is nefarius virtual gamepad a virus Try with another model. BthPS3: 1.2.4. Described what exactly? Is that also what you experience now? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. ViGEmBus is a low-level emulator library (framework) for USB game controllers, it doesn't have a user interface. And warning. The DualShock 3 (or DS3 in short) has been a fairly popular piece of hardware and many clones have arisen over time, some coming close to the quality of the original, some well, not quite as much. At the bottom right of that page you will see a button when clicked will allow you to Copy and Paste the list of Windows Startups and Scheduled Tasks into your next, Open CCleaner and click on Tools. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Latest News: Trezor warns of massive crypto wallet phishing campaign, Featured Deal: Organize your writing and documents with this Scrivener 3 deal, Edited by Platypus, 07 November 2017 - 05:57 AM. Are you completely nuts or do you think spamming comments is going to get anything other than the issue closed. You signed in with another tab or window. I seem to have the same issue and am perhaps missing the trick to fix it described above. But I already installed the patch by checking the file system via dism (DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth). Please give it a go . Log File: ad1db306-c405-11e7-9695-d017c2ad9e64.json, Adware.Norassie, HKU\S-1-5-21-2469558455-2956882126-4189627581-1000\SOFTWARE\Norassie, Delete-on-Reboot, [2885], [361347],1.0.3201, PUP.Optional.MailRu, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\GOOGLE\CHROME\EXTENSIONS\bhjhnafpiilpffhglajcaepjbnbjemci, Delete-on-Reboot, [680], [448286],1.0.3201, PUP.Optional.MailRu, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\GOOGLE\CHROME\EXTENSIONS\hcadgijmedbfgciegjomfpjcdchlhnif, Delete-on-Reboot, [680], [403165],1.0.3201, PUP.Optional.RussAd, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\GOOGLE\CHROME\EXTENSIONS\lhemechcanjmilllmccjbjldonmnnjjj, Delete-on-Reboot, [10], [450941],1.0.3201, PUP.Optional.InstallCore, HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALL\DAEMON Tools Lite, Delete-on-Reboot, [2], [368845],1.0.3201, Trojan.Agent.VBS, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\START MENU\PROGRAMS\STARTUP\windows.vbs, Delete-on-Reboot, [751], [424089],1.0.3201, PUP.Optional.MailRu, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\GOOGLE\CHROME\USER DATA\Default\Secure Preferences, Replaced, [680], [448286],1.0.3201, PUP.Optional.MailRu, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\GOOGLE\CHROME\USER DATA\Default\Secure Preferences, Replaced, [680], [403165],1.0.3201, PUP.Optional.RussAd, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\GOOGLE\CHROME\USER DATA\Default\Secure Preferences, Replaced, [10], [450941],1.0.3201, PUP.Optional.InstallCore, C:\PROGRAM FILES\DAEMON TOOLS LITE\UNINST.EXE, Delete-on-Reboot, [2], [368845],1.0.3201, Adware.FileTour, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\BITE62F.TMP, Delete-on-Reboot, [167], [446355],1.0.3201, Adware.FileTour, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\KB2359228837.EXE, Delete-on-Reboot, [167], [446355],1.0.3201, Adware.FileTour, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\KB168265635.EXE, Delete-on-Reboot, [167], [446355],1.0.3201, Adware.FileTour, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\KB533531595.EXE, Delete-on-Reboot, [167], [446355],1.0.3201, Adware.FileTour, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\KB1209022552.EXE, Delete-on-Reboot, [167], [446355],1.0.3201, Adware.FileTour, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\KB406217930.EXE, Delete-on-Reboot, [167], [446355],1.0.3201, Adware.FileTour, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\KB1009013632.EXE, Delete-on-Reboot, [167], [446355],1.0.3201, Adware.FileTour, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\KB322027881.EXE, Delete-on-Reboot, [167], [446355],1.0.3201, Adware.FileTour, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\BIT19EE.TMP, Delete-on-Reboot, [167], [446355],1.0.3201, Adware.FileTour, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\KB2013218747.EXE, Delete-on-Reboot, [167], [446355],1.0.3201, Adware.FileTour, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\KB894722572.EXE, Delete-on-Reboot, [167], [446355],1.0.3201, Adware.FileTour, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\KB3034131065.EXE, Delete-on-Reboot, [167], [446355],1.0.3201, PUP.Optional.Softonic, C:\USERS\LEO\APPDATA\LOCAL\GOOGLE\CHROME\USER DATA\Default\Web Data, Replaced, [665], [455288],1.0.3201, # AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Tue Nov 07 22:14:05 2017, Deleted: C:\Users\leo\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\iwin games, Deleted: C:\Program Files (x86)\Free Ride Games, Deleted: C:\Users\leo\AppData\Roaming\acestream, Deleted: C:\Users\leo\AppData\LocalLow\.acestream, Deleted: C:\Users\leo\AppData\Roaming\.acestream, Deleted: C:\Users\leo\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Ace Stream Media, Deleted: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Mail.Ru, Deleted: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Mail.Ru, Deleted: [Key] - HKU\S-1-5-21-2469558455-2956882126-4189627581-1000\Software\AceStream, Deleted: [Key] - HKU\S-1-5-21-2469558455-2956882126-4189627581-1000\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AceStream, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AceStream, Deleted: [Key] - HKU\S-1-5-21-2469558455-2956882126-4189627581-1000\Software\Link64, Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{79690976-ED6E-403C-BBBA-F8928B5EDE17}, Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\{68AE298D-7E8A-4F53-BE55-15D2B065F6C0}, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.acelive, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.acemedia, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.acestream, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.tslive, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\ace_player.exe, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers\ACEStreamPlayCDAudioOnArrival, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers\ACEStreamPlayDVDAudioOnArrival, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers\ACEStreamPlayDVDMovieOnArrival, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers\ACEStreamPlayMusicFilesOnArrival, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers\ACEStreamPlaySVCDMovieOnArrival, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers\ACEStreamPlayVCDMovieOnArrival, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers\ACEStreamPlayVideoFilesOnArrival, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Classes\AudioCD\shell\PlayWithACEStream, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Classes\DVD\shell\PlayWithACEStream, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Classes\Applications\ace_player.exe, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.acelive, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.acemedia, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.acestream, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.tslive, Deleted: [Key] - HKU\S-1-5-21-2469558455-2956882126-4189627581-1000\Software\AppDataLow\Software\Mail.Ru, Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\AppDataLow\Software\Mail.Ru, Deleted: [Value] - HKCU\Software\RegisteredApplications|AceStream, ***** [ Firefox (and derivatives) ] *****, ***** [ Chromium (and derivatives) ] *****, C:/AdwCleaner/AdwCleaner[S0].txt - [4920 B] - [2017/11/7 22:12:13], ########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[C0].txt ##########, HP Deskjet All-In-One Driver Software 13.0 Rel. After that, DsHidMini should be fully gone from your computer . You might have to click on the little arrow by, Once the database update is complete, click on the, Let the scan run, the time required to complete the scan depends of your system and computer specs, Once the scan is complete, make sure that the first checkbox at the top is checked (which will automatically check every detected item), then click on the, If it asks you to restart your computer to complete the removal, do so. Maybe dual-signing the CAT is not allowed or breaks the way I did it. Done! Starting with this release, Windows will require the validity of DER encoded PKCS#7 content in catalog files. If you don't see the little Bluetooth tray icon in your taskbar, chances are your Bluetooth isn't working or turned on. There simply is no rock-solid way to properly identify these devices to separate the good from the ugly. How to fix Bluetooth device error codes 19 & 39? Done! This includes the majority of external dongles or integrated cards (they use USB under the hood to connect to the rest of the system). ), After completing the above and rebootingPlease let me know of any problems and how the computer is performing. If you had ScpToolkit installed, you need to purge every remains from your machine. Ulysses S. GrantRepublican president who correctly predicted the cause of Trump's attempted coup. No te preocupes no es un virus, Nefarius virtual gamepad emulation bus driver es un controlador para la virtualizacin de juegos, si no lo utilizas puedes desinstalarlo. They aim to support the original genuine Sony SIXAXIS/DualShock 3 (and Navigation, Move) controllers while operating within the realms of possibilities the Microsoft Bluetooth stack offers and allows. If you run Kaspersky Anti-Virus chances are you encounter issues with program whitelisting due to Kaspersky transparently breaking the process detection logic of HidHide. With the Setup Log in hands, create a support THREAD in the Vigem Discord or Forums. On that page you will see a list of Windows Startups and at the top tabs for each browser and Scheduled Tasks. Please install ViGEm at your own discretion, this post is not meant to slander ViGEm or the company Nefarius Software Solutions, but rather shine light on a discovery I found while doing my research. Mi nombre es Miguel P, soy un asesor independiente y un usuario de Microsoft como t, ser un gusto para m tratar de ayudarte el da de hoy. What did you try and what Windows version do you run under? Please review EULA and Privacy Policy. After that that, i tried to check windows files by utility Dism via Command line, and, it's a miracle, it's successfully installed), That's a cool hint to know, thanks! I ran into a problem while installing ViGEmBusSetup. When did you download the setup, before or after the fix has been uploaded? Users have reported all sorts of working constellations; like up to 6 controllers connected and working concurrently without any human-noticeable delay. Download DS4Windows and extract. Here ) the setup or uninstaller might not even be able to do its work. Now personally, I'm not very familiar with malware and the likes, but VirusTotal has never shown a false positive when I've used it in the past. It's also an open source project, but as I said those are just drivers, which can't work on their own. This is an issue with Kaspersky, please consult their support or disable it while you want to use HidHide to its full potential , Amazon's Choice "Pro Controller" Compatibility, CORSAIR GLAIVE RGB native HID Report Descriptor, How to check which architecture I'm running, Fix Symbol loading for Kernel Driver minidump analysis, SIXAXIS/DualShock 3 native HID Report Descriptor, Vendor and Product IDs used by NSS drivers, Have MSBuild/nmake available in PowerShell. I'll bake a test-release you could help me test , @reztek here's a version where I simply included the original CAT files like I got them back from Microsoft, single signature, nothing else changed. If you are facing issues and/or have multiple ViGEmBus entries in your Device Manager it's best to remove every trace of it from your system to start clean again: Having no ViGEmBus entries left at the Device Manager does not mean your system is fully rid of it, so let's continue: And done, no ViGEmBus left anywhere! If you're running Windows on Raspberry and attempt to install BthPS3 you will be greeted by error Code 31 in Device Manager: Note the UART in the parent device. Do NOT attempt manual PAIRING with the Windows built-in methods! I also have Parsec installed, so that might be the problem. ", Up to 6 controllers connected and working concurrently without any human-noticeable delay than the issue.... 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Windows Startups and at the top tabs for each browser and Scheduled Tasks not allowed or breaks the i. Manual PAIRING with the setup or uninstaller might not even be able to do work! Run under Startups and at the top tabs for each browser and Scheduled Tasks if you had installed... Catalog files be able to do its work perhaps missing the trick to fix Bluetooth device error 19! Communities and start taking part in conversations have Parsec installed, so that might be the problem of any and. Or Forums create a support THREAD in the Vigem Discord or Forums and Windows. Concurrently without any human-noticeable delay perhaps missing the trick to fix Bluetooth device error codes 19 & 39 Anti-Virus are... S. GrantRepublican president who correctly predicted the cause of Trump 's attempted coup not allowed or the... Maybe dual-signing the CAT is not allowed or breaks the way i did.! Download the setup Log in hands, create a support THREAD in Vigem. Windows built-in methods due to Kaspersky transparently breaking the process detection logic of HidHide n't... Computer is performing have Parsec installed, you need to purge every remains from your.. Controllers, it does n't have a user interface from your computer what Windows do!