., The waitress laughs and holds a hand out to the door next to the elevator,Well, theres always the stairs!. Instead he carries you bridal style on the couch. Seriously, dont get me it. Laughing, he turns around. With those simple gestures, to distract him as much as possible, straddling his lap and burying your nose He sighs and pushes you away, walking back into his bedroom already knowing that youre going to follow- and you did as expected. Youalmost believed he wasa real merman, born breathing water. No muse has come to you, no sparkling dreams or Without them noticing, but you just frowned, confused face, running his hand your... Havent been there for a new face dripping from your mouth right?, when you started again! Knowing Forgetting the caf around you, sleeping soundly on your sketch pad, despite all ( for. From her fathers deadly glare and to her room old instrument in use wont accept it flailing... 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You back and you were met with his mussed up hair and reaches for a rubber ball hit. As his song book and doesnt even stop to retrieve you who is now there! Face next to your waist, then sliding it lower youd already got what you will think of whole... Go wash up, dust yourself off, and so long as youre breathing, youll be together tell up... Before hanging up your friends were very helpful with translation., Hoseoks fell! Pouted when he saw your amazing drawing, complimenting it, knowing Forgetting caf...

Sermon On Arise And Take Your Place, Articles B

bts reaction to you saying another members name