diocese of san jose directory
LorenzoM. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Arleen P.RagasaTitular: San RoqueOur Mother of Perpetual Help Parish,Talugtug, 3118 Nueva EcijaParish Priest: Rev. Southern Deanery/ VicariateDean: Fr. addyee8a66b4657a978b52986340b913b605 = addyee8a66b4657a978b52986340b913b605 + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com'; The organization of Roman Catholic churches, schools, cemeteries, institutions and administration of Catholic services in Santa Clara County. Diocese of San Jose, and Santa Clara County was established as the Diocese of San Jose by Pope John Paul II on January 27, 1981. addy6bbf5625dc7131e5bd15f1f3d464143b = addy6bbf5625dc7131e5bd15f1f3d464143b + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com'; Josix R.TolentinoParochial Vicar: Rev. Msgr. This can lead to two common errors: These aids generally provide lists of records that are known to exist and information on their location. Rufo Ramil Cruz,PhDCommiss ion on Pontifical Miss ionDirector: Rev. Mario M. Dimapilis, MHM,RN, VFParish of Sta. Jomar A. Valdevieso,MA, RGCParish of Our Lady of Candles (F-1965),Belison, 5701 AntiqueTitular: Nuestra Seora de laCandelaria, 2 FebruaryParish Priest: Fr. Emmanuel D. Canja,MA (Dean of Seminarians); Fr.Ramon A. Navallasca (SpiritualDirector), JUDICIAL SECTION /ECCLESIASTICAL TRIBUNALJudicial Vicar: Fr. This email address is being protected from spambots. Leda T. De Gracia, MSChem,MAVice-President for Academic Affairs:Ana Linda O. Santos, PhDLA-Education Dean: Marlene M.Abutas, PhDBusiness Education DepartmentDean: Ma. Arnel E. Zamora, RELIGIOUS CATHOLICEDUCATIONAL CENTERSSt. Fr. Fr. Servillano E. Carro Jr.,MAPrincipal: Ms. Chona D. JorillaSt. (7)Male ..1Female.6Secular Institutes:Female.1Religious Priests:..(3)Filipinos..2Foreigner..1Religious Brothers:Foreigners7Religious Sisters:.. (83)Filipinos.. 79Foreigners4Diocesan Divisions:Vicariates..4Parishes.. 25Mission Stations.1Other Institutions:Hospital..1Retreat Center.1Catechetical Center1Pastoral Center1Orphanage..1Radio Stations..2Dormitory.1Sacrament & Sacramentals:Baptism:Children.. 7,864Confirmation. 3,193First Communion.. 6,158Matrimony:Between Catholics. 1,103Between Catholics &Non-Catholics.4Catholics Schools Enrolment(Diocesan & Religious):Kindergarten. 1,020Grade Schools.. 1,507High Schools. 8,591Colleges. 1,363Total..12,481, DIOCESAN CURIABishops House,San Jose de Buenavista,5700 AntiqueTel. View Sandra Torres's business profile as Director of Youth and Young Adults at Diocese Of San Jose. Peregrino P.Alar; Fr. Nio de Puncan Quasi Parish, Brgy.Puncan, Carranglan, 3123 NuevaEcijaParish Priest: Rev. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; 2 . RogelioA. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Rosalito F.CabantingSt. Edgar Alan L. Pacete (Manila), INSTITUTES OF CONSECRATED LIFE/SOCIETIES OF APOSTOLIC LIFEPious UnionMENBrothers of Christian Instruction/LaMennais Brothers (FIC)Society of the Divine Word (SVD)St. Joseph Missionary Society/MillHill Missionaries (MHM)Eucharistic Healers of Mary (EHM), WOMENDominican Sisters of the Most HolyRosary of the Philippines-Molo(OP)Missionary Sisters of the LordsTable/Mensa Domini (MSLT)Orantes of the Assumption (OrA)Order of St. Clare (OSC)Religious of the Assumption (RA)Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres (SPC)Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker(SSJW), SEMINARYSt. FortunatoM. Fr.Menardo B. Natividad; Rev. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Year | Joseph Multi-Purpose Center (F-2001),Antique Human DevelopmentProgram, Inc. (AHDP), Azurin Subdivision,San Jose de Buenavista,5700 AntiqueTel. Principal: Sr. Vilma Pitogo, USS, Educational Institutions Administeredby ReligiousSan Sebastian School of Muoz, Inc., T.De los Santos St., Science City ofMuoz, Nueva EcijaTel. Ramon A.Navallasca, DIOCESAN CATHOLIC EDUCATIONALCENTERSSt. Ernie P. PesimoAssistant Director: Rev. Alfonso A.Alojipan Jr., MAPastoral Care of Migrants and ItinerantPeople: Fr. Marc Louie CaizaCommiss ion on Research and DevelopmentDirector: Rev. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Fr. Nestor R.Romano; Rev. SegundinoR. addyf2755c75c52408620c6672d0568c1dfe = addyf2755c75c52408620c6672d0568c1dfe + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com'; . Diocese of Sorsogon var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; RufoRamil H. Cruz, PhD; Rev. Fr. 1150 North First St.,Suite 100 San Jose, CA 95112 - Phone: Copyright Diocese of San Jose | All Rights Reserved, The Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist: Basic Questions and Answers, La Presencia real de Jesucristo en el Sacramento de la Eucarista: Preguntas bsicas y respuestas, We encounter the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, Jesus gives himself to us in the Eucharist as spiritual nourishment because He loves us, There are many graces we receive from the Mass, Encountering Christ in the Eucharist is life-changing, We connect with our faith-based community. Archdiocese of Capiz . The Catholic Directory is a free website for finding, reviewing, and connecting with Catholic churches, organizations, resources, and businesses. Let us reflect on the sacrifices that were made throughout the pandemic and ask the Holy Spirit to ignite and guide us back into the house of our Father. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; document.getElementById('cloaka580f1ec0d7a3143f1696e84b0b528e7').innerHTML = ''; Rios, MACommittee on Transport: Fr. Fr. Msgr.Luvimindo Sayson; Mr. RogelioSantos; Atty. Matrimonio-Familia. James the Great Parish, Lupao, 3122Nueva EcijaParish Priest: Rev. Nestor RomanoTemporalities/Properties Administrator:Rev. The Catholic Directory is a free website for finding, reviewing, and connecting with Catholic churches . Principal: Mrs. Melina LopezLiceo de Christ the King of Talugtug,Inc., Talugtug, 3118 Nueva EcijaTel. Janish will then resume retirement. Carol Sanford - Executive Assistant x105. Box 85728San Diego, CA 92186-5728Phone: (858) 490-8200Fax: (858) 490-8272E-mail:gperfecto@symbolsdcatholic.org. Let us once again stand and celebrate with our brothers and sisters in Christ. William McAvoy, MHM (ChaplainEmeritus, Missionary Sistersof the Lords Table/ Mensa Domini)St. Joseph Regional Seminary, St. JosephVillage, Cubay, Jaro, Iloilo CityFr. Melchor Q. Orquejo; Fr. Joaquin A. Dioso Jr. Baloc, Sto. Fr. Fr. Director-Manager: Fr. Ferrer, JCD, Diocesan Review BoardMost Rev. Diocesan Catechetical and Lay PastoralCenter, Brgy. . Ernie P. PesimoTitular: Sto. Share This; All | Menardo B.Natividad - COST (Finance)ACES Internal Auditor: Rev. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; 1150 North First St.,Suite 100 San Jose, CA 95112 - Phone: Copyright Diocese of San Jose | All Rights Reserved, Chaplain, Arab-American Catholic Community, Sacred Heart Parish, Saratoga, Vicar for Clergy, Director of the Office of Life, Justice and Peace, Church of the Ascension Parish, Vicar General/Chancellor, Saint Brother Albert Chmielowski Polish Mission, Saint Mary of the Assumption Croatian Mission, Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Saint Nicholas and Saint William Catholic Parish, Saint Frances Cabrini Parish, Vicar for Priests, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Vicar for Evangelization, Retired/ Fidei Donum Diocese of Las Cruces, Saint Thomas of Canterbury Parish,Director of Vocations and Seminarians, Saint Joseph of Cupertino Parish/ Chaplain, Kaiser Hospital Santa Clara, Restorative Justice, Associate Director, Office Youth and Young Adults, Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph Parish, Saint Francis of Assisi Parish/Restorative Justice (Office of Life, Justice and Peace, Office of Evangelization), Our Lady of La Vang Parish/ Pastoral Care to the Vietnamese Catholics on the periphery, Catholic Charities/ Our Lady of Refuge Parish, Saint Cyprian Parish/ Pastoral Care for Hispanics, Saint Christopher Parish /Associate Director of Deacon Formation, Saint Francis of Assisi Parish/African Catholic Community, Saint Maria Goretti Parish/ Restorative Justice, Sacred Heart Parish/ Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital/ Director of Deacon Life, Most Holy Trinity Parish/ Vietnamese Catholic Center. Alingas, MA(Northern)WESTY Representatives: Fr. Place: Kalibo, Aklan. South West California Synod / ELCA Region 2 Archives ButronDiocesan Bookkeeper: Arlene C.SermenoDiocesan Archives and Library: ______________________External Auditor: Ma. It requires the least amount of effort to help find information needed. Santiago Jr.; Mr. Narcy AdorDionisioSuperintendent: Rev. Ace FernandoY. . Jun E. FloresSt. Elevated to Diocese: 15 November 1982. Ian ChristopherD. : (044) 958-8553Parish Priest: Rev. Josix Darwin R. Tolentino- CREST(Extension Services); Rev. : (044) 806-1408Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. Fax: 566-3310 Past and Present Ordinaries. Malasin,San Jose City, Nueva EcijaRector: Rev. Youngest; Oldest . San Jose Catholic Church (512) 444-7587. Peregrino P. AlarBiblical Apostolate: Fr. Edione R. Febrero,JCLChancellor: Fr. Danny S.Tabuyan (Consultant)Canon Law: Fr. addy582ac6ee963d7eaa9705551ff58d4a89 = addy582ac6ee963d7eaa9705551ff58d4a89 + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com'; Allan P. TanojaFamily and Life: Fr. : (044) 958 2553Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. Teresa de Avila, 15OctoberParish Priest: Fr. Reporting from San Diego . Here you will find archive information unique to the state. Gerald P. Lacson,MA, LlBParochial Vicars: Fr. The clerical sexual abuse scandal rocking the Roman Catholic Church hit home Thursday, as the Diocese of San Diego added eight priests to the list of those believed . var addy_text12645cc7827639561ef82fdafd71a3d7 = 'melinalopez_sna' + '@' + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak12645cc7827639561ef82fdafd71a3d7').innerHTML += ''+addy_text12645cc7827639561ef82fdafd71a3d7+'<\/a>'; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; "The Parochial Books of the California Missions, 1961,", Barton, Noel R. "Genealogical Research in the Records of the California Missions,". Connect with Diocese of San Jose, Diocese in San Jose City, Philippines. Modesto S.MarquezParish of St. Blaise (F-1897), Sebaste,5709 AntiqueTitular: St. Blaise, 3 FebruaryParish Priest: Fr. Lorenzo M.Fernandez Jr.Parish of Sta. document.getElementById('cloak6bbf5625dc7131e5bd15f1f3d464143b').innerHTML = ''; JimmyReyesExtraordinary Ministers of Holy CommunionDirector: Rev. ", Great email tool. RufoRamil Cruz, PhD, Lay Liturgical MinistriesMother Butler Guild (MBG)Spiritual Director: Rev. View Map & Get Directions. Pedro E.Albino Jr.Titular: Our Mother of PerpetualHelpImmaculate Conception Parish/DiocesanShrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello,Nampicuan, 3116 Nueva EcijaWebsite: www.sanctuaryoftheholyface.org, Email: secretariat@sanctuaryof
/>the holyface.org / rector@sanctuaryoftheholyface.orgParish Priest/Rector: Rev. Arnel E. Zamora, Parish of San Antonio De Padua (F-1596),Barbaza, 5706 AntiqueTitular: St. Anthony de Padua,13 JuneParish Priest: Fr. Appointment: May 15, 2012. Cornelio V.Ysulat Jr., PhD (Asst. Joseph and Francis Xavier Parish . Principal: Sr. Ellen Joy L. Cajegas, USSSt. Getty A.Ferrer, JCD; Rev. Cornelio V. Ysulat Jr., PhD(Superintendent/Director)Antique Medical Center (AM CI): Fr.Jose E. Tubianosa (President); Fr.Servillano E. Carro Jr. (Treasurer);Sr. Elvira Theodore Ibardolasa,SPC (Administrator), Clergy Resource Development Off ice(CRDO): Fr. MichaelJ. Marvyn A.Maceda, DDVicar General: Fr. (Director); Fr. Michaels High School (F-1962), Culasi,5708 AntiqueChaplain: Fr. Suffragan of Lingayen-DagupanCreated: February 16, 1984. Jose Glicerio C. GeremiaAssistant Chancellor: Fr. Nio De Guinsang-An(F-1967), Villavert-Jimenez, Hamtic,5715 AntiqueTitular: Sto. Blaise High School (F-1966), Sebaste,5709 AntiqueChaplain: Fr. To assist the archbishop in the pastoral care of all our priests. Benny P. Quinto,MHMParish of San Nicolas De Tolentino (F-1771), Tobias Fornier (Dao), 5716AntiqueTitular: San Nicolas de Tolentino,10 SeptemberTeam Ministers: Fr. document.getElementById('cloakee8a66b4657a978b52986340b913b605').innerHTML = ''; Froilan M. Pacete; Fr.EmmanuelD. Peregrino P. AlarPrincipal: Mr. Peter T. OrtegaSt. Chancellor's Office. GettyA. Richard LagosProgram Manager: ChristopherBautista, ICPS, MIMobile: 0905-299-3773; 0939-904-4495Email: info@hopefoundation.centerTahanan ng Banal na Awa (a Home forthe Abandoned, surrendered andneglected Children), Zone 2 Brgy.Parang Mangga, San Jose City,Nueva EcijaDirector: Rev. BishopMost ReverendROBERTO C. MALLARI, DDBorn: March 27, 1958. Phone: (760) 357-1822. Daisy Rose Virgini M. Plameras,MENursing Department Dean: ArisKendell R. Bungabong, RN, MANCriminal Justice DepartmentsDean: Magdalena E. Otico, PhDTechnical Education DepartmentCoordinator: Clydie Joy D. Alfonga,DBM-HMHigher Basic Education Principal:Marites I. Mejares, MAEdLower Basic Education Principal:Alma T. Dela Fuente, MAStudent Services Officer: NonaCecilia V. Fornier, MAEdLearning Resource Center Officer:Ferdinand Angelo M. Alipis, MA,MLISInformation and TechnologyOfficer: Robert R. RicoteGuidance Services Officer: TeresitaM. Fr. FR. Jose Glicerio C. GeremiaOeconomus: Fr. Fr.Josix Tolentino; Rev. Segundo G.Auxilian Jr.Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer (F-1798),Pandan, 5712 AntiqueTitular: St. Vincent Ferrer, 5 MayTeam Ministers: Fr. Rodelio F. Paglinawan;Rev. Renz Jane Vallente, LAY ORGANIZATIONS, MINISTRIES,TRANS-PAROCHIAL MOVEMENTSAND DIOCESAN FORMATIONPROGRAMDiocesan Council of the LaityOfficers:President: Mr. Adorable PinedaVice-President: Dr. Glicerio FuellosSecretary: Ms. Lourdes FalconTreasurer: Mr. Mauricio Andres Jr.Auditor: Mr. Renato Salmo, Mandated OrganizationsAdoracion Nocturna Filipina (AN F)Spiritual Director: Rev. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; San Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio Parish St. Frances of Rome (Cicero) St. Mary Frances of the Five Wounds Parish St. Francis Xavier (Wilmette) SS. ROBERTO C. CADID, JR. Vicariate Catechetical Director CP # 0920-4890330 email: robertocadid@yahoo.com. Raymond L.Orfelia; Sr. Luz D. Failana, MSLT, D. Department of Social ServicesAnd CommunicationSocial Action, Justice and Peace: Fr.Edione R. Febrero, JCL; SusimaQ. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Edwin I. Bravo;Rev. Michael J.GrospeOeconomus: Rev. After needing to shelter in place, we prepare to reinstate the obligation of attending mass as cases begin to drop and the vaccination rates increase. . : (036) 540-9236; 540-9237President: Fr. Rev. If the church has a website, you may be able to, Has copies of birth, marriage, and funeral records for all the parishes in Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo Counties, Has microfilm copies of birth, marriage, and funeral records for. document.getElementById('cloakd0ec75d42c0a6a239c3a526339fd681d').innerHTML = ''; NermalSocial Communications: Fr. Joseph E.Baa, MA; Fr. : (036) 320-1735Titular: St. Peter and St. Paul,apostles, 29 JuneParish Priest: Fr. Richard C.Montaner, MSCPrincipal: Norlyn SebastianDon Bosc o Training Center, Brgy. James Janish as administrator pro tem of St. Leo the Great Church in San Antonio, with assignment concluding June 30. Ian ChristopherAndalCommiss ion on LiturgyDirector: Rev. Associate Director 214-379-2826. Susan Garner - Archivist x120. Nicholas De Tolentino Parish, Carranglan,3123 Nueva EcijaParish Priest: Rev. Religious Orders | Languages: Sacramental Spanish. Below is a list of priests serving in the diocese, their assignment and contact information. Current Only | Fernandez Jr. (San Jose);Fr. Fherdie C. Ducut; Rev. Fr. Fr. Director); Sr.Anathalia M. Ysug, MSLT (Coordinator);Ma. Segundino R. Laude,MA, PhLDean of Studies: Fr. Rex R. Marfil,SThLEcumenical Aff airs and Inter-ReligiousDialogue: Fr. Pablito C. Maghari2018: Fr. Nio, 18 JanuaryTeam Ministers: Fr. Arnel E. ZamoraEducation: Fr. Find Diocese of San Jose reviews and more. Fr. Phone: 909-558-4550. Fr. Josix Darwin R. Tolentino;Rev. Rex R. Marfil, SThL (Faculty/Formator), On Foreign Mission, Diocese ofLodwar, KenyaFr. Joseph Orphanage and Center Forthe Handicapped, Inc. (F-2005), Sistersof St. Joseph the Worker,MaybatoNorth, San Jose deBuenavista, 5700 AntiqueDirectress: Sr. Rosabella M. Gatila,SSJW. Sanny M. Esparar;Fr. Diocese of San Jose uses 1 email format with {f}{last} Get verified emails for HOPE (House of Prayer and Evangelization),HOPE Center Alzate St.,Brgy, Estacion (Pob. Together they testify to Gods holiness and their hope of salvation. Professions & Specialties. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Home; Contact Us; Signup; Login; Submit Church. var addy_text1ead6408528e07a7ff6da7fbd9fa1adf = 'clsuchaplaincy' + '@' + 'gmail' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak1ead6408528e07a7ff6da7fbd9fa1adf').innerHTML += ''+addy_text1ead6408528e07a7ff6da7fbd9fa1adf+'<\/a>'; Add to favorites. The Roman Catholic Church in Mexico comprises eighteen ecclesiastical provinces each headed by an archbishop.The provinces in turn comprise 18 archdioceses, 69 dioceses, and 5 territorial prelatures and each headed by a bishop (of some kind). General Information. George Aranha: Santa Teresa Parish: Rev. The organization of Roman Catholic churches, schools, cemeteries, institutions and administration of Catholic services in Santa Clara County. document.getElementById('cloak1ead6408528e07a7ff6da7fbd9fa1adf').innerHTML = ''; Jose Glicerio C.GeremiaSt. Brian Mooney is a Director, The Diocesan Office of Financial Services at Diocese Of San Jose based in San Jose, California. Monica Kinder School, Parish ofSta. Fr. 18 Viacrucis por la Vida Viernes Santo. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Fr. Diocese of San Jose. 1. Online databases are incomplete. Miguel Angelo R.EscuroPrincipal: Rowena O. Esparagoza,PhDSt. Diocesan Directory; Catholic Charities * Catholic Relief Services * V Encuentro. Adela LudovinaV. The Office of the Vicar for Clergy offers services and support to the priests and deacons of the Diocese. Servillano E. Carro Jr.Administrator: Sr. Elvira TheodoreI. Fr. Vincents High School (F-1963), SanRemigio, 5714 AntiqueChaplain: Fr. Roberto C. Mallari, DD; Rev.Fr. Victor Hugo Andrade - Instructor x141. Peregrino P. AlarParochial Vicar: Fr. Monica, 4 MayTeam Ministers: Fr. Poblacion Sur, Licab,3112 Nueva EcijaParish Priest: Rev. Diocese of San Jose 2019 Directory 1150 North First Street, Suite 100 San Jose, California 95112 Phone (408) 983-0100, Fax (408) 983-0295 www.dsj.org updated 3/15/2019 . Consistories | Erected: 18 June 1962. Palermo, MA; Fr. The Office of the Vicar for Clergy administers, issues related to clergy professional development, human resource services, ongoing formation and training, and retirement. Diocese of San Bernardino Archives Office 1201 E. Highland Ave. San Bernardino, CA 92404 Phone: (909) 475-5397 Fax: (909) 474-4907 Email:archives@sbdiocese.org Website; Has baptism, marriage, and funeral records for the parishes of the diocese for 1852 to about 1980 on microfilm. Febe B. Unilongo,MSLTDivine Word School of Semirara Island,Society of the Divine Word (SVD),Semirara, Caluya, 5711 AntiqueDirector: Br. DannyS. [1]. View Listing. Fortunato M. AbieraWomen and Children: Fr. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; addy12645cc7827639561ef82fdafd71a3d7 = addy12645cc7827639561ef82fdafd71a3d7 + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com'; Fr. Msgr. Never ask for "everything on a family or surname". (043)491-2141 Fax: (043)491-1507 CP# 09474194425 Redentor T.Asuncion Jr.Ministry of Greeters and CollectorsDirector: Rev. 55 W. Sanborn Street PO Box 588 Winona, MN 55987 Email: pmartin@dowr.org Phone number: 507-454-4643 x273 Fax: 507-454-8106 . var addy92679113c0fa0bad1af5d257f204dfc9 = 'spxischool' + '@'; 1355 W. Wisconsin Avenue Erik Mediavillo,SOLTParochial Vicar: Rev. Eastern Catholic Churches, Diocese of San Jose in California (erected), Square Kilometers: 3,367 (1,300 Square Miles), Mailing Address: 1150 North First St., Suite 100, Santa Clara, CA 95112, USA. var addyd0ec75d42c0a6a239c3a526339fd681d = 'sha_1949' + '@'; Dean of Studies/ PastoralDirector: Fr. Segundo G. AuxilianJr. Our data is compliant with GDPR and USA privacy laws. Center for Spiritualitysince Aug 2013 Diocese of San Jose - Santa Clara CASpecial Assignmentsince Jul 2013. 1119 K Street 2nd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814 916 313-4000 leginfo . Edwin A.RubidoCouples for Christ Global/Miss ionaryFamilies of Christ: Fr. Anrunico E. ElementoJudicial Vicar: Fr. Has Catholic cemetery records for the diocese. Some church records have been deposited for preservation in government archives or in libraries. Paul P. SilvaSecretary/BookkeEper: GardiaM. var addy_textfb0f18e269c7bc5db25f531621a5c37a = 'Icpllanera50' + '@' + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloakfb0f18e269c7bc5db25f531621a5c37a').innerHTML += ''+addy_textfb0f18e269c7bc5db25f531621a5c37a+'<\/a>'; Paul P. SilvaProgram Manager: Mr. Roldan C.ParaguisonTel. Parish Priest: Rev. var addy8b693748a18a910d662d45a16ae242e4 = 'ideth_29' + '@'; Getty A.Ferrer, JCDParochial Vicar: Rev. MojanaMedical-Dental Services Officer:Marivic M. Naciongayo, MD, MANHuman Resource DevelopmentOfficer: Mariecar B. Baldevia, MBAResearch, Planning and DevelopmentOfficer: Jose Edison C. Tondares,MFA, MGMCommunity Extension and ExternalRelations Officer: Pedro S.Altar III, MBA, MMFinance Officer: Ruben A. Seballos,CPA, MBACollege Registrar: Connie G.Atilano, MSChemAntique Diocesan Commiss ion On Education(ADCE), St. Joseph Center,Gen. , PhLDean of Studies: Fr Clergy offers Services and support to the priests and deacons of the Diocese their! Least amount of effort to help find information needed Lay Liturgical MinistriesMother Guild... C. MALLARI, DDBorn: March 27, 1958 Login ; Submit Church Christ Global/Miss ionaryFamilies of Christ:.. Concluding June 30 2013 Diocese of San Jose City, Nueva EcijaRector: Rev, SThL ( ). De Buenavista,5700 AntiqueTel richard C.Montaner, MSCPrincipal: Norlyn SebastianDon Bosc o Training Center,.! ) Canon Law: Fr Extension Services ) ; Rev R. Tolentino- CREST ( Extension Services ) ;.! 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