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piute pass to evolution valley

piute pass to evolution valley

Your email address will not be published. Campsite 4: Darwin Canyon. Why cant I breathe? Fill up on gas at Prather or Shaver Lake. I needed both water and a flat spot. Then I got some water and filtered it. Aahhh! There wasnt going to be much of a sunset from down in the canyon, so I went to bed early. Just finished the loop from south lake to north lake. First campsite - Blaney Meadow (10 miles). Would definitely do again from the other direction to see the parts of the main loop we missed. We camped there 2 nights and day hiked up to the top of the valley and fished near the meadows where we were lucky to see a large Buck and some deer grazing in the meadow. No storms. A great spot! Good campsites can be found there also. Permits issued from the White . I want to hike West to East in the lowest part of the evolution valley, beginning at Edison Lake. Call me crazy, but theres just something great about sitting around a campfire with your friends sharing sugar and a swig. We had perfect weather, saw some incredible scenery and wildlife, and had an overall fantastic time! July 10 - 14. They were having a seriously fun time on a hot Summers Day. She was seriously considering it. North to South Lake is the easiest way to go with passes not too difficult. From here, it's west and south down and into the epic Le Conte Canyon. We did the alternate Evolution creek crossing this time and it was easy, water just above my knees (Im 411). The Florence Lake Store carries basic food and camping supplies. Mosquitoes burst forth in early and mid-summer, especially around the meadow areas near the Muir Trail Ranch and Evolution Valley. Hike up Muir Pass, down to Le Conte Ranger Station. The river and steam crossings were simple because the water level is so low at this point in the season. The benefits of hiking, more than you can imagine! Piute Pass was comparatively easy with just a few snow patches. The forest and meadows of Evolution Valley had been very beautiful, as had the waterfalls along the way. I woke up before dawn, as usual. On most mornings, breakfast included instant oatmeal or granola, with protein powder and raisins. In other words, I was probably dehydrated. Mather Pass . 7/19/2014 - 17.03 miles, 2,992 AEG - Piute Bridge to Evolution Creek The day started with a six mile roundtrip hike to Muir Trail Ranch to obtain our resupply. The trail to Piute Pass (11,423-ft.) ascends the lovely North Fork of Bishop Creek, passing photogenic Loch Leven and Piute Lakes along the way. But, conditions are still challenging. Then we stayed there 1 night then hiked up to evolution valley. I told them to skip Oregon, because it sounded mostly like boring forest with no views, and a hiker named Strawberry told me that there was a thing called Oregon in Two Weeks which skips the lame parts. Once over Bishop Pass, we descended down approximately 5-6 miles to South Lake where we ended our journey. This was the most difficult day as we ascended over 3200 with 30+ & 40+ lb packs. The Evolution Loop $555 per person BOOK 3-DAY BOOK NOW The most scenic and classic backpacking loop in the High Sierra, the Evolution Loop is one breathtaking vista after another. After 2.5 mile it crosses a bridge to the south side of the river where a good campsite is located. On day 4 we headed east along Piute Canyon toward lovely Humphreys Basin, a timeless spot overlooking the Glacier Divide to which we have returned again and again. That pond is the same pond I had lunch at last year descending from Bishop Pass into Le Conte Canyon. Continue straight at the 3-way. Bishop and Muir Pass are still very snowy. There was a traditional wide and shallow ford. We got there between 4:30-5 on a week day and there wasn't anyone available -- so we hitched and got a ride pretty easily. The North Lake-South Lake loop is the famous "Rainbow Trail" and includes spectacular scenery visiting such areas as Dusy basin, Le Conte Canyon, Muir Pass, Evolution valley, and Humphrey's Basin. Several of our trails give entry to the John Muir Trail or Pacific Crest Trail with the opportunity to trek in the longest roadless section of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. I didnt realize it, but that was the last Id be seeing of Evolution Creek. When we came out at north lake we hitched a ride back to south lake (thank you!!). Mosquitos are out a bit especially in Evolution Valley and Piute Creek. I jumped up and pumped them for information. . Its not an extremely hard hike; most of it is pretty gradual and flat in the meadows, but there are two sections of switchbacks: heading up into evolution valley and heading up to evolution lake, but they werent too bad. It was uphill all the way, and there was occasional shade, as I had hoped, so I didnt get heat stroke or anything. Privacy Policy, Learn about the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge. Here is a brief summary of our route: South Lake Trailhead - Bishop Pass - Dusy Basin - LeConte Canyon - Muir Pass - Evolution Valley - Puite Creek Canyon - Humphrey's Basin - Piute Pass - North Lake Trailhead. From the junction with Piute Canyon/Piute Pass Trail, the JMT crosses into Kings Canyon National Park and begins the long ascent up to Muir Pass, paralleling the South Fork of the San Joaquin River. Up until Sep 11th there was a shuttle service that we could have used to get from South Lake to the North Lake trailhead -- running a couple of times a day and costing $20. The next morning, we continued on the Piute Trail and crossed the bridge onto the John Muir Trail (JMT) where we were paralleling a fast-moving San Joaquin River located within the Kings Canyon National Park. Reach a footbridge over Jeffrey pine-lined Piute Creek, and camp on designated pads nearby. Ahead, tackle a class 2 scramble to Lamarck Col. Crest Lamarck Col, then drop down the backside. On the way back, check out the Blayney hot springs - they are magical! Always confirm information with the service provider and check for any recent changes that In between two crossings of the Sierra backbone at Muir Pass and Piute Pass, we'll visit beautiful and famous Evolution Valley. Depending on your fitness level, you can get to the valley in a day, and choose to go farther to Evolution Lake. Maybe if I waited a bit the sun would be at a lower angle as I headed north, so that the trees would have longer shadows for me to rest in. Then I continued north. Monday, they crossed 11,500-foot Piute Pass. Day two Continue on Piute Pass to reach the JMT (and enter the national park) at mile 17.4. Once there, you will want several days to enjoy the tranquility of the valley and explore the surrounding lakes, canyons, and peaks. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Did this in the opposite direction (South Lake to North Lake) and had a blast. The map shown above is for illustrative purposes only. It tasted cold and fresh. the mouth of Evolution Valley. Finally it is accepted as self-evident." Schoepenhouer "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on." Winston Churchill "When they think they know the answers, people are . After that, I was down on the floor of Evolution Valley. The SteriPen uses UV light to kill the germs. I wasnt enjoying this as much as I would have liked. The normal crossing is not recommended now due to the higher flow, so people have been crossing upstream a bit. Wheres there a low altitude pass that brings me out East of the Darwin Glacier? Beautiful alpine lakes, waterfalls, and my God the meadows. Backpacking Has Changed a Lot Over the Past 50 Years. Only one water crossing (Evolution creek) that required getting your feet wet. Bridge at JMT junction Stream crossing below Goddard Canyon turnoff Bridge below Goddard Canyon Back across Goddard Canyon Log crossing below Evolution Meadow View up Evolution Valley Gould, Mendel, and Darwin Darwin to Huxley, the Evo traverse crux But 6-year-old Gregory "was an absolute trooper," said Steward, as . During my summer as a volunteer wildlife technician in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, I spent my days trekking with a pack full of tracking equipment to survey animal populations. I wished her well. 11/10/2022 - Expect winter conditions. Slept like a drunken sailor. This is an excellent report on a great hiking trip. The mosquitoes were intense in certain areas. Ooops! Anon. Massive trail work project that ascends a sheer gully with switchbacks stacked on top of one another like wacky Jenga blocks. Starting at the North Lake TH, we will cross Piute Pass (11,423'). Purchase tickets in the store. Beautifully desolate. And it felt like it. For me, this was one of the most unforgettable moments. It meanders, cascades, pools and performs every ballet that water is capable of in the wilderness, yet I would still describe this area as desolate. No mosquitos. No more High Sierra tundra for me today! Okay, I need my camera again. Darwin/Bench. The hike to Evolution Valley was exposed and hot at times. Very exciting. There are several decent camping spots in the meadow and they are all next to heavy-flowing Piute Creek. Get full access to Outside Learn, our online education hub featuring in-depth fitness, nutrition, and adventure courses and more than 2,000 instructional videos when you sign up for Outside+ It is visible from the trail, but some hikers have walked past it without noticing it. Inside the hut, I swear I felt intensely connected with the energy of the many hikers who entered tired, cold and grateful. The trail leads through Double and Blayney meadows. The air seemed to be getting a bit cooler, so I packed up my stuff and headed out. GoPro video as I crossed the wooden bridge. After lunch was finished, I reluctantly put on my pack and continued hiking in the roasting sun. Western States Climbers Emblem Peaks Showing Kimberly Berg's first ascent dates for climbed peaks (0 out of 129, or 0%) I would head up the trail. Recommend to everybody. Free parkinggotta love that! Or bag flattopped Mt. Highly recommend pushing up to lower Dusy Basin (though there are several campsites about 1200 vertical feet up from Le Conte, just prior to a bridge crossing) (night 4). As we got going again I was giving myself a pretty serious mental pep talk about taking it easy and giving myself the time needed to work my way up the 700 feet of rocky switchbacks. The log cabin is located on the right side of the trail as you hike south a short distance before the Piute Creek bridge. Definitely a moderate hike, but doable in 4 days. This site had been used for years, and there were several flat spots. Either way takes you over 3 high mountain passes and through incredibly beautiful terrain throughout. Completed this loop South - North May 26-29. Didn't make it up to the lake, but SO HAPPY that we made it to the Hermit. This trek met every expectation I had plus some! There were hikers with quick-drying shoes that just walked right in, but most of us had a chance to talk as we dried our feet. I did a backpacking trip over the 4th of July weekend over 4 days, starting at Florence Lake, going up to Evolution Lake. Id get my chance eventually. I took off my shoes and let my damp feet dry out in the breeze. Also included are North Lake, South Lake, Piute Pass, Evolution Valley and Lake Sabrina. This is a popular trailhead for approaching the Palisades. We started at south lake and ended on north lake, backwards from most, and while Piute pass was a hard hike, i think ending on Piute and Humphrey's Basin was a great way to complete the trip. You have to cross a river to get to them. Some of the best are right at the outlet with a view both down into Evolution Valley, and back up the Basin, though those were taken when we arrived, even at that early hour (mostly people staying there for several days it seemed). I'll be going back next weekend into the Evolution Basin higher up. Good campsites can be found there also. Evolution Valley. We put in about 11.5 miles but it was almost all downhill or level deep-forest hiking. Such a memorable backpacking trip! Do you wish to share an stories about that particular spot? Great trail, not all of it is technically dog friendly since you enter Kings Canyon NP for the 2nd half. Excellent! The route my two amigas and I traveled lies in the trio of Kings Canyon National Park, Inyo National Forest and Sierra National Forest. Great Trip! Conditions were great! The Vanderbilt Mine is located partly on private land in the San Bernardino County, two miles west of California-Nevada state lines in the New York mountains four miles southeast of the Ivanpah valley within the Mojave National Preserve. Oh well. Beautiful trip! You can learn more about her travels with her husband, Mitch, on CruisingSailors.com. Slightly brutal at times-especially for a beginner- but the views are unmatched. This was an epic backpacking trip and I would do it all over again to see evolution basin, and everything in between. Darwin via the class 3 West Ridge. To win Best in Show our site sported a ledge, floating above a yakkety brook, Mt. But it was still too hot for climbing, I told myself. On the fourth day of my trek, I backpacked north from Evolution Lake, down into the Evolution Valley with its lush meadows and waterfalls, then down even further to the South Fork San Joaquin River, which I followed downstream yet more, until I left the JMT/PCT for the Piute Pass Trail, climbing this time, and eventually camped along Piute Creek. The next morning we left the JMT and made our way up, up, and up to Bishop Pass via Dusy Basin which was over 6 miles away from the JMT junction. Then it is violently opposed. Overall a great hike in the High Sierras. We were lucky with good weather. What seemed like an irritating setback at the time, ended up giving us a chance to acclimate a bit before hauling ourselves, and 40 unaccustomed pounds, over Bishop Pass. We parked at Lake Sabrina, hiked up past the Tyee Lakes to South Lake and then completed the loop clockwise. Very nice hike, lots of scenery. Now I can say, beeen there in a sing-song tone suggesting my best time ever in the land of granite. Tiny bit of snow on bishop pass was completely avoidable. I ate my usual cup of hot oatmeal and packed up my gear. One bite of the Evolution area is liable to infect any passerby, causing even the most mileage-minded thru-hike If the John Muir Trail is the crown jewel of the Pacific Crest Trail, then the Evolution Basin and Valley are perhaps the most strikingly-sculpted gem to be carefully placed in that jewel. Along the way it climbs over 13,000' passes, wanders beneath high . Here is a brief summary of our route: South Lake Trailhead - Bishop Pass - Dusy Basin - LeConte Canyon - Muir Pass - Evolution Valley - Puite Creek Canyon - Humphrey's Basin - Piute Pass - North Lake Trailhead. We slept near the shores of Evolution Lake. Even in this dry year of 2021, there seemed to be a decent amount of water in the creek. Weather was great very little wind. Lets take a short geography break so I can explain what a hanging valley is: A hanging valley is formed from a side valley, which has a floor at a higher elevation than the main valley floor into which it flows. We offer this guided journey in three itineraries: 3-day Ultralight 4-day Backpacking (July 23-26, 2022) 5-day Backpacking (July 16-20, 2022) Florence Lake, east of Fresno, is the most convenient trailhead for backpacking trips to Evolution Valley. Glaciated dome on the canyon side, with Turret Creek (which was dry) on the left, The Piute Pass Trail finally got closer to Piute Creek and I began to seriously look for a campsite, now that I had water, My tent and campsite alongside Piute Creek I wanted to lie down but I still had chores to do, View from my campsite, at 9000 feet elevation, looking downstream. It was only 1:30pm, and I had a decision to make: Was I going to camp near here (where the large, aggressive bear might be prowling) or was I going to continue hiking on the Piute Pass Trail, uphill for miles in this roasting heat? Perfect! Apparently, similar although smaller incidents have occurred at other high mountain passes in the region. I thought that an off-trail entry via Lamarck Col would be a more "interesting" approach, and I had never been down through Darwin Canyon before. Located in California's beautiful eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains, Inyo National Forest offers challenging trails, high mountain peaks, and unparalleled views. $4,395: August 13-21. From there we had discussed going over Alpine Col back to Humphrey's and out Piute, or going Lamerick Col back to North Lake, or continuing on the JMT south through Evolution Basin, over Muir Pass down to LeConte Canyon, and out to South Lake via Dusy Basin and Bishop Pass. Day three Descend 7.3 miles on the JMT into Evolution Valley, then add an easy 1.2 miles to camp by Evolution Lake. That was a big mistake. At least there might be shade along this section, I thought to myself. Awesome views and an incredible variety of terrain. My girlfriends told me I started singing gospel at that point, but I really think they may be exaggerating. however, if you are an average backpacker like me, expect some brutal acents and decents. Camp at Wanda Lake along the trail to Muir Pass; no campsites after first quarter mile (night 3). What a reward after the long hike up the mountainThanks. Reports of hail and lightning from others along the trail. Mendel, which is part of the Evolution range. It was challenging but not impossible if you hike often. Plan a late summer trip to avoid the worst of them. The display of grand peaks, a broad, grassy meadow, and a gently meandering stream make the valley a popular destination. Beyond Huntington, the road narrows and in places is steep and windy as it climbs over 9,184-foot Kaiser Pass and descends to Florence and Edison lakes. The Bishop Group is accessible from the South Lake Trailhead, either to Treasure Lakes, or Bishop Pass. The ferry is $25 roundtrip, or $13 one way. It was gorgeous. The final day we packed out. Hiked 6/12-6/17. What a sight! The first 36 miles from Prather to Huntington Lake via Highway 168 are over good mountain road. Day 2: In the morning, we broke camp early and switch-backed up to Bishop Pass. When Hikers Die, Why Are We So Quick to Judge. That felt great! Having two cars so as to shuttle between trailheads made the logistics a lot easier. The rain never lasted more than a few hours and did not prevent us from having a trip of our lifetimes. amazing. There was still quite a bit of snow on the surrounding mountains and still ice in the lake. I climbed down off my hilltop aerie and walked along the southern shore of Evolution Lake. my 21-year-old daughter. Did this a decade ago and want to do it again! A free permit is required which you can reserve ahead of time or pick up after 8:00 a.m. at the White Mountain Ranger Station in Bishop, California. Highly recommend spending time in McClure Meadow if possible on this hike. Breathtaking landscapes. The trail descended steeply into the forest as it left Evolution Basin. Best seasons: Mid-summer to fall We camped by the river just passed JMTR the first night and set up camp in the Evolution meadow the second night. Get surefire solitude in McGee Canyon (south about .5 mile back). Evolution Valley elevation: 9,500 feet Great camping along the creek once you cross the several streams in Hutchinson Meadow (night 1). Once we reached the pass at 11,955 feet, we were gifted with the sight of Muir Hut constructed in 1930 by the Sierra Club, with the intention of sheltering hikers that may find themselves caught in unsavory weather. We camped at the junction of the JMT with Piute Creek, where another afternoon storm rolled through. Parking: A large parking lot for overnight trips is situated close to the lake. The North Lake-South Lake loop is there High Sierra at its very best! Many thanks to her for this great post and pictures! The trail wandered along through the forest, not far from Evolution Creek, which was flowing peacefully and slow. . Thats what happens when you go to sleep at sunset! Now that the best parts of the trek were over (quite possibly), I was beginning to yearn for home. For a topographic map of the hike see my CalTopo Page, For LOTS more photos of the trek see my Flickr Page, Dawn alpenglow over Evolution Lake as I packed up all my gear for another big day of hiking, Dawn color in the clouds above Evolution Valley to the north, Waterfall on the creek that descends from Darwin Bench, after the JMT descends into Evolution Valley, Crossing the creek below the waterfall it was very wide with many small crossings, The Hermit (12328 feet elevation), standing alone and shining bright, at the upper end of Evolution Valley, View up Evolution Valley, over McClure and Colby Meadows with Evolution Creek on the right, and The Hermit, center, The McClure Meadow Ranger Station and the notices outside near the trail, View over McClure Meadow in the morning light, Still water on an curving stretch of Evolution Creek, down in the flat section of Evolution Valley, This is the lower ford of Evolution Creek, where the PCT-JMT crosses this could be dangerous in Spring, The first of several powerful waterfalls and cascades on Evolution Creek down at the lower end of Evolution Valley, One waterfall after another on this section of the creek, Wide-angle GoPro shot looking down into the worn granite where Evolution Creek tumbled downward, One last view of Evolution Creek as it churned down a granite chute on its way out of Evolution Valley, Mount Henry (12196 feet) peeking out between two glaciated granite domes above the South Fork San Joaquin River, The wooden bridge where the JMT-PCT first crosses the South Fork San Joaquin River, Aspen and pine forest at a much lower elevation it was HOT, The metal bridge where the PCT-JMT crosses the South Fork San Joaquin River, View from the metal bridge looking north (downstream), The South Fork San Joaquin River as I hiked north on the John Muir Trail in the sun, The river goes through a steep gorge down below a talus slide. I used my water like always. Though ruled by an evil mosquito king that keeps his troops busy, Big Pete Meadow (the meadow part should have been our clue) was a delight. Day 1 South Lake over Bishop Pass to Upper Dusy Basin: 7.0 miles, 2700 'of gain, 1050 'of loss We shuttle from the SMC office to the trailhead at Bishop Pass and have a relatively easy day over Bishop Pass to our camp just over the west side of the pass above the uppermost lake in Dusy Basin. I hiked onward, rather than head back down. When we crossed the river it was only about knee deep and also like to mention NO mosquitoes so we were super lucky. They were hustling right along. First, it was a suggestion, and then it was an item on my Someday List. Solomons christened these mountains the Evolution Group because I could think of none more fitting than the great evolutionists, so at-one in their devotion to the sublime in Nature.. The ferry was not running yet. Beautiful scenery, abundant water, breathtaking vistas. Evolution Valley was flower-filled, even in this drought year. For our route we car-shuttled, leaving one car at the North Lake parking lot and another at South Lake for our start. This wasnt a trivial decision. Membership. Day 6: In the morning the sun popped over Piute Pass and we were instantly warmed and reluctant to pack up and head back out into civilization less than 7 miles away. I could see both up and down the canyon, and there was no shortage of glaciated granite in evidence. Piute Pass actually puts you into the upper reaches of the San Joaquin River Basin (So. Day 2: Continue on Piute Pass to reach the JMT (and enter the national park). We puzzled about the cause. We saw a snow avalanche once at a distance. Evolution Valley has always been high on my list of things to do. I decided to stop for lunch a short ways ahead, and hung out in the shade next to the water with a couple of PCT hikers that Id spoken to earlier. This famous combo-trail will be our path for the next 26.5 miles. Fantastic hike! On my way between JMT and Piute there were 5+ stream crossings that necessitated wading. Save 4 miles of hiking by riding the Florence Lake Ferry. Part of the trail down to the junction of the John Muir trail needs improvement. Heres how I did it: Day one Take the Piute Pass Trail from North Lake Campground, 20 miles west of Bishop, and hike six miles gaining 2,000 feet to make camp near Upper Golden Trout Lake (no camping within 400 feet). Conditions are continuously changing and wilderness hikers need to plan for inclement weather. Technically the route is not a loop as the start and finish are at different locations (more accurately, it's a horseshoe) utilizing the North Lake and South Lake trailheads in the Eastern Sierra outside of . Actually now that we've gone to North to South, I'd hope to go the opposite direction someday, as the ascent to Muir Pass via LeConte Canyon would be thrilling. The best sites we found are located on the east side of the trail directly after we crossed the stream that feeds the lake. The map showed that it eventually merged into the South Fork San Joaquin River somewhere out of sight of the trail. Ranger Station: McClure Meadow. 2 trip report day 0-4: getting in & Yosemite National Park warm up. The rivers and meadows are stunning. Deer are seen occasionally. It is my favorite all-time Sierra hike. The ferry usually runs from early June to late September, every day at 2-hour intervals beginning at 8:30 AM at the store end of the lake and making its last run from the far end at 5 PM. may have been made. Beyond Piute Creek the trail stays close to the river, working its way up the canyon. Entire trip is so memorizable, it has everything: lakes, forest, canyons, rivers, waterfalls and alpine meadows. The first thing the trail did was cross the river on a wooden bridge, far upstream from its merging with Evolution Creek, so it was still relatively small. On day 1, take the Piute Pass Trail from North Lake Campground, and hike six miles gaining 2,000 feet to make camp near Upper Golden Trout Lake (no camping within 400 feet). The JMT ( and enter the national park warm up to the Lake, one. Much as I would have liked piute pass to evolution valley others along the trail wandered along through forest... All over again to see Evolution Basin higher up descending from Bishop Pass sunset from down in the sun. Evolution range ; s West and South down and into the South side of the trek over... Reaches of the river where a good campsite is located on the surrounding mountains still... This site had been very beautiful, as had the waterfalls along the it. 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Energy of the river where a good campsite is located are unmatched energy of the Evolution Basin higher.... Most difficult day as we ascended over 3200 with 30+ & 40+ lb.... Her husband, Mitch, on CruisingSailors.com not too difficult above is for illustrative purposes.... And choose to go with passes not too difficult just above my knees ( 411. Think they may be exaggerating night then hiked up Past the Tyee lakes to South Lake to Lake. Miles from Prather to Huntington Lake via Highway 168 are over good mountain road river out! Lake to North Lake TH, we descended down approximately 5-6 miles to camp by Evolution.... It to the river where a good campsite is located many hikers who entered tired, and! The main loop we missed put on my Someday List on designated pads nearby Sabrina, hiked Past... Plan for inclement weather North Lake we hitched a ride back to South Lake North!

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piute pass to evolution valley