irs reference number 1242
Refer the case to the Refund Inquiry employee or unit with the open control. A TC 971 AC 199 with a RIVO MISC field, refer to IRM 25.25.5-2, Transaction Code (TC) 971 Action Code (AC) 199 Miscellaneous (MISC) Field Literals for RIVO. Release as instructed in first block above (if appropriate). When you refer cases to TAS, use Form 911/e-911, Request for Taxpayer Advocate Service Assistance (And Application for Taxpayer Assistance Order), and forward to TAS per your local procedures. Refer to Exhibit 21.5.2-2, Preparing Form 13596 Reprocessing Returns, for more information. Investor Junkie is your shortcut to financial freedom. An offset from another period has already paid off the account, Taxpayer states the payment belongs to the tax period in question. Your return will remain frozen in the IRS's system until the review process is complete. Once verified, your original return is processed and you can re-send a Form 1040-X." I filed jan 23 accepted jan 29, path msg appeared about feb. 6 and around feb. 12 checked wmr and got message. If the open control is not for a CIS case or you do not have access to CIS, initiate a referral to the open control using "Open Control " as the referral type. If the taxpayers authentication has still not been verified, issue a Letter 6167C, Identity Authentication Incomplete, and use paragraph "C," with a return address code of TP.. Do not refer these cases to TAS unless they meet TAS criteria or the taxpayer asks to be transferred to TAS. Do not credit the spouses account with a TC 610 if a TC 150 is already present. IRS CP05 A is the written request for that additional information. Request a completed/signed copy of Form 1310 or certificate showing court appointment, be sent or faxed. Have ref1242 and tt151. Wait for further notices from the IRS, if there`s any. Change made for IRM clarity. Refer to IRM, Resolving RSEDSTAT Transcripts, for more information. Taxpayers must include their taxpayer identification number (TIN) and tax period on each page of their response. For the CP 05, the issuance date can be determined by the posting date of the TC 971 AC 804 and the TC 971 AC 044. **Say "Thanks" by clicking the thumb icon in a post, **Disclaimer: This post is for discussion purposes only and is NOT tax advice. Updates anyone? RIVO has moved the original return to MFT 32. Working from home? After we sent that stuff in we waited almost 30 days to receive a letter saying that they received our response. Refer to IRM, Remittance Transaction Research (RTR) System, for more information. Accounts Management employees see IRM, Accounts Management (AM) Customer Service Representative (CSR) Duties Handling Accounts with Balance Due / Missing Returns. Often, you will see a message saying your return is being processed or that your refund is on the way. told me to wait 30 days for a letter and still nothing. I filed my taxes this early (on February 1st) for the first time in my life and I have lived long enough. TC 810-1 indicates pre-filing notification. The website does not state that I am to receive a letter from the IRS, just that if I have questions, to call them and mention the reference number to the IRS Representative. See IRC 7803(a)(3), Execution of Duties in Accord with Taxpayer Rights. Research of the account indicates that RIVO has not issued any of the following letters: Notice CP 05A, Were Holding Your Refund Until We Finish Reviewing Your Tax Return. What does reference number 1242 mean?# IRS uses code 1242 to indicate that your return was received electronically, has been selected for review, and will be frozen . Refer to IRM, Compliance Refund Hold Projects, Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) freeze containing TC 424, EITC and Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) freeze containing TC 424, Premium Tax Credit (PTC) containing TC 424 or TC 971 AC 128 and a TC 570 with blocking series 88885, EITC plus PTC, and/or ACTC containing TC 424 or TC 971 AC 128 and a TC 570 with blocking series 88881, EITC plus PTC containing TC 424 or TC 971 AC 128 and a TC 570 with blocking series 88884, EITC plus PTC and/or ACTC containing TC 424 or TC 971 AC 128 and a TC 570 with blocking series 88884, American Opportunity Tax Credit containing TC 424, Form 1040-NR with a refund supported by a Form 1042-S (CRN 330) systemically freezes that portion of the refund for up to 154 days. You are sending a referral and to allow 60 days for a response. For cc 72 cases - contact Appeals prior to taking account action. An active installment agreement is established. We may be able to resolve your disputed issues and help you to avoid the time and expense of a court trial. Privacy Policy. If a TC 521 has already posted to the module and all closing codes are -W Litigation freezes (i.e., the cc is not a 60-67, 83, or 85-89), contact the proper Appeals Office or Advisory Group before making any account adjustments. Refer to IRM, Adjustments Requiring An Amended Return or Taxpayer Documentation, and follow the procedures listed below to provide more guidance to the taxpayer: The Letter 2644C is only issued if the suspense timeframe for the Letter 2645C has passed. If there is no Form 1040-X scanned into CIS, ask the taxpayer to refile the amended return. TC 470, cc 93 does not prevent offsets into the module. If the subsequent payment is for additional liability, and no Form 1040-X received, secure the Form 1040-X from the taxpayer. The A- freeze is set when all the following occur: A module has a balance due of , The earliest Collection Statute Expiration Date (CSED) has expired on a balance due module. IPU 22U0141 issued 01-21-2022. If you identify a -I freeze case while staffing the AM toll-free telephone line, and the inquiry requires manual computation of interest, prepare Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral, and route it to the Campus AM paper function within your directorate. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Some third-party Windows programs utilize the .null file extension for a corrupted data file format. Refer to IRM, -R Freeze Paper Procedures For Accounts With Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement, for instructions when working Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. If you find information about a reference number not listed below, please feel free to share your findings in the comment section below. But my wheres my refund says to call the phone number and use reference number 1242. For more information on researching payments, refer to IRM, Mixed/Slipped Blocks, and IRM, Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing (ISRP) and Residual Remittance Processing System (RRPS). Refer to IRM, Resolving Returned Expired Refunds Limited Payability, and IRM, Adjustment Considerations, for more information. Did some research and that means FREEZE received return more than 3 weeks ago and now need additional info which is proof of dependent EIC credit. The G- (Restricted Failure to Pay Penalty) freeze is set by: A TC 270 generated by the posting of TC 150 with computer condition code (CCC) "Z" or CCC "K" , refer to Document 6209, Section 3.5, Computer Condition Codes, or, A TC 270 or TC 271 input with an adjustment action. Im in the same situation but waiting for the letter. Ask whether a spouse or ex-spouse could have made them. What is a NULL file? Still no letter & no refund balance yet! A cc 84 is input for bankruptcy cases requiring special handling. A file is designated as .null when a Windows or Applications data file goes corrupt. If i need more time I must contact irs to extend time line. If a notice has not been issued, advise the taxpayer they will be receiving a notice within the next 2 weeks. Refer to IRM (7), Federal Disaster Area - IRC 7508A, for more information. Refer to IRM, CP 210 Audit/DP Tax Adjustment, and/or Document 6209, Section 8A.4, Master File Freeze Codes and IDRS Status 48. court documents if custody is an issue. Refer to Exhibit 21.5.3-2, Examination Criteria (CAT-A) - General. The freeze automatically releases after the offset (TC 826/820 and/or TC 706) to the joint balance due occurs, usually 2 to 3 cycles after the TC 150 posting cycle date. I was told it could take anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months. If no TPP indicators refer to IRM, E- Freeze. This code means that the IRS froze your account while they are waiting for additional information. Due to continued Coronavirus impact, we are holding their refund until we finish reviewing the tax return and to allow 120 days from the issuance date of the CP 05 or Letter 4464C Apologize for the delay. Advise taxpayer to allow 30 days for a response to the referral. Follow procedures in IRM, Return Not Found, for paper and electronic filed returns not found and the actions needed for resolution. Apologize for the delay in processing the information and advise the taxpayer to allow an additional 30 days. "Same Day" cases include cases you can completely resolve in 24 hours, as well as cases in which you have taken steps within 24 hours to begin resolving the taxpayer's issue. I only have one school aged child, but we are gathering documents now! For more information on Criminal Investigation-Scheme Development Center processing and when to refer to that function refer to IRM, -Z Freeze. $800 was partial sent back in February, @js my refund $5200 and w2 like every year still nothing have to wait until June like letter said. For more information about the TBOR, see Taxpayer Bill of Rights and Pub 1, Your Rights as a Taxpayer, for more information. Change made as scenario was missing from the IRM. TwanePicaso 6 mo. Follow procedures in IRM, Combat Zone Research, for combat zone correspondence. Refer to IRM, Routing Category D Erroneous Refund Packages, for email addresses. The M- freeze is an account transfer freeze set by posting a TC 400. Tax software tools (many of which now offer tiers that include tax pro support) can help make sure you file your taxes accurately. If there is a -L freeze, in addition to the -R freeze on the account, research CC AMDISA for the status code. IPU 22U0334 issued 03-04-2022. Advise the taxpayer by telephone call or Letter 86C, Referring Taxpayer Inquiry/Forms to Another Office, the case is being routed to the Atlanta Campus for resolution. press 1 for English, then 0, 0 again. The Centralized Authorization File (CAF) must have the POA before the relief is added to a taxpayers account, or the practitioner may ask the assistor if a POA may be faxed for processing. I wonder if a lease would work as well for proof of all three kids. With the exact numbers. Is input and TC 29X posts without a hold code on the corresponding adjustment, A duplicate refund is generated on the Master File. Please indicate the IRM reference and request contact be made to EFTPS technicians to verify payment authorization. I just want to be prepared. The W- freeze is also set with TC 840 if TC 150 without CCC "O" is present and no 29X/30X is present. For all other calls where RIVO is holding the refund with a -R freeze, follow the guidance listed below to determine the proper actions. Inform the taxpayer you are going to refer their case to TAS. Why do I have the PATH message on Wheres My Refund? and our (18) IRM Added note to provide procedures for Employment Returns with potential ID Theft, for a referral to be emailed to SBSE. In many cases, this is just a request to confirm the information on your tax return. Good luck everyone. The procedures below are identical for both letters and actions can be repeated if both letters have been issued. Refer to Exhibit 21.5.10-1, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) Status Code Guide - Field Cases, or Exhibit 21.5.10-2, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) Status Code Guide - Campus Cases, for the correct procedures. 3 of my friends got same thing also My Mom, my sister and 4 other people I have spoke to about this, the crazy thing is my neighbor told me that on Wednesday she got this message but had her refund in bank Friday Morning (SO IT COULD BE A SYSTEM ERROR). Adjust the account as necessary. (13) IRM Added procedures for -K freeze with RIVO involvement but no RIVO letter or notice sent to taxpayer. Follow procedures in IRM, Math Error Substantiated Protest Processing. Summarize your objection and send it to the IRS address listed on the letter outlining your appeal rights. Claims involving Unemployment Compensation Exclusion (UCE) due to American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, may be worked by Accounts Management, even if the account contains an unreversed TC 971 AC 123 with MISC field UCERECOVERY03112021. Seems to be no real definite answer to the topic and reference code. Resubmit the documentation for the return on DUT. For instance, spreadcheet.docx is renamed to spreadsheet.docx.null. Research of the account indicates that RIVO has issued one of the following letters: If the account has TPP criteria, refer to IRM, Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Issue Not Resolved. If a reply is received with the missing information or signature after the return due date, you must correct the original ASED posted on the taxpayer's account. The module contains a background control without an adjustment to the account, The information can be used to resolve the account issue. Refer to IRM, Resolving -R Freeze. Refer to IRM 21.4.6, Refund Offset, and IRM, Preparation of Form 5792, IDRS Generated Refund, for more information. You can also review the link in the message with a reference to Tax Topic 151. Use "-X Freeze" as the referral type. If you have access to RTR, the image may help determine who the payment belongs to. Refer to IRM, Taxpayer Protection Program Overview, for a listing of TPP indicators. Use the last letter issued to determine the beginning of the 60-day timeframe. They can also help you prepare for an audit in the event your review turns up something the IRS decides to investigate further. A CP 44, Refund Delayed Because You May Owe on Another Non-Individual (IMF) Account, is generated when an IMF overpayment of $25 or more is available for application. If an open control exists, contact the employee/team with the case control. But they said it was sent out twice so I had to send in form 3911 for a payment trace so basically now Im waiting for them to adjust my return then send it out after that. I believe that anyone that is claiming the EIC is getting reviewed. Request return causing the E- freeze (TC 976/ TC 977 Document Locator Number (DLN)). So while this does create a sense of panic, don't get overly stressed as the IRS routinely reviews tax returns for errors and potential fraud. If there is an open control on the account, refer Form 4442/e-4442 to the employee who has the open control with the faxed information. Change made to reduce referral inventory, and to reduce timeframe taxpayer impacted by refund being held. Transfer the payment to the correct module. Refer to table (4) below for the resolution of Form 1040-X received on accounts with RIVO PTC issues. The information on Investor Junkie could be different from what you find when visiting a third-party website. If you question the taxpayer and research IDRS, and still cannot determine why the -R freeze is present, Advise taxpayer to send a complete return with all schedules and attachments (e.g., Form W-2, Schedule A, B, C, etc.) IRS reference number 1242 is the code used by the IRS to notify you that your return has been selected for review. A RIVO notice or letter has been issued (CP 05/CP 05A, Letter 4464C, Letter 2645C), The account has an unreversed TC 971 AC 134, A RIVO notice or letter has not been issued (CP 05/CP 05A, Letter 4464C, Letter 2645C), Taxpayer returns a refund believing there is an error, Tax and refund amount are verified correct using IDRS, Refund was in error (taxpayer indicates the payment belongs on another module). ET, Monday through Friday. You cannot verify the payment belongs to the taxpayer. Refer to IRM, Account Adjustments for the UCE. Refer to the CP 53A, CP 53B, CP 53C or CP 53D for an explanation of the review. After complying with an RTO, check whether the -W litigation freeze should remain on the account before reversing the -W freeze for RTO compliance. Transfer the credits to resolve the "-X" Freeze. Close the CIS case. If there is a Math Error on the account that needs to be corrected, refer to IRM, -R Freeze Paper Procedures For Accounts With Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement. Refer to instructions in IRM, Updating the RPD on Unprocessable Returns, for instructions to update the RPD and release the refund. The Y- (Data Processing/Audit Adjustment) freeze is set by TC 29X/30X that has a HC 1, 2, or 4. We neither endorse nor support political viewpoints. Follow the guidance listed below to determine the proper actions: Verbally provide the taxpayer with the guidance in the CP 05A, and explain to the taxpayer what is needed to substantiate the income and withholding. Are you able to access your tax account transcript online for the year in question? Tax topic 151 informs taxpayers that they have tax refund offsets, and that their tax refunds will be used to pay off their debts. Been preparing taxes professionally for 10+ years. A return is present on the account and Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) is holding the refund (indicated by a posted TC 971 AC 134, a TC 971 AC 199, a CCC "1" ). Our conferences are informal and are conducted by correspondence, telephone, video conference, or in-person conference. If TC 540 is in error, issue a manual refund to release the refund. If not present, advise the taxpayer of an estimated refund date of four to six weeks from the input date of the TC 29X. Apologize for the delay. IRS Reference Number 1242 is a code the IRS uses to pull your tax return for review. If they determine they have made an error, file an amended return. When available, the Enterprise Electronic Fax (EEFax) must be used in lieu of manual faxing. Keeping accurate records of how you file your taxes is one of the best things you can do, whether your return is marked for review or not. Enrolled Agent since 2008, Intuit Tax Expert since 2011. What does IRS reference number 1242 mean? 1261 - Paper return received more than 6 weeks ago; -Q Freeze; in review, notice for additional information will be received. A DUPTIN TRNS36F transcript has generated to Brookhaven Service Center (BSC) AM. Use TC 670 for the payment amount instead. Take no action. The U- freeze, with status code 60, indicates a module freeze that is generated when CC IAORG or CC IAREV is input to an account. The -L (Open Examination Indicator) freeze is set when a TC 420 or TC 424 posts to an account that has been referred to Examination. This subreddit is about news, questions, and well-reasoned answers for maintaining compliance with the Internal Revenue Service, IRS. DO NOT ASSESS/ABATE. . Director, Accounts Management This includes an account that has a DUPF return. The account has an open IDRS control with category code "PFRZ" and an IDRS number 148XXXXXXX. If TAS criteria is not met, apologize to the taxpayer for the delay and advise them to allow another 30 days. Please mention reference number 1242 to the IRS Customer Service Representative. Eight weeks or more have passed since the date of the adjustment. Forward to the correct campus Accounting function. Do i need to ammend my return or just wait the 30 day window so IRS will adjust themselves, Rish 2 If this is a duplicate return, an IMF internal notice CP 93, Duplicate Filing Condition on Module Under Exam Investigation, is issued. (25) IRM Added if multiple RIVO markers as well as notices/letters, to follow procedures for last marker or notice/letter on the account. If no adjustment is needed and the freeze needs to be released, control the case under 1487866666. Change made for accuracy in routing lien release requests. Respond to the taxpayer. Major delay. Delete the filing requirements, if the taxpayer is not liable to file a return. The credits are located in another account, The return was erroneously coded with CCC "O", An open control in the Refund Inquiry Function with an activity code "841TOPOST", TC 840 posted without an offsetting credit from Bureau of Fiscal Services (BFS). If the open control is not for a CIS case or you do not have access to CIS, initiate a referral to the open control using "Open Control" as the referral type. It has been 120 days or more since the issuance date with no RIVO action, The taxpayer states they have not received a Letter 2645C or Letter 2644C, The Letter 2645C or Letter 2644C was issued less than 60 days ago. If less than one year old, move to Unidentified Remittance File (URF) using Form 2424, Account Adjustment Voucher. That way, youll have everything you need to handle the IRSs request for additional information in a timely manner. The -A freeze is set when a duplicate return (TC 976), subsequent return (TC 977) or a TC 971 with action code (AC) 010 or AC 012-015 (amended return), posts to an account. Change made to eliminate referral going to RIVO to increase efficiency and response time to taxpayer. then I reverified it and filed it again. Change made for consistency with procedures for other cases being sent to AQC. Provide the taxpayer with the applicable timeframe. Mine was DD $800 that was my tax and thats what I received back I got the same issue. Reference number codes are how the IRS systems classify informational or processing actions, much like tax transcript codes. Refer to IRM, IRC 965 - Transition Tax on Untaxed Foreign Earnings, for more information. Advise the taxpayer to allow 11 weeks for Electronic Filing (ELF) returns and 14 weeks for paper return processing, from the date the original return was received, for the injured spouse claim to be worked (unless extended timeframe of 18 weeks for e-file and 20 weeks for paper are in effect, research SERP Alerts). Information may be missing from the return (e.g., signature, Form 1310, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer, if deceased taxpayer, or certificate showing court appointment, etc.). What documents are they asking you for? You can trust the integrity of our balanced, independent financial advice. Confirm the taxpayers current mailing address. Include all of the taxpayer information and refer the case to the controlling employee. This code means that the IRS froze your account while they are waiting for additional information. Last year i included my niece and no problems i filed her again this year the same way and now Im being reviewed further and its frustrating! Refer to IRM, Applying Unresolved Credits for AMRH, for more information. Employees respond to adjustment requests, refund inquiries, and account status inquiries following procedures in this IRM. Some third-party Windows programs utilize the .null file extension to indicate a damaged data file format. For resolution of this freeze refer to IRM 25.15, Relief from Joint and Several Liability, for Innocent Spouse procedures. Send a secure email to the Appeals mailbox, *AP Inquiries, requesting contact information of the Appeals employee working the case. But it does mean your tax filing is under review and in queue for further actions. Just be ready to submit proof that you provided more then half thier support for half the year, receipts from grocery, lease or mortgage, Dr bills, anything to back up your claim. It's 2022 and exact problem both kids since birth and never a issue claiming now have to prove my children are mine and oldest is 17 so time frame is same and audit defense doesn't speed up process told October 23 filed in Feb. Taxpayer made payment in error, creating overpayment that should be refunded. Transfer the payment to the correct module. RIVO involvement can be identified by: A TC 570 with all fives in the blocking series and serial number of the DLN (e.g., XXXXX-XXX-55555-X) (BMF), A CC NOREF history with an IDRS control base (open or closed) containing an IDRS assignment number 148XXXXXXX. If the taxpayer does not wish to call, prepare and forward Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral, to the RO group (SERP does not have individual RO TDA/TDI Assignment (TSIGN) numbers; only the group numbers.). Make sure you keep copies of the notice and any documentation you submit. I filed on feb 5 its now May 14th still waiting on refund . 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