michael b rush excommunicated
So if Stroud was declared apostate for teaching questionable doctrine, those are the obvious trouble spots.[1]. I really don't like his book Revelation. scootd28 asks If were not supposed to strive for these things, then what are the stories for?. This is why I believe that actual contact with God and angels is considerably more common that perhaps many believe; because each such person keeps these things private and sacred. The follow are some but not all the subjects that were brought up in the doc. i am pretty sure 3 is not likely. [1] There were a few other moments in the podcasts where I cringed, but I doubt they wouldve played into any discipline. Those persons are generally under a commandment to impart to the world only those stories that are appointed to be public. My response:. He completely ignored the context of Isaiah calling out church pride in the latter days and government corruption. $383,000 MULLICA TOWNSHIP As Rush said, at the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies, there are no degrees because the learning never stops. Michael B. Abramson is a practicing attorney. It is only by the Spirit that I know that The Church of Jesus Christ or Latter-Day Saints is a true church or that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet or that The Book of Mormon is true or that Jesus is the Christ and His Atonement is real. The Facebook page was taken down temporarily for safety concerns. Wish us luck. Hes very humble. He is not in a position to be receiving revelation for anyone other than himself, his family and those he had/has stewardship over. And that is where I differ with Mike. Again not my story to tell. Visions of Glory: One Man's Astonishing Account of the Last Days [John Pontius] on Amazon.com. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. I havent listened to any of his podcasts, but it seems to me that personal revelarion is just that: personal. 26 I further testify that we truly glorify Him with love, patience, understanding, tolerance, compassion forsaking judgment, fear, guilt, hierarchies, comparison, competition, contention, and control. Rush Limbaugh reached millions of listeners via his golden microphone with his shows airing in small stations out in rural America that even Fox News couldnt reach. , and anything else that is cult-like or weird.. In June, she elaborated on the process of President Nelson writing impressions down on a yellow note pad and how she has been prompted at times to leave the room. Now, the church excommunicates someone who teaches that these stories are to be applied to us, each of us, equals, loved equally?. [This is the most likely reason I can see, which is why I noted that hed previously been corrected on inappropriate doctrines and highlighted questionable teachings in his newer podcasts.] "661: Abby Huntsman and Carrie Sheffield and their Transitions Out of Mormonism". This is the current definition of apostasy per the handbook: Actor Michael B. Jordan takes over as Alexa by Amazon in this Super Bowl LV commercial. View and manage who you follow on Amazon. My view was that Brother Strouds longtime service in the Church Educational System (27 years as a seminary teacher) gave him significant institutional credibility, but he was pushing more fringe teachings of latter-day gnostics (like Denver Snuffer) and end-times visionaries (like Spencer from the book Visions of Glory). Rush was the first LDS scholar to accurately decipher the prophetic writings of Ezra now known as Ezras Eagle. In modern times we are seeing Kimberly and her associates making the same claim. Really enjoy reading your blog site! David Whitmer believed Jesus Christ appeared to him in the form of a deer, for pitys sake! View all posts by Mary Ann. Thank you for this update on Mike Stroud. Michael can be contacted at [emailprotected]Michael B. Obey the eternal Lord and Savior of all the world? The grandparents shared a pie with some local American Indian friends, and they were later given a crude type of pie in return. He is also an adviser with the National Diversity Coalition for Trump. I have a dear friend who started hearing voices and seeing people. In my prayers I give thanks for what I have and very seldom ask for anything. The problem is that the author does not know how the gospel is properly taught. He sees them as moving us out of a preparatory state and into a higher one in anticipation of the Second Coming. Rush. It strikes me how much the church has changed even in my life time The increase skepticism and unbelief is remarkable.I can remember G.C .talks on having your calling and election made sure and the importance of hearing the more sure word of prophesy. Also I have pondered a lot on the fact that Lehi was not a prophet in his day but a regular man that spent some time pondering the teachings of prophets and had a vision and shared that vision. 97. Malmquist, p. 173; "The New Salt Lake 'Herald'." Under the special definition subsection 1 it could be nothing more than resuming podcasts if his local leaders had instructed him to cease podcasts. ' (Podcast 012: 1 Nephi 12, abt 47:25) This is a perfect example of why people have mixed feelings about Lamanite identification. This is going back about four years now. The plummet is a depth line to measure how deep the water is. But its not just about spending time with deity. - by Michael B Rush Free Download - See the Analyzed Differences Between The Last Days Timeline and A Remnant Shall Return - Click Here Michael B Rush wrote this book as a Michael B. During 2018, Stroud experienced more intense spiritual experiences and was regularly visited by heavenly beings (Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and others). I have enjoyed Mike Strouds podcast immensely. Some disliked her quite a bit. His apology sounds like something he did in response to counsel from leaders to avoid discipline in the first place. I still think that Mike Stroud may be in error on some of his teachings. And Bellamy did not answer my question. Retrieved June 10, 2018. It also hinders our ability to love. Perry, James M., reporter, National Observer, "This Fella from Arizona", in Audubon, November 1981, pp. Its a bit strong (evoking images of the occult), but the idea of requesting a specific heavenly messengers by name does seem unusual. 901 DEWEY STREET TALLAHASSEE, FL 32304. Benson ruined their marriage, or Boyd K. Packer, or other leaders who taught something(s) one spouse embraced so extremelyBUT WAS NOT MEANT IN THE EXTREMEthat marriages fell apart. That by itself, of course, wouldnt make such an instruction appropriate, but it would authorize an excommunication for Mormon-speak apostacy. Where are the stories of single mothers working desperately to provide food for their children, even to the point of offering their bodies to men of power who exercise unrighteous dominion? He said, "Undoubtedly angels often guard us from accidents and harm, from temptation and sin. That said, I cant subscribe to his reasoning of Isaiah 28 from the video posted. Michael served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Chile, Osorno - where he loved both the people and the breathtaking landscapes. Bellamy, one of the reasons that I said maybe not for the reason you think in the headline is because I dont think he was excommunicated merely for teaching about calling and election, second comforter, or seeing angels. by ransomme August 20th, 2021, 10:06 am, Post Dogma / Culture / Doctrine. As far as the gospel is concerned, were not supposed to be afraid of anything including deception. I want to flag one because it relates to a recent post. That includes defining doctrines and positions of the Church and taking action on heresy from whatever side that may come. Michael B Rush Family Robin C Rush Lindsey M Rush Joe M Rush Patrick M Rush Patrick Rush Show all locations and family Age. Mike Stroud: Its separation that brings about other fallen concepts you pointed out like comparison, competition, contention. There it is dude, black and white, my permission to explore the mysteries of God. But not everyone like her. Unrighteous dominion is the result of fear. What a dilemma! It had more to do with some very immature teenager girls who convinced everyone that they had a special ability to see evil in a person that no one else could. My spirit hurts. For discussing the Church, Gospel of Jesus Christ, Mormonism, etc. Thank you, Kimberly. I am a convert, as a teenager, and against the wishes of my father (an atheist). Where are they today? No one does religious extremism better than Mormons! Stroud that he has been excommunicated and called an apostate, and is so harshly judged by so many. This principle is explained here: Alma 12:9 And now Alma began to expound these things unto him, saying: It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him. Despite his constantly bearing testimony of the brethren he read the B of M like Nibley did ie condemning the Gentiles and making the case ( which most agree with) that we LDS are the Gentiles discussed in the B of M. In his podcast on the definition of Gentiles he discusses 2 Nephi 28 and effectively says that when Nephi sees that they have ALL gone out of their way ( 2 Nephi 28;11) or Moromon 8;380 why have ye polluted the holy church of god he is talking about us in our day. My reply started with a reminder that Abraham met God on a mountain, so did Moses, so did Jesus (mount of Transfiguration). After bearing a heartfelt testimony of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson, and deity, Brother Stroud announced hed been excommunicated for apostasy. Alas, it is so widespread that to fill the roles in a typical ward one might have to dig into the barrel and choose some people that ought not to be chosen. And trust and hope wanes., Indeed they do, it does. Excommunication. Ideas that we are now not even suppose to talk about . But that is my own evolution, and is in no way precipitated by anyone speaking from a voice of authority. Im not sure I have desires with regard to what God may offer. I think there are many in the church who are in possession of this Spirit and it is the quickest path to perfection and the Zion state for the church as a whole. There are a number of other attempts to emphasize certain doctrines that are more conservative than not. And thus, the measure of their progress is not based on a relationship with God and what they have to offer his Kingdom. Since then there have been tens of thousands of articles, blogs, posts, and books that have been written based upon Michaels original work.In addition to A Remnant Shall Return, Michael has written two other ground breaking books Daniel 11 and Revelation The Vision of John the Divine. Michael B. Generally speaking people who advance in true knowledge and understanding, and lets presume Brother Stroud is one such, grow in learning to recognize what I call the fingerprints of God that identify a particular spiritual experience as originating from God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWBwS6IL4Js&t=27s youtube.com The Father's Message to the latter-day Gentiles This video discusses a message that the Father commanded His Son Jesus Christ to share with the Nephites - which would be of great benefit to the Gentiles in. But I agree with you general point that if we want to establish Zion we need to shrug off the standard mortal way of looking at things. The covenant with death is with Satan. Can I be so sure of my own revelations? Having studied somewhat of the background of all this, the Remnant version 1 and 2 and so on; the idea of actually expecting to see Jesus in person and NOT having to stand in a very long line seems rather hubristic. So Im going to love. [59] Benji Schwimmer, the winner of the 2006 So You Think You Can Dance show. Follow to get new release updates, special offers (including promotional offers) and improved recommendations. He posted a video yesterday with his take on the infamous Covid email. Each person decides which is more important; having the good or avoiding the bad. Where are the stories of humble priests who offer the remaining candlesticks to the thief who spent years at hard labor for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his starving children? He gave an address at an end-times conference in Arizona last November on Accessing the Fullness of the Atonement of Jesus Christ through Personal Revelation. At the end of the presentation, he announced that he would be starting a new podcast series on the Book of Mormon, and the Lord wanted the podcasts translated into Spanish. Further, I have never heard him claim anything destructive to the soul, the church, or its leaders. The ruling of his stake on this matter may indicate otherwise. Now they are Hanging words. Many near death experiences when put into a book get embellished but I have no doubt he had some sort of experience to be able to express what he did. If you've read any of Michael's books, you know you're in for a treat. Several people put together an open letter (a Google doc) citing new questionable teachings from his conference address onward. I would argue that this is extremely significant. The lady said she knew it was the Lord. How can I do that in a paragraph and have it mean something? This website is designed to be a secure portal for interested parties to learn more about Michael's research, as well as providing more advantageous purchasing options This is a good place if you want to put an opt-in form or a scarcity countdown. Rush was the first LDS scholar to accurately decipher the prophetic writings of Ezra now known as Ezra's Eagle. If it were, it would be HIS love, not mine. Watch any religion that does not offer this connection fade into oblivion before your very eyes. Most in the church know little about this topic and Im not too thrilled about even commenting on it but the author did accuse of it so a response is warranted. Michael Rush currently lives in Franklin, TN; in the past Michael has also lived in Draper UT. I wrote to Brother Stroud and suggested that perhaps the biggest trial of faith of all is to be excommunicated from the Lords true Church on earth for being obedient to the Lord, Himself! For them, all it takes is about 2 minutes of eastern style meditation and youre floating away. Brother Stroud views the Book of Mormon as a road map to achieving a Second Comforter experience. and Sis. Assure eternal reign, Now after getting someone excommunicated and probably getting another podcaster taken down, they are also developing an appetite for it. what appears to me as the obvious needed direction moving towards more moderate/liberal views on these issues. Michael passed away in December 2019. Resides in Gaithersburg, MD. Hierarchy is a perception of of the fallen state We perceive that it exists because of our natural eyes. Rush. Despite Satan's deceitful prophecy to the wicked that if they create a vaccine it will save them from the pandemic, they will in truth succumb to the plague and it will be like a plague of their own making (i.e. Thats like at Christmas when your children tell you their wish list. If conservative means preserving the status quo, then no change can be conservative, and that statement becomes a tautology. It is simultaneously hilarious and tragic that an institution who makes such extraordinary (some would say literally unbelievable) claims about personal revelations, heavenly visitations, etc. Very good comments. Fear. I have a doubt that I am wise enough to ask for what will most benefit me, my family, community and nation. What Does Eh Mean In Texting, BofM is true and thats good enough for to move forward. Christ prayed in John 17 His great intercessory prayer that we might all be one with Him as He is with the Father. That was her discernment and no more should have been needed. When I was younger I often thought as I read stories in the scriptures that I would like to have similar experiences. It only takes a little time to see the fruits of their labors, to recognize they are indeed proud, vain and foolish. Please dont misunderstand, I am not saying that Mike Stroud is a prophet. Michael B. But because of our fallen state, it can create the illusion that it does. Mackenzie Engram Wnba, That is the only dominion that can bring about eternal life. When youre old you can wear purple and think outside the big box occasionally, and when you do, sometimes wondrous things happen. A Facebook page was put up in December called Mike Stroud Podcast Exposed, modeled after another Exposed page. Thank you, Rush, for all you have done for this nation. That broadens my understanding. While I still dont know the specific basis of the determination of apostacy, your comment provides some context in addition to those few podcasts, Mary Anns article, and Bellamys comments. wrote about Mike Stroud in September 2017, Accessing the Fullness of the Atonement of Jesus Christ through Personal Revelation.. Comparing oneself to others cannot make that person any more of what they are nor does it make the other persons any less than what they are. It was inappropriate to teach that people should seek to receive priesthood ordinations outside of the ordained channels found within the Church, and that priesthood healings and ordinances should be practiced using a prescribed format and that they can be performed over the phone. I sort of get what you are saying, but to say it you seem to strawman the actual church position (as I understand it to be). As I have looked at the Ezra's Eagle prophecy from the apocrypha directly, I have noted many additional insights in The Last Days Timeline as I pondered Ezra's Eagle steadily for 5 weeks. Single Issue Magazine Understanding the Last Days Series (3 Book Series) Kindle Edition 29.97 $ 29. But the shift isnt just talking about revelation to church leaders. They all seem to take scriptures COMPLETELY out of context. [A]t this point in time, in the day of the gathering of Israel, there has never been a more appropriate time for us to obtain the power and knowledge, wisdom and understanding from the Book of Mormon through revelation and angelic ministry than right now. The book the Lord said in the Doctrine and Covenants had some problems. I appreciated Mike pointing out that Nephi told his brothers that they dont get answers because they dont ask or if they do ask then they dont really believe that they will receive answers. by ransomme August 20th, 2021, 3:50 pm, Post The whole thing is very good, but if you're in a hurry scroll over to 22 minutes. It seems like he worked really hard to avoid overt mention of the inappropriate teachings from his first series. The more youre loved, the more youre hated. Thats why Jesus taught the only sure way to know whats from God is to treat it like a seed, plant it and see what grows. While he said he has a desire to be translated someday, and endeavors to live worthy of such a calling, he clearly said that such an opportunity would only come by calling and NOT from personal desire. It sort of robs you of the joy of giving when you are really just complying with your selfish childs wish list. Your email address will not be published. To what end? Stroud said it almost feels like your being drawn upward. If it isnt we might as well stay home on the Sabbath ,and watch the telly and drink beer. And yet the excommunications continue. He was never under any threat of disciplinary action as far as I can tell, but priesthood leaders found several of his teachings inappropriate. To his credit, Stroud clearly identified those teachings in his final podcast, published November 5th. But he never told him not to take heed of deception. Michael B. I worked in the SL temple, and I loved it, but my time with the Lord is more precious to me than that ever was. The question is whether or not were at a spiritual level to be teaching that we can. But the only way anyone can know the answer to your question is if they were in the room with the SP o and HC.In my experience even the letter announcing the hearing is very ambiguous and of course there is never any formal announcement for the rationale for the decision. Again, if the idea is that moving in that direction will avoid schism or retain members, its not at all obvious to me that those changes would help. He gives exact quotes and where they can be found down to the page number. And because Mikes accusers used it so much, it puts into question where the source of their inspiration comes from. Former Mormon Misty Snow [60] ran as the first transgender person nominated by a major party for the U.S. Senate. But I think Ive made my point. I think it is called The Church of the Firstborn. Michael Mansour Rush, 69. Schism, at least in the sense that the United Methodists are now facing, seems like a very distant notion to me. Its as if the messages lead to a circle of patting each other on the back for learning the mysteries rather than helping the suffering widow down the street. Michael B. Its just being wise about it. Consciously getting up and leaving ones body is not something most could do even if they spent all day trying. In the process he talked about how the secret combinations had stolen the election from Trump (clearly not something anyone in LDS leadership would say). Wise teachers like Jesus would never tell us to be afraid because it would directly limit our ability to grow in faith and love. Whitepages helps 19 people every second do reverse phone lookups , find people and get background checks , including public records , in order to make smarter, safer decisions. And trust and hope wanes. The Chaplain wrote a complaint in the base newsletter about people preferring to go to the mountains on the Sabbath, which included me. Did you testify that Jesus is the Christ to ones that dont know and that by the shedding of His blood your sins are forgiven.And that the shedding of the blood of Christ is in the covenant of the Father( moroni10:33).? He is also an adviser with the National Diversity Coalition for Trump. The meeting was not an official church gathering so the church could not protect him from that. Mike Stroud: I first wrote about Mike Stroud in September 2017, several months after Id been introduced to his podcasts by a wardmember. Click a location below to find Michael more easily. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. We have heard only a few of Mikes podcasts encouraging personal revelation. I can remember my father going to the True Order of Prayer prayer circles held each month in our stake. Are you in a position to tell us what part of that definition was applied by whom in Mikes case? Rush ultimately got his way. These men and women called to this ministry have an assignment in a future day when hopelessness and despair, destruction and death rule the day to go into these nations and through priesthood power and the gifts of the Spirit find these lost ones who have no hope of deliverance and bring them through miraculous ways superseding time and space and deliver them to places of safety and refuge set up by the Lord in his wisdom throughout the world, [57:26] Many of them will be translated in the flesh, as in ancient times, so as to be able to fulfill this mission successfully to bring these redeemed of the Lord to Zion. Benson or whoever stated the proverbial straw that broke the marriages backs. I have enjoyed reading all of the comments. Michael passed away in December 2019. If we just use good judgement we will already be able to expose the lies. All of us have the same promise. I have heard good things about a Course in Miracles and I have the book. Were it up to me I would leave some roles unfilled rather than put uninspired, unworthy persons in there. If we are not entertaining Angels as Stroud and Denver Snuffer claim to and many ,many of my friends claim to, then as Moroni said it is because of our unbelief. In his initial announcement, he stated that the Lord wanted the podcasts translated into Spanish. Thats my kind, naturally . 2. i quickly learned that I was already ahead in scripture study of anyone nearby to ask, and that asking some questions caused alarm in my home teacher. If these teachings are wrong, then God is dead and so is his church. Taking a liberal approach has not saved liberal churches from rapid decline. Michael B Rush 1947 Born c. 1947 Last Known Residence Dallas County, Texas Summary Michael B Rush of Dallas County, Texas was born c. 1947. Lest we wonder why we havent experienced Zion. Bellamy, As one who shall obtain. Specifically: an institution who makes such extraordinary claims about personal revelations would then regulate such claims.. You try getting up in church and testifying truly that you have had an angel visit you and see what happens to you.I have had numerous acquaintances have this very thing happen to them. And there are other examples from the past year. This is the official page for Michael B. Michael, nice comments. Our experience and study in the gospel is always personal and you are viewed and deemed a heretic if you even mentioned in public a vision, revelation or something that we absolutely preach that is possible and all of our pioneer ancestors received experienced. Gospel is concerned, were not supposed to be teaching that we can do that in full... We will already be able to expose the lies I be so sure of my father ( atheist. Is dead and so is his church LDS scholar to accurately decipher the prophetic writings of Ezra now as... 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