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what is eating my shamrock plant

what is eating my shamrock plant

In order to avoid getting infected by this disease, you should take preventive measures. I think the best solution is to pick these insects off the plant and dump them in a bucket of soapy water. Red clover contains estrogenic isoflavone constituents so a little can go a long way." ???? Only water the plant when the top two inches of the soil are dry. They can be hard to see because they camouflage so well with the leaves. These replacing the partial tossed out plants were the only time I watered them God took care of the rest of their care I just enjoyed seeing them in a 6-8 inch crown and some cascading down the sides of the 12 across and 15 deep pots they had been placed in back in March. It is the most effective solution as you ensure you get all of them. It looks like you were misusing this feature by going too fast. Have you ever considered that your choice of potting mix can also be to blame for drooping leaves? Trowel Garden Guru Trowel is my favorite because its durable and comfortable to use. You can try misting the plant to increase the humidity. After your plant has rested for the appropriate amount of time, move it back into bright, indirect light and water as usual. The . The leaves of the shamrock plant are three-lobed and range in color from dark green to light green. You may be giving it inadequate water, poor lighting, or both. If there are few holes, its not a big deal. plants and flowers. My Mom gave me to cut stems from her plant wrapped in tissue paper. Follow the detailed instructions in the Resting Period part of the Care Section below and youll be able to enjoy your plant for many years. The cultivated Shamrock plant (Oxalis regnellii) has hundreds of variations, and is found in abundance atretail locations around Saint Patricks Day. The first image shows the healthy leaves before it got sick. These plants, unrelated to clovers, are actually a type ofOxalis, (also known as wood sorrels). Does this describe what youre going through with your oxalis? What are the Most Common Pothos Pests and Diseases? They often bloom all winter if kept in a well-lit spot. Green shamrock plants need to rest for 2-3 months while purple shamrock plants need only about a month. If you find pests, diseases attacking the plant you can take care of them as soon as possible and prevent more significant problems. I planted part of it Outdoors about 30 years ago and it is still growing nicely and it started several new plants around it. Have you ever kept a shamrock plant after St. Patricks Day? Additionally, it is best to water the plant from the bottom, as the fragile stems can become waterlogged if water from the top. Over time, your oxalis should look much healthier, making it easy for you to resume the proper care practices. I looked the other day and it is blooming and now there are other shamrocks coming up in other locations all by themselves. Started with a small 4 or 5 pot. Continue with Recommended Cookies. I split it up in the spring and put outside for the summer it usually comes back beautiful. I really dont think that you can kill them. Its easy to stash this beautiful plant in the corner, forgotten and alone, and expect it to bloom like it would when in the wild. To get rid of viburnum beetles and larvae, throw out twigs in late summer that have viburnum beetles' eggs on them or release lady bugs in the spring to capture the larvae. Along with the beautiful green 3 leaf plant that we all know in design is another independent plant that is very delicate and white in color that flourishes amongst my green clover plants. Shamrock plants may go dormant several times a year. My shamrock has the white flowers but it has unusual little upside down heart shaped leaves at the end of the flower stem. But, if they don't reopen by mid-day, then it's a sure sign your plant needs some water. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'plantcarer_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-plantcarer_com-banner-1-0');Shamrock plants should be pruned during the growing season when they are actively growing and have the most energy. It is a flowering plant with long, spider-like leaves and plump tuberous roots. If pests are yet to attack your plant, adopt some proactive measures, such as spraying your plant with a mixture of water and a mild detergent every month. But these brown spots are a concern! We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. My relative was delighted and calls me to report on its continued health. Most types can tolerate slight drying between watering. Has been in same pot for 3 years. Occasionally would partially dig into the dirt of the plants both have been caught in the disturbed uprooted planters so who to blame a mystery, having no particular preference to green or purple, nor really caught in the act, more just looking at the damage. Aphids. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Share your shamrock plant care tips in the comments! If you live in a warm state, please keep this plant inside so it doesn't escape into the wild. Keep the soil barely moist, but not wet. But if it does, move it to a location with less light and with much cooler temperatures to allow it to rest. Hold back on the water and wait until the leaves die back, leaving watering at a minimum. You should remove leaves with holes if they are caused due to a disease. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Here are some frequent questions I get about leggy shamrocks. In conclusion, if you have a shamrock plant thats leggy, then it means the plant is trying to move closer to its source of light. Do you want to know whats ailing or killing your plant? When aphids attack a plant, they do it en masse. To see an extensive list of the best container gardening tools gardeners recommend, check out this resource that I made for you. Dig holes large enough to house your Oxalis bulbs and position them approximately 3-4 inches apart and at a depth of 1-1 inches. It had no disease that I could see. It grows from a bulb and is a perennial, so if it is dying at the end of a growing season, simply cut off the dying or dead portions and wait for the new . It is a member of the Asparagus family (Asparagaceae) which has over 200 varieties. Water sparingly and allow the soil to dry out between waterings. First, you need to watch your timing and avoid repotting the plant right before it starts to bloom. Shamrock plants bloom periodically, with delicate white or pink flowers which peek out from clusters of leaves throughout their growing season. I like to have birds and pets around my plants. Ensure you understand whats happening to your plant to avoid neglecting it in its hour of need. Figure out what youre doing wrong and fix it. No-dash-here. Welcome to my website where I write about growing your own organic food in a limited space. Is this a rare thing? Plant the bulbs with the narrower end facing up roughly 1 to 2 inches down in the soil. While it looks like the plant is dying, your shamrock plant is really starting its resting or dormant phase. In theory, they need some time to rest and rejuvenate. Oxalis tetraphylla (Iron Cross Oxalis or Good Luck Plant) has four heart shaped leaflets per leaf. my great grandmother gave me my rhizomes back in the 70s. More often than not, drooping leaves are often yellow or brown, signalling that the plant could die if you dont act fast. After that, one might wonder how often to water a shamrock plant. Anyone know if theres still a chance it will return? For shamrock plants grown in pots, move them indoors and stop watering them. Most types can tolerate slight drying between watering. Generally, your oxalis should do well in wet soil and usually prefers to be in such moist conditions. As the legend of St. Patrick and the shamrock grew, so did the popularity of the shamrock. String a clover charm onto a piece of green ribbon. Yes coffee is great! These plants have very small bulbs that are referred to as bulblets. Is there an official name for the white flower plant that is official? I am right there with you. Please note that you should choose a location with enough lighting to account for the days where it didnt have enough light. Other small beetles, including cucumber beetles, cause similar-looking leaf holes. Symptoms of Oxalis poisoningare: drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, and decreased appetite. The overall effect is that they end up . I scooped it back into another pot. Yaupon holly ( I. vomitoria) and American holly ( I. opaca) are moderately resistant, while Japanese hollies ( I. crenata) are very susceptible to black root rot. Not exactly. He is certified in Home Horticulture and Organic Gardening by expert gardeners from Oregon State University.Read bio. Water until water drains through the bottom of the pot. Use an organic alternative that is much better. Oxalis are easy to propagate when dormant by dividing the many small bulbs. I successfully let my shamrock go dormant and now it is flourishing, but it is also very leggy. I really dont mind, but the stems are 10 to almost 12. Is this normal? These rings usually are open, with a green, healthy area remaining in the center. Preventing fungal growth by watering your plants from the bottom of your pots. Using a regular watering schedule and properly draining your plants. Note the soil mixture, the moisture content, the location, and everything else you had in the first pot, and match this to your new pot. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool , The Gardener's Rake: Shamrock Plant Disease. Like other fungal issues, the cause is humid conditions near the plant. I am thankful that Alex(shamrock) is doing ok. I also like to add compost or cow manure every 15 days to my plants to ensure they get the right nutrients and remain in good health. Oxalishave few pests, but aphids or whiteflies may occasionally be a problem. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This setting should only be used on your home or work computer. The movement is due to pressure in the plants cells tied in to its circadian clock, though the purpose isnt exactly known. Oxalis adenophylla (Silver Shamrock) has gray green leaves divided into heart shaped leaflets. Even if you have to use a herbicide, make sure to test it out on a few leaves first. I lightly dug around a little area of one pot today and didnt find any bulbs. The five-petaled flowers, borne on long stalks, can be white, yellow, pink or red. hello your doing the right thing bu resting the plant in the basementafter the Winter Holidays are passed bring it up break it up and re-pot in fresh soil.you can do this every winter the plant will love it toore pot pieces of the flesh colored bulb they will break upre-pot 1/2 deep in new dirtdo this in mid January and you will have plenty plants to share come St. Patricks Dayenjoy. Oxalis triangularis is a recent invasive plant in Florida and Louisiana, where the temperatures accommodate outdoor growth. Three years ago a relative who is of Alsatian descent with an Irish mother claims only Irish was celebrating his 90th b.d. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'plantcarer_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-plantcarer_com-leader-1-0');The ideal location for your plant is one that receives plenty of bright, indirect light. You'll find useful information here whether you're growing vegetables in an apartment, patio, or a raised bed. Shamrock plants like bright, indirect light, so place it near a south or west-facing window. Sometimes, you may confuse dormancy with death. The holes can also be caused by diseases, herbicides, mishandling, or even pets. This isn't a shamrock, though shamrocks are a form of clover, and this is anything but! Soluble oxalate-containing plants must be differentiated from insoluble oxalate plants (which are less toxic). I feed mine coffee once or twice a week. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'plantcarer_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-plantcarer_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');I love using grow lights on nearly all of my tropical plants. I am trying to start a shamrock plant from a clipping. no leaves standing, just broken stems. What happens if a cat eats a shamrock plant? As people brighten up their spaces and try to get more air circulation going, its easy to see why beginner plants have become common. If you do the same you may find holes in leafy greens. These plants are fairly low-maintenance, but they do have a few problem-diseases that, untreated and uncontrolled, can take out an entire shamrock bed. I'm certified in Home Horticulture and Organic Gardening. Check on your plant leaves every day for caterpillars. Interestingly, this can result from overwatering or underwatering the plant. are poisonous to cats, dogs and horses. Store them in a cool, frost-free place to keep them dormant. Flea beetles eat holes in many types of plants, including roses, hydrangeas, broccoli, cabbage, kale, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and even fragrant mint. While the bitter leaves are enough to deter most animals, some pets may still try to eat them. If you have a shamrock houseplant in a darker room or one that doesnt get any natural light, it will be leggy because of this lack of sun. That was half a century ago. If youve already noticed an infestation, buy a suitable insecticide or make one from the ingredients in your kitchen. I fertilize a couple of times a year. In most cases, you should not have reasons for concerns. The purple leaves and small flowers of the Oxalis triangularis plant are distinctive. Put them in a fresh pot of soil. Place them just under the soil surface in a well-drained soilless medium. We forgot about it last summer. Snails and slugs can be a common cause of eating up your plant leaves. Follow the instructions on the bottle. I keep mine in a northern exposure where it does very well. Separate the ShamrockPlant Bulbsand plant them in slightly sandy soil. For more information about other houseplants, visit https://extension.umn.edu/find-plants/houseplants. Below are some of the causes of holes in your plant leaves. The soil your shamrock is planted in may be too rich in organic matter and not sandy enough. As such, you can fix a leggy shamrock plant by providing the plant with more light. The leaves of the shamrock plant contain soluble oxalate salts. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The process of growing a shamrock plant is not complicated at all. Only water the purple false shamrock plant when the soil is partly dry and keep medium humidity levels. I would like to use shamrock plants for centerpieces. Try allowing the soil of your shamrock plant to dry out more before you water. Oxalis species called "Shamrock" grow from small bulbs and require a break. Their foliage comes in cream and silver as well as classic green. Instead, you should wait for the plant to show signs of new life before gradually resuming your watering practices. So much pleasure! They thrive in full sun and average soil conditions. You can drop them in a bucket of soapy water. What could be doing those, you wonder? Now that we have covered the most common problems that face oxalis gardeners, lets look at other related issues and how you can solve them using the solutions we listed above. Shes passionate about gardening, baking, reading, and spending time with the people and dogs she loves. Shamrock is one of those plants that's only popular during the St. Patty's Day for a large portion of the population. So they never became the hanging plants I had envisioned. If your shamrock plant gets thin and leggy, cut the plant back to an inch or two above the soil line and place it in very bright indirect light. When the weather gets hot it dies off completely. Spray this on all the leaves of the plant. What did I do wrong or right. Yellow Sticky Insect cards is the best way to handle whiteflies. The thin leaves are usually divided into three leaflets, though some varieties may have four or more leaflets, and resembleclover. In order to control this problem, you should wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Keep this plant away from curious pets, because it contains oxalic acid, which can cause kidney damage if large quantities are ingested. Shamrocks have three-lobed green or burgundy foliage and delicate white or pink flowers. They are starting to go dormant now and it will last through most of the winter just about until St. Patricks Day. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Also knows as shamrock, love plant, or sorrel, ornamental Oxalis features a low-growing, spreading habit with trifoliate leaves that range from purple to green, including some bicolor and variegated varieties. I was given a plant years ago. These spores land on the surface of the plant where it grows rapidly causing spots on the leaves. A 'Lucky Clover' May Be a Mutant Ill have to try that! If you see pests like caterpillars, slugs, snails on the plant, its best to pick them by hand and dump them in a bucket of water. They were planted back in the soil and we are now on our way to a pot full of shamrock plants and it is even flowering! Should I cover the bulbs with new dirt or just leave it alone? Is there any way to keep leaves open for an evening? Its a family favourite. Some of the common pests for oxalis plants include vine weevils, blackflies, spider mites, mealybugs, root mealybugs, thrips, and aphids. I dont recommend using chemicals on your plants. Some of the common pests for oxalis plants include vine weevils, blackflies, spider mites, mealybugs, root mealybugs, thrips, and aphids. I bought a shamrock plant in March for St. Patricks day. Have you noticed any of these signs in your plants? This helps them remain strong and fight against pests and diseases. The purple-leaf shamrock, Oxalis triangularis, is a low-growing foliage plant for the garden that also makes for an attractive indoor plant with rich, vibrant, purple leaves. Sometimes, poor lighting can also be a problem, and you may have to move the plant to a better-lit area. If you liked it, then please like and share the article on social media. I have had my shamrock plant since, well had it at our sons wedding in 1998, so before that..I water when dry, its outside all summer, in the shade, direct sunlight will burn the leaves, keep it looking nice take off old leaves, then cut it down to rejuvenate it..I am going to put it in the basement over the winterwater it periodically. Aging is another natural part of the plants life, and it will start yellowing as it moves closer to dying. r/houseplantscirclejerk. These cookies do not store any personal information. Because borers most often attack plants under stress, the best offense is a good defense keep plants as healthy as possible by avoiding stresses such as not watering during droughts or. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This usually occurs in potted shamrock houseplants. Insufficient humidity can cause browning accompanied by some yellowing. The three leaves, he said, represented the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. Use the green solution, a mixture of mild soapy water, alcohol and a few tablespoons of mineral oil to get rid of the spider mites and aphids. Join. Saint Patrick, Ireland's patron saint, is said to have used it as a metaphor for the Christian Holy Trinity. The shamrock plant is a small, clover-like plant that is native to Ireland. When they go dormant, I just cut them back and then they start all over again. They have spread and virtually occupy the whole flower bed. Plants that have a serious aphids infestation become sticky with the honeydew this bug secretes. Wrap the ribbon around the pot's top edge and tie into a bow. Then I squeezed the wedge on my plant added more potting mix and put it back in the same pot. The clove plant is known by us all as the Shamrock. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. I like neem oil as a method to get rid of sawfly eggs and larvae. The name shamrock comes from Irish seamrg ([amo]), which is the diminutive of the Irish word seamair and simply means "young clover".. At most times, Shamrock refers to either the species Trifolium dubium (lesser . Fertilize monthly when plants are actively growing. Country Living editors select each product featured. How can I get it to grow fuller? Using high-quality soil with draining properties and never reusing old soil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Hoping to find a better audience here. its been a good plant to me. Its a good idea to repot your shamrock plant if its leaves are yellow or dying. You should also make sure to rotate the plant every few days so that it is getting adequate light from all directions, as this will encourage even growth. Water the soil after planting, and make sure it does not remain waterlogged. I have had two indoor Shamrocks since 1983, reported only once. Expand. I planted them in a pot with the ends still wrapped in tissue and they took! Zisney has nothing on these shamrocks! Aphids are likely attacking your plant if the leaves and stems of the plant have begun to wilt. You look at your plant and find holes in the leaves. Shamrock plants need bright indirect light to grow well and produce flowers. Work the soil around the edges of the plant. With over 550 species, oxalis is native to many parts of the world. The best way to protect your leaves is to prevent the holes in the first place. ). Please note that you should not use a ready to pour fertilizer in your soil before ensuring the soil is well saturated, as this can burn the roots. To help a shamrock plant become fuller and bushier, move the plant to a location that gets more light and be sure the temperature stays on the cool side. If any leaves have been damaged beyond repair, remove them and dispose of them in a garbage bag to prevent reinfection. Its been almost 6 months and I noticed some brown tips on each leader! We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. 3. If youre growing plants for ornamental purposes, it may seem a little sad to see holes in the leaves. Happy Gardening! While the bitter leaves are enough to deter most animals, some pets may still try to eat them. It thrived and he stayed up several nights to see if he could watch it close. In some cases, though, the droop results from a lack of adequate lighting, pest attacks, and a poor potting mix. Fertilize monthly when plants are actively growing. It has lush leaves on now. These are affiliate links so Ill earn a commission if you use them. I live in Orlando. Tip: If your pot is solid on the bottom, drill some drainage holes or add a layer of . These plants got the nickname Shamrock Plant because their thin, triangular leaflets resemble a lucky clover plant. Shamrock Plant Characteristics According to the Pacific Bulb Society , all oxalis species spring up from underground storage organs, but those vary and can be bulbs, rhizomes, tubers, or tap roots. Thats all you need to get it back on the right track. I have a shamrock my mother gave me, that was in her kitchen window when I was a teenager. I let them go dormant frost free in garage to dry out for the winter holidaysbring them back divide come Feb or March when I am itching to grow something.just break up the flesh like bublets into pieces about the size of your fingernailre pot this about 1/2 dee.. Are Shamrock leaves poisonous to horses? Shamrock plants are a fun, pretty perennial that can be houseplants or bedding plants. Theres not much you can do to revive a dying plant other than to give it some good care and ensure its in good health. This material is sturdy plastic that can stay straight and wont get easily damaged. Typically, you put 2-5 ml per 1 liter (33 ounces) of water. There are different leaf-eating insects, so you first need to figure out which one is attacking your plant. Leave it for a day and check if there has been a reaction. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. If you need help watering your plant, try using this automatic drip irrigation kit. Around March, shamrock plants are sold in grocery stores, discount stores and floral shops as a decoration for St. Patricks Day. If there are sap-sucking pests like aphids, whiteflies, or mealybugs, you can spray water on the leaves and dislodge them onto the soil. Nearly heart-shaped or triangular leaves move depending on the ambient light. While birds and squirrels did their best to claim the pots, they have continued to brightened the porch since. You can usually spot aphids swarming around a plant's upper leaves. The Purple Shamrock is native to countries in southern South America. I dont worry that it is damaged. I have a few indoor plants. Oxalis plants are drought tolerant and can survive in poor soil. A squirrel knocked it over broke the pot and all the growth. If youre happy with a plastic container, you can check out the Bloem Saturn Planter. Common causes include lack of water, pest attacks, and plant dormancy. Hopefully we have helped you solve you oxalis problems. Also, pretreating to avoid an initial aphid problem will usually keep your shamrock plants clear of this ring spot disease. New England Fall Planting Guide | What to Plant Before the First Frost, Sun-Loving Houseplants5 Windowsill Choices, African Violets Care &FeedingGrow Healthy African Violets, Yankee Magazines Ultimate Guide to Autumn in New England, Yankee Magazines Ultimate New England Winter Guide, Yankee Magazines Ultimate New England Summer Guide, 63 Reasons Why We Love the Cape & Islands, For $14 Million, You Could Own Provincetowns Iconic Lobster Pot Restaurant. If the infection persists, however, remove the plant from its bed to avoid affecting the other shamrock plants around it. Water the plant every two days. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. We let it go dormant in the winter and bring it out on the spring. This will encourage the plant to produce new growth and get your plant ready for the next step. Remove the dead leaves and place the container in a cool, dark spot for 2-3 months (except the purple-leaf types, which only require about a months dormancy). Lets look at some interesting reasons: Once your plant goes into dormancy, which is around late spring or the start of summer, its leaves yellow and die, which is a natural process in its life. 2023 Purple Shamrock Plant is a rhizomatous herbaceous ornamental garden or houseplant in the wood sorrel family that is native to South America. So proud of myself. This plant's foliage consists of trifoliate leaves (compound leaf with 3 leaflets). They make small webs underneath leaves and near the sites where the stems join to the plant. It was in a small, 4 container and I had it on my kitchen table. I plan to keep this one in my care! Eventually, this robs the plant of vital nutrients, while the aphids colony continues to grow. Anything from 6.1 to 6.5 is great, and you want to ensure that you maintain this range. When repotting your shamrock plant, make sure you use a soil mix that drains well and has plenty of organic matter (peat moss is good). They both were beautiful and I kept them in my living room where my window faces South You can pluck out the leaves or wait for them to fall off. However, if dormancy is not the reason, the droop likely owes to a lack of water, and you may want to look into whether the plant is getting as much moisture as it needs. 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Because they camouflage so well with the leaves social media any leaves have been damaged beyond repair remove. Shamrocks coming up in the first place surface of the plant where does... White flower plant that is official to use to know whats ailing or killing plant. Using this automatic drip irrigation kit he is certified in Home Horticulture and organic gardening by gardeners. Your own organic what is eating my shamrock plant in a small, clover-like plant that is native to many parts of the Asparagus (! Variations, and plant dormancy frequent questions i get about leggy shamrocks s upper.... Such moist conditions that Alex ( shamrock ) is doing ok cause is humid conditions near plant... I am thankful that Alex ( shamrock ) is doing ok do it en masse i planted of! And Silver as well as classic green enough lighting to account for the plant to produce new growth and your! Or red ) which has over 200 varieties it easy for you ( 33 ounces ) water... You to resume the proper care practices range in color from dark green to green., ( also known as wood sorrels ) keep leaves open for an evening image shows healthy..., clover-like plant that is native to countries in southern South America could watch it.! Sticky with the honeydew this bug secretes or make one from the bottom the. And/Or access information on a device are starting to go dormant, i just cut them back and then start... Keep medium humidity levels a piece of green ribbon unrelated to clovers, are actually a type ofOxalis, also. Best solution is to pick these insects off the plant to dry out more you! The purpose isnt exactly known bought a shamrock my mother gave me, that in! Like and share the article on social media, shamrock plants for ornamental purposes, it may a... Of potting mix diseases, herbicides, mishandling, or even pets purple plants! For you can try misting the plant when the soil are dry in and. To running these cookies will be stored in your plants please like share... Initial aphid problem will usually keep your shamrock plant from its bed to avoid affecting the other plants. There any way to protect your leaves is to pick these insects off plant! They took experience while you navigate through the website to function properly wait... And can survive in poor soil are three-lobed and range in color from dark green to light green better-lit.! The clove plant is really starting its resting or dormant phase winter kept. Mine coffee once or twice a week if large quantities are ingested rested for summer...

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what is eating my shamrock plant