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ways to ruin someone's house

ways to ruin someone's house

Too much music deafens the ear, Some of these include: making sure to get enough sleep, eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and avoiding drugs and alcohol. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { 11. Start walking, one foot in front of the other; just move. "When wired incorrectly, this will typically result in a short circuit.". Spread lies and rumors about them, so that everyone starts to believe the bad things you're saying about them. Other events fraught with dangers from burglary include: Determined burglars may use ruses to gain entry into homes that promise of big pay-outs. While downspout extensionsthe long piece of gutter that runs along the groundmay not be aesthetically pleasing, removing them can lead to much bigger problems down the line. Of the reported 2 million commercial and residential burglaries reported to the U.S. Department of Justice in 2009, most (61 percent) were forcible entry. Alert stay-at-home neighbors that you'll never have a van at your home unless you've informed them first. "Crime in the United States 2009 -- Burglary." Apply for a cash loan using the Bitch's personal info so they go into debt and get their credit score dinged. "Vinegar's acidity can be hard on some rubber parts of your dishwasher," as well as seals made of polyacrylate, fluorosilicone, and Buna-N, eventually causing your appliance to fail, says Cameron. "Adding polish to your floor will produce build-up and cause your flooring to become dull, and possibly tacky, causing dirt to stick to it," says Cherry, who recommends a pH-neutral cleaning solution instead. At least once a month, you should be cleaning your dishwasher trap, which is generally located on the lower part of your dishwasher near its sprayer. Burglars who prefer to plan their heists in advance are particularly attentive to seasons and occasions. While you may think the look of that mossy roof is charming, if there's mildew underneath, you could be setting your home up for some serious damage. "The resulting damage can range from a tiny bit of wear and tear on other appliances to a destructive electrical fire," says Dawson. "If an extension cord is not rated for outdoor use, it's at risk of overheating and potentially causing a fire," explains Dawson. If those surfaces are painted, avoid the ammonia- and bleach-based cleaners you use in other parts of your home. That toilet bowl cleaner isn't the all-purpose bathroom product you might hope it would be. 4. Unless you want a pricey repair in your future, always use a stud finder before nailing or drilling into a wall. Esteem and Recognition: A character who feels powerless may seek to reclaim that power by destroying another's reputation, therefore proving to themselves that they do have influence. Another very evil idea is to buy 2 or 3 pounds of bent grass. 6 December 2011. you may have to take out a second mortgage on your home. Direct the pair to show up at the Bitch's workplace, preferably when he's presiding over a board meeting or pitching a campaign to an important client. Buy some aluminum, you can get it at your hardware store, and shave it to get very tiny flakes. When grass receives too much nitrogen, particularly in a fast release form, it'll either cause the areas that got it to get a nasty fungus or die out. TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS: So how would you define the Biden administration? Shocking, blatant and utterly humiliating. The answer isn't some expensive cleaning productit's a dehumidifier. If the target is married, you can send him/her a love card that says, I'm sorry, I want you back in my life. Always be yourself on the date. "Harsh chemicals wear down the existing finish, resulting in a dull look," explains Chloe Brittain, an associate at kitchen refinishing company Not Just Paint. Looking for an easy way to protect your house in a hurry? NewsOn6.com. This is one reason I will never work with children in my life. Lack of sophistication can come back to haunt cocky burglars who assume surveillance is like the days of yore: Recorded images on film are viewed later in some operation control room. If a submissive has agreed to listen to the commands of their dominant, a dominant can stop them from reaching . Ask if they have forgotten the passionate nights you two spent together when the going was still good and have the card delivered when you know their partner will be home to get it. No time or energy for pets? The Unauthorized Biography of [Bitch's Name] by [Your Name], as Told to [Ghostwriter's Name]., Avoid libel suits by claiming to read your Bitch's mind. They note how many people live in each house, when people come and go, what cars are usually in the driveways and typical traffic patterns. To keep a house safe while on vacation: Place lights on timers. Electronic keypad locks, too, seem to be favorites among those trying to evade bump-key bandits. These are some of the thoughts your Bitch will torture themself with as their guardian devil turns up the heat another 500 degrees, and the skin on their backside sputters and pops like a panful of pork cracklings. "10 Ways to Break Into a House" If your command of the written word is not up to the task, don't hesitate to hire a ghostwriter. This one's about tact, cunning ability, and most importantly, rhetoric. Have you ever just wanted to slap a bitch, kick a douche in the balls, or really fuck someone over? 28 Feb 2023 20:06:50 9. Ever the advocate of peaceful resistance, I will say this much: sometimes the best solution is to simply say, Fuck you, cunnilingus mother fucking dickhole, and walk away just walk away. Simply, on a PvE server its "almost" impossible to do. You don't have to destroy anybody's home. Get them to sign up for as many things as possible. This way, the police will have to survey two spots before they can put the pieces of the murder together. Verbal domination or humiliation is a way that an orgasm can be ruined. Dented. Right in the middle of dinner. Brush off debris, detritus, bothersome people who are neutral when being upstanding is called for. A message declaring that [Your Bitchs Name] is a Boss from Hell appears above the gasping crowd, written in 2,400 foot tall letters visible for 40 miles around. On Facebook, for example, a teen may post about a family vacation -- where they're going, when and for how long. Fall asleep right in the middle of dinner. If your budget allows, hire five child/mother pairsone for each workdayof diverse ages and ethnicities. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer. Then continue to watch as the Bitch squirms in discomfort and humiliation. 3. Geolocation may be the ultimate burglar research tool. If you must hide a spare key, try this: The key under your flower pot opens a storage shed on your neighbor's property. Let's take a look at five ways we could ruin someone's day. Heavy rods in tracks prevent opening of sliding glass doors fully. Not limited to men, this tactic may be even more effective if used on a female Bitch, for while deadbeat dads are a dime a dozen, what kind of she-monster would abandon her own child? Think again. And for a must-do project to tackle in the warmer months, check out The One Home Maintenance Task You Should Be Doing Every Summer. Put up an ad in the help section of a newspaper or a popular online ad site for your victim's area. Usually a good way to catch a bitch off guard, unless they "trust no one" Check me out! "Harsh UV rays can cause premature fading and discoloration to floors, especially hardwood flooring," says flooring expert Paul Carter, executive vice president and chief purchasing officer at Empire Today. Excessive amounts of water on your hardwood or laminate floors can cause them to warp or stain. "Crime in the United States 2009 -- Property Crime." Another very effective tip is by leveling a false accusation against them about practicing pedophilic lifestyles. "AC units need plenty of room for proper air flow to run efficiently," says Jeff Trucksa, co-founder of K & J Heating & Cooling, Inc. Besides being irresistibly adorable to passersby, this may cause your ex to rue the day he objected to letting Vinnie share your bed, on the grounds that his farts keep me awake.. Here's how to do it: 1) Isolate your victim. "Never let the grading around your home slope toward your home," cautions Hall, who says that this is a recipe for moisture damage. "If humidity hits above 55 percent, you might be opening up a chance for moisture to seep into the wood," says Carter, noting that this can cause your flooring to swell and warp over time. Not being yourself! They also often act weirdly to communicate their opinions. Sarah Crow is a senior editor at Eat This, Not That!, where she focuses on celebrity news and health coverage. Perhaps they wouldn't have run away with that auto show model if they'd known it would damn their soul for all eternity? Destroying bases, any tips? Don't do that. Your key, hidden in this fashion, is not likely to be linked to your house and provides an effective, albeit time-consuming, method for hiding a spare key. The easiest way to tell if someone is a narcissist is to look for the following traits: a shallow personality, excessive need for attention, and exaggerated abilities. Bad hygiene / Not taking care of your teeth. The ability to tell exactly where the user is at any given moment is a dream for burglars, who can enter homes while monitoring the owner's location, and wrapping up the job when the service signals their return. Set it on fire. In desktops, be sure not to miss the ones in the power supply and in the case. [deleted] . Keeping your blinds open may make your home look bright and cheery, but doing so can also cause serious damage to your flooring if you're not careful. Change The Perspective. If your Bitch is a Catholic, Mormon or Scientologist, the rejection of their church will have the powerful effect of ruining their life not only in this world, but in the next. Web 2.0 is changing our world and, sadly, assisting burglars too. If the offenses committed against you by this poor excuse for a human being are so abominable, so completely heinous that you're 150% sure you want to go through with this, then here are eight foolproof methods for permanently destroying someone's public reputation. It is possible, however, to identify a trusted security expert who is known to stay up-to-date on the latest burglary methods. Starting at around $3,500 and going as high as the cost of a full-page color ad in the Times, skywriting is not cheap. My wife was ruining her health through worry. After a few days (or hours), the Bitch will most likely contact you, kindly requesting that you cease the tormenting. Just to see that old truck pull up to his front door with DJ MuffinPuff or Ma and Pa Roach Stompin' Two Steppers rattling my . A full-page spread in the Sunday New York Times will go a long way towards informing the public, or at least its literate elite portion, of your Bitch's offenses, but at $150,000 a pop (and that's just for black & white!) (Tao Te Ching, Chapter 12). Push and Pull -- The toxic person pushes against limits you've set, just to see what your reaction will be. The lesson: Opening doors to strangers is generally a bad idea. "Dirty, blocked, cracked, and leaking chimney flues and venting can result in the release of fireplace pollution in your home, as can improperly installed or incorrectly maintained components.". Fortunately, DIY services like Book Baby allow you to attractively package and publish your tell-all and disseminate it throughout the Bitch's social diaspora in both print and e-book formats. That doesn't mean you have to live in the dark, thoughCarter simply recommends making sure you've closed your blinds when you head out for the day. After writing the phone number, add something that says the number is offering a variety of sexual services. Well, the last thing you need on your permanent record is assault and battery, so physical violence is out of the question. Want to keep your hardwood or laminate floors looking brand new? These cleaners can even erode the stone underneath, leaving you to foot the bill for a pricey replacement. Move onward and upward and watch from the sidelines. He is your main goal and so, you want to know all you can about him. While using some mulch in your garden can help protect your plants and cover up patchy areas, putting it too close to your home can cause serious damage over time. Who doesn't love grilling in the warmer months? Bleach may be good for your whites, but it's not an all-purpose cleaning solution. However, once your Bitch takes their seat in the dock, and surviving witnesses parade through the courtroom recounting horrific tales of their offensesfor instance, it turns out that you are only one of scores of lovers they told were the best they ever had before cleaning out their bank accountsit will be well worth the wait, and after all, don't they say revenge is best served cold? If the target lives in your neighborhood, you can find a combination of stalking, trolling, and sometimes some IRL bullshit from the following link: https://github.com/bibanon/bibanon/wiki/Ruin-Life-Tactics. Burglary Prevention Council. Of course you want to rid your carpets of dirt, but overdoing it with the carpet shampooer could do more harm than good. One revenge porn site was run by a single mother who posted the pictures jilted wives sent her of their husbands' mistresses. If you have access to the Bitch's voicemail, change the greeting to something inappropriate like a phone sex operator recording. Being the architect of someone's public ruin has the added benefit of deterring future offenders, for once prospective mates, rivals or employers see what you're capable of, they'll be sure to treat you with the absolute deference and respect you deserve. Thieves think nothing of walking the circumference of your home, trying each door, window and cellar opening until one relents to prying hands. Patience will be key here, for your case could take at least thirty years to work its way through the courts, and require the gathering of thousands of signatures. Inventive ways of getting people to open the door are discussed, too, leading burglars toward the more serious and dangerous crime of robbery. 12. And for more ways you can keep your home tidy, check out 30 Amazing Cleaning Tips You'll Wish You Knew Sooner. Too much music deafens the ear, It could be as bad as an overflow of your plumbing. That's all I /should/ say about this subject. Breaking everything inside of someone's house! Formerly reserved for heads of state, and more recently for warlords and politicians, it's only a matter of time before ICC prosecutions are opened up for plain old everyday assholes. Prison is just the most advanced level of escape room. Shaving cream If the chemical residue from the shaving cream product is not placed on a car, it will leave a permanent stain on the paint. Or consider the dark second-story bedroom where someone is sleeping near a wide-open window. 6. Now the trick to successfully killing someone's spirit by laughing is very simple - in that moment, you must hate them so much that yelling would be a waste of your time. It's not possible for most homeowners to keep up with the ways burglars target and break into homes. Consider bustling dining rooms and kitchens during dinners, when second floors can become targets for quiet burglars. In 1 year, you will have almost paid it off. A few ways you can do this include: Focusing on self-care. Best bet: Ask neighbors to house sit, with their cars parked in the driveway, to ensure it appears someone is home. } else { Place lights on timers. Create obstacles and problems for them at every turn. Do things that you find enjoyable, relaxing, and fulfilling. Kill their parents and feed their flesh to them without telling them, until they finished the meal, and then you introduce the mental scarring that will probably fuck up their life. Step 4: Maintain Anonymity After a few days (or hours), the Bitch will most likely contact you, kindly requesting that you cease the tormenting. (Nov. 22, 2011) http://www.burglaryprevention.org/, Camber, Rebecca. Warning:Hiring a skywriter could eat up a few of your unemployment checks. Warm spring days and crisp fall air make open windows irresistible -- especially to burglars. Burp in her mouth while kissing her goodnight. Republican Texas Representative Ronny Jackson, who also served as the White House physician during former President Barack Obama's tenure, has expressed grave concerns over President Joe Biden's cognitive health. The accused attempts to bring the spectators attention back to the field by yelling at her son, Well played, Timmy! but no one, especially Timmy, is buying it. Chosen businesses become addicted to and dependent on government aid, prompting a lobbying frenzy that further . Shame! like a gaggle of enthusiastic Puritan conventioneers. I like world traveling, downhill skiing, snowshoeing, backpacking, camping, running, hiking, and See full profile . Basically, you may have meant one thing, but the insecurities of the person you're talking to may have them interpreting it as something entirely different. Another way is to use a network scanner app. preferably do this while he's inside a bar. Here are the behaviors to look out for: 1. Step 1: Start by making a hole in the ground Add TipAsk QuestionCommentDownload Step 2: Full the whole thing with TNT Add TipAsk QuestionCommentDownload Step 3: Build a house on top of it Add TipAsk QuestionCommentDownload Step 4: Put fire or a switch to start the TNT Add TipAsk QuestionCommentDownload Step 5: Boom there u go have fun You're better off letting that dirty pan cool down on the stove rather than trying to pour cooking grease down your drain. Ideal targets are homes with indications no one will return soon. But hey, there are plenty of covert tactics you can employ to get revenge and destroy your ex, friend, enemy, boss, or anyone you want really, at little or no expense, and which will be infinitely more entertaining to you and your friends than kicking the bastard in the balls or otherwise inflicting fleeting physical pain on them. Anonymous SMS Get revenge within the next 60 seconds with this tactic. Liquid Chlorine. Exaggerate the Bitch's featuresthe more hideous, the betterbut if creating a disfiguring wart or triple chin out of chicken wire and glue-sodden newspaper proves too tricky, simply hang a sign around the effigy's neck with the Bitch's name scrawled on it. Oct. 5, 2007. Most burglars aren't looking for trouble. 5. Undeterred daredevils may dash toward sides or back doors obscured from view. That exhaust fan in your bathroom isn't optional. Even if this is a false accusation, this kind of allegation sticks with people for the rest of their lives. Start by trimming your trees. "Dimmers typically have different color wires coming off of it and they are not all consistent," explains Garry Hall, a partner at Sunrise Electric. NEW MERCH! He might induce a husband or wife to put too much emphasis on a career or to spend too much time pursuing houses, cars, and material wealth. The homeowner can invite the expert to inspect the property once a year to suggest where vulnerabilities may be further secured. 6: Wait for the Holidays Christmas presents by the window may entice crooks to break in. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); This kind of thing can make you go in search of information on ways to ruin someone's life. Write something that says they plan to bomb a major public place and how they can't wait to be with god in paradise or anything like that. During open houses, visitors should not be free to roam, and after the event is over, realtors and homeowners need to check that doors and windows remain secure. Jul 5, 2010. Instead, use a wood-specific cleaning product, or have the flooring resurfaced if that stain just won't budge. Plaster. Those hidden areas, characteristic of houses at ends of cul-de-sacs, are best secured with bright lights and extra security measures on doors and windows. After successfully carrying out the above steps, let it go, and move on with your life. If the Bitch was in your circle of friends before, exclude them from things you do together or refuse to acknowledge the Bitch when you're out with your friends. Now we come to a very important point on how to ruin someone's life. 5 Forgetting to use furniture pads on hardwood floors Shutterstock Little known to those outside the locksmith and burglary trades, the bump key is a master key normally used by locksmiths to help those who have locked themselves out of their own premises. That would only hurt YOU. Second, flush items like cloths or paper towels down the toilet. Burglars look for, and sometimes create, specific characteristics and situations when choosing where and how to break in. Have. Those flickering lights aren't always just a quirk of your older home or the result of a faulty bulband letting them go unchecked can mean you're putting yourself at risk for serious danger. No one can disprove that your Bitch had these thoughts, and since we haven't claimed they spoke them aloud, we have shielded ourselves from litigation. Putting plants too close to your home can cause moisture damage to your foundation, or may even leave you dealing with root structures threatening to compromise it. If a buyer cannot use the space for anything else, the lack of flexibility hurts your home value. Leave cooked noodles under their windshield wipers. The typical burglar avoids confrontation, has scant interest in an arrest and fears physical harm. (Nov. 22, 2011) http://www.portlandonline.com/police/index.cfm?a=247171&c=50412, The Smoking Gun. If you're not using them, every time you scoot back in a chair or move a piece of furniture an inch to the left, you're potentially scratching your floors in a way that only refinishing them can cover up. Lawns and window signs advertising alarm systems deter many break-in attempts. And they do so using small, easily-hidden devices, which means four, five or six webcams can be positioned to give different views of the same area. This can cause the inner lining of your water heater to crack, requiring an eventual replacement. This is highly effective, since most neighbors will not question a large van in the driveway with uniformed workers carrying contents from the house. How do you ruin someone else's life without getting yourself into legal trouble. In addition, technology can quickly become out-of-date, and installing built-in electronics is a . The head can be as primitive or as detailed as your artistic abilities allow. This will clog up the pipes and cause major problems. They're slated to shut down by the end of March. 31 views, 1 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Notnico: Notnico was live. Motion-sensor lights save energy costs and deliver effective, flee-inspiring startles to jumpy criminals. Thats why, with the help of architects, builders, and other home experts, we've rounded up the ways you're causing damage to your house without even realizing it. Help is a quick 911 call away. If you don't know the Bitch intimately, become close. Don't be surprised if you feel the uncontrollable urge to let out sardonic, maniacal laughing. 5. Love and Belonging: A character seeking acceptance or love may try to ruin the reputation of anyone who thwarts those important relationships (a romantic rival . Trust me. This will leave them homeless, and will likely ruin their life. A handful of patients. Sadeghi, the co-founder of the revolutionary integrative health center Be Hive of Healing, has put together a cheeky list of how-to-kill-the-most-passionate-love rules that speak, humorously, toward precisely how not to . Show up at the person's office occasionally If you want to make someone's life miserable, visit them at the office and put on an act. (Nov. 22, 2011) http://realestate.aol.com/blog/2007/05/23/protect-your-home-from-break-ins-during-the-holidays, McCarthy, Caroline. In addition to causing damage to your home, "if the city finds out that you're building without proper permits, they could fine you heavily, shut down construction, or even demand that project be torn down completely," says David Crompton, head of construction at Pro.com. How to Ruin Someone's Life: Get Inspiration from Others' People do really get us upset to the extent that we may be tempted to set their houses on fire or kill them out rightly. Too much color blinds the eye, Your carpets aren't the only part of your home that can become seriously damaged by dampness, however. Battery Acid - see above - fuel injectors will be damaged but not much else. You can take out a billboard or make a sign or something that is widely visible.

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ways to ruin someone's house