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calopeia game 2 strategy

calopeia game 2 strategy

Since a warehouse costs only $100,000, the additional profit provided by a warehouse is definitely worthwhile. 0000003914 00000 n Minimum 10 days $3. 1. We tool inventory in Calopeia up to about 3500, and then maintained it while we built up inventory in Sorange using capacity in Calopeia. IvyPanda. We began our initial analysis by reviewing the instructions in detail. Click here to find your hidden name meaning. 1 1 PROBLEM BASED LEARNING IN BUSINESS EDUCATION Initial capacity of the factory is 30, with 5 additional units of capacity added approximately every 30 days. It is important to focus on making the capacity in 45 per day. Tyran and Entworpe. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. %PDF-1.3 % A factory takes 90 days to build, and we cannot rely on demand beyond day 1430. In comparison, it costs $150 to mail one drum. remainsthehighestpossible. First, the demand forecast for each region will be established and I will then make decisions regarding how to exploit these markets in section 3. configurations. Disconcertedbytheresulting2.6dropincash,IthenmadeanothermistakeindecidingtoservetheTyran,SorangeandEntworpemarketsrightawaytobuildupcash. IvyPanda, 22 Aug. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/supply-chain-game/. AlthoughitworkedverywellinFardowhereIdidnotencounteranyissues,IshouldhavenonethelessusedthecontinuousreviewinventorymethodincludingthesafetystockandtheEOQtomanagemyinventories. Shipping from Calopeia factory to Sorange warehouse. Therefore we believe it is clear that a factory in Sorange is justified. While the product sale price does not vary, the cost to bring the product to market does vary by region, depending on the location of both the factory and the warehouse. We believe this is the only way to turn a profit in this market. facility will offer. Also want to be sure that From another perspective, a company should select a partner and solution to its needs. Mail is chosen when 100 or more than 100 drums should be shipped. The adoption of a total quality management team should also be undertaken to fasten the supply processes. The Le_Meridian Funding Service went above and beyond their requirements to assist me with my loan which i used expand my pharmacy business,They were friendly, professional, and absolute gems to work with.I will recommend anyone looking for loan to contact. average order size, at 250, which arrive randomly. Assuming a factory with capacity of 30 per day, batch size of 200, and shipping by truck, it would take approximately 14 days for the first product to reach market. Nice information on here, I would like to share with you all my experience trying to get a loan to expand my Clothing Business here in Malaysia. While focusing on minimizing costs associated with shipping drums from the factory to the warehouse with the help of either trucks or mail, it is necessary to calculate the differential related to expected costs. Estimatedremainingdemand(seeAnnexes1,2&3). ME PODRIAN COMPARTIR EL HISTORIAL DE SU SIMULACION, NECESITO TENER UNA BUENA GANANCIA. depending on the location of both the factory and the warehouse. Forexample,in2000afiredamagedwaferstockataNokiasupplierswarehouse. However profit would increase to $211.80 per unit. In addition to capital investments we also adjust the order point in Calopeia up to 5000 to insure that the factory would not be idle. While the product sale price does not vary, the cost to bring the product to market does vary by region, April 8, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/calopeia-supply-chain-game-write-up/. A company should also be steadfast in asking its suppliers to meet the local support team as well as negotiating over the purchase price. 0000000841 00000 n factory and warehouse are located in a different region than the market served. 700 total days, less 90 days for construction, First,togivemesomeleewayincaseanunexpectedeventsuchasasurgeindemandcametomaterialize. If only the factory is If only the factory is located in a different region, but the warehouse is located within the market region, then the additional cost is only $25 per unit. Shipping from Sorange factory to Entworpe warehouse. While increasing the order quantity and focusing on 200, it is possible to produce about 143 batches (28,600/200). No need to worry about maximize qty of order.4. 2022. We can calculate the break even point to justify a factory by dividing the $500,000 fixed cost by 25, and then divide again by the number of days, 596. Iendedupdoingjustthatafterthesimulationendedanditisavailableinannex9. Using the same methodology as above we can see that a warehouse is again justified. just under $500,000. GROWTH STRATEGY 7. same, Round 2 was a much more complicated affair. As in the first round we begin the game on day 731 with one factory and one warehouse, both located in Calopeia. Priority Level Here are all the upcoming games and their release dates, including Wo Long . Entworpe has the largest average order size, at 250, which arrive randomly. From our experience at the end of round one we did not want to end up with extra We are also thinking that final For a batch size of 200, the maximum potential profit can be calculated as follows (assuming 3 day manufacturing time): $1000 per drum plus $1500 fixed setup cost. As we progress through the rest of the regions we will have to determine how to allocate excess capacity from Calopeia to other regions. We will first determine if it makes financial sense to build a warehouse in Entworpe. Day 749 - Began construction of the warehouse in Fardo. "Calopeia: Supply Chain Game Write-Up." Conquer the world. profitable manner. AlthoughIdointendtoresumedeliveriestothatwarehousefrommonth29,thiswouldleavemetwofullmonthstofilltheother3warehouses. Freight to Warehouse$15,000 per truckload $. Decision: Build a warehouse only in Entworpe on day 731. Using this number, we can further calculate the potential per unit profit for other factory/warehouse This report on Calopeia: Supply Chain Game Write-Up was written and submitted by your fellow Satisfy demand in Tyran from Sorange warehouse. 3. Maybe if we have time we can try to The factory has an initial daily capacity of 70 and is currently only serving the Calopeia market. by Chang, Chinese Exclusion Act and Immigrants' Protests, The Stochastic Demand for Optimum Blood Inventory Management, The Impact of Energy on Logistics Systems, Perishable Goods and Related Logistics Issues, Transportation Freight/ Logistics: NVOCCs. The main motive making business to engage in supply chain management is to enhance their efficiency. Indeed,exportingtothatregionwillinevitablyincuralossormakeasmallprofit(ifthereisawarehouseinFardo). https://ivypanda.com/essays/calopeia-supply-chain-game-write-up/, IvyPanda. We also thought that we could meet some of the demand in Sorange once the warehouse came on line. Scheduled additional capacity in Calopeia of 8 units per day to First,manykeyfactorsthatarepresentinreallifearenotincludedinthegamesuchasproductquality/obsolescence,costoflabour,rawmaterialspricefluctuationsorinterestratesandforeigncurrencychanges. (2019, August 22). The solution is to use mail when the number of drums is 100 items or less than 100 items. As commander in chief, you lead your own nation in Wargame1942. In addition to the above capacity increases, we have also monitored the various priority levels and The needs and objectives of the company should be prioritized in selecting a supplier for the products or raw materials required by a business. Decision: Build a warehouse only in Tyran on day 731. It is important to be flexible while choosing the shipping method. In addition to the above, it is also important to calculate the number of days of operation each additional Schedulingfactories/capacitytoolate, Initially,Iintendedtohaveallscheduledcapacitytobeoperationalbyday910aspart4specifiesbutinthesimulationIachievedthatbyday1026. Demand in Tyran is averaging 19 per day, and is level and non-seasonal. Ilearnedinthismodulethatasupplychainstrategyshouldbealignedwithbothinternalbusinessfunctionsbutalsowithpartnersupstreamanddownstreamaswellastheoverallcorporatestrategicgoals. meet expected demand. KnowingthatIonlyusetrucksasamethodoftransportation,thebreakevenpointissoonerthankstoabiggerprofitmargin: [(20*50000)+500000+100000]/1450-1238.28=7557units. ThiscouldhavebeencatastrophicforthefirmbutthesupplieralsohappenedtoserveSonyEricssonandthepromptwayinwhichNokiadealtwiththesituationenabledittogainmarketshareatSonyEricssonsexpense. August 22, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/supply-chain-game/. Thenextsectionsummarizespart3ofthispaper. Increasing the batch size to 400 on Day 1,055, it is possible to save more than $105,000 because the production costs will be two times less. Pangea Supply Chain Management Simulation/Game Report, Click here to find your hidden name meaning. There is no Order point: Calopeia factory to Entworpe warehouse. Satisfy demand in Entworpe from Sorange warehouse. Therefore stockouts here can be costly. Day 730 It is possible to calculate the regular capacity, without adding more drums 90 days x 20 =1800, and 28611-1800 = 26811. Order priority: Calopeia factory to Calopeia warehouse. Then, complete the sentences by writing the correct terms in the spaces provided. August 22, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/supply-chain-game/. Transaction History Calopeia Notethatbecausedemandforbothregionsstabilizesatmonth23,Iwillnotconsidermonth22. As we progress through the rest of the regions we will have to determine Every group will start the game @TBA. I really want to appreciate there effort also try to get this to anyone looking for business loan or other financial issues to Contact Le_Meridian Funding Service On Email: lfdsloans@lemeridianfds.com / lfdsloans@outlook.com He also available on WhatsApp Contact:+1-9893943740. While increasing the order quantity or the batch size, it is possible to decrease transportation costs. Games:0:00 Taur1:45 Age of Darkness: Final Stand3:22 Stronghold: Warlords4:24 Becastled5:19 A Total War: TROY7:19 Dune: Spice Wars8:07 Warpips9:08 Kingdom Wa. expected in both Entworpe and Tyran. April 8, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/calopeia-supply-chain-game-write-up/. Transaction History, We will write a custom Report on Supply Chain Game specifically for you for only $11.00 $9.35/page. It is possible to resolve the problem with adding capacity to the factory, changing the order quantity, controlling ROP, and changing the shipping method. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, Intermodal Transport and Drayage Operations, Driving Value Through Procurement and Supply, Littlefield Technologies: Customer Responsiveness Simulation Write-Up, Tysons and Frehses Academic Writings Analysis, Writing Process from Subject Study to Conclusion, The Cost Differential between Truck and Mail, Barefoot Jogging: "Born to Run Barefoot?" It should be noted that supply chain management is one of the most essential aspects in attaining business success in recent days thus there is a need for devotion. When players begin a game of Octopath Traveler 2 and start . Theformulaforthistoolisasfollows: WhereFt+1=newforecast,Ft=currentforecast,Dt=valuefortimeperiodtand=smoothingconstant0.3. Knowing that additional capacity takes 90 days to build, we can see that we shouldn't add any capacity after day 1100. Entworp e. Insulation Not seasonal-level8 250. 12. The key objective of supply chain game is to maximize cash position at the end of the game which is in this case identified as a key aspect in meeting the pursuit for profit. Decision: Build a warehouse only in Tyran on day 731. miss any costs like we did in the first round. http://firstemail.wikispaces.com/Supply+Chain+Game+Round+2, Master Dentistry,Volume 1: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Radiology, Pathology and Oral Medicine,3 (Paul Coulthard; Keith Horner; Philip Sloan; Elizabeth D. Theaker), Modern Auditing and Assurance Services (Barry J. Cooper; Paul Coram; Peter Richardson; Philomena Leung), Intermediate Accounting: IFRS Edition, 2nd Edition (Donald E. Kieso; Jerry J. Weygandt; Terry D. Warfield), Thermodynamics: an Engineering Approach (Yunus A. engel; Michael A. Boles), Essentials of Corporate Finance (Stephen A. Ross; Bradford D. Jordan; Randolph Westerfield), Principles of Economics (Gregory Mankiw, Joshua Gans, Stephen King, Robin Stonecash), Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (David Hillier; Iain Clacher; Stephen A. Ross; Randolph Westerfield; Bradford D. Jordan), Cost Accounting: a Managerial Emphasis (Charles T. Horngren; Srikant M. Datar; George Foster; Madhav V. Rajan), Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (Richard A. Brealey; Stewart C. Myers; Alan J. Marcus), Investments (Bodie, Kane, Marcus and Jain), Corporate Finance (Ross Stephen A.; Westerfield Randolph W.; Jaffe Jeffrey F.), Microeconomic Theory (Walter Nicholson; Christopher Mark Snyder), China's Social Welfare: The Third Turning Point (Joe C. B. Leung, Yuebin Xu), Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets (Hull John), Foundations of Clinical Research: Applications to Practice (Leslie Gross Portney; Mary P. Watkins), Case 1 - Netflix Inc Streaming Away from DVDs, 253018890 Bio Pharma Case Discussion Questions, Assignment 1 for EF3441 intermediate Macro. "Supply Chain Game." 22 August. Shipping from Calopeia factory to Calopeia warehouse. ThesecondlimitationIobservedisthelackofinteractionwithothercomponentsofthesupplychain. 580 X 15 X 61.80 = $537,660, less the 100,000 warehouse cost and $750,000 cost to increase capacity results in a net loss. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Business profile 2.2 History 2.3. Order point: Sorange factory to Entworpe warehouse. The main process by the team was to identify its needs in terms of products and raw materials. How does information distortion happen in this supply chain, and what would be your suggestions to reduce it? Diaryofongoingactionsaftercommencement Throughout the course of the game, the seasonal nature of demand in Calopeia will continue to require additional effort to manage in the most profitable manner. Lesson: Writing with Purpose, Assuming gamma = 0.2, demand at time period 1, D1 = 101, and the estimated level at time period 1, L1 = 111, seasonal factor for time period 1, S1 = 0.99, and the demand periodicity is 4. The Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, Saudi Dairy & Foodstuff Company Supply Chain Management, The Operations Performance of the Cheesecake Factory, Finding the Least Costly Solution for a Shipping Ompany, Walmart Company: Factory Disaster in Bangladesh, Differences between a supply chain and a value chain, Chain Management and the Creation of Competitive Advantages, Integrating Building Information Management (BIM) into Construction Supply Chain Management, Global Transportation and Logistical Risks. These mistakes should be avoided by ensuring a high sense of consciousness in selecting the supplier. Finally,Iwillconcludethischapterwithanestimateofmyfinalcashfigurewiththetablebelow: Analysisofmistakesandsolutionssuggestion. There are 610 days to make the capacity 44 because 26811/610 days = 44 and to achieve the optimal amount in 45 before stopping the production. Satisfy demand in Tyran from Entworpe warehouse. Demand forecasting 2.1. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you Inreallife,afirmwouldhavedifferentoptionssuchasastrategicpartnershiporoutsourcingwhichmayhavebeencheaperthanbuildinganewfactory. our product, each with different demand characteristics, though the final selling price in each market was The whole issue consists of the setting of production and inventory control parameters, warehouses, factories and transportation choices. As demand dropped in Calopeia through the seasonal cycle, we built up every bit of inventory that we could. certain that the per unit profit justified these costs. Jacobs aims to maximize the revenues during the next two years of the industries lifetime with the focus on decreasing production costs and increasing profits. . By the time demand in Calopeia increased to the point where there was no extra capacity, we had built up an inventory of about 3000 units in Sorange as well. Gives you the best experience of strategy games. ConsideringEntworpe,demandisnotseasonalnorisittrendingandordersof250unitsarriverandomly. It is important to focus on achieving the order quantity in 400. Once time demand in Calopeia increased to the point where there was no extra capacity, we had built up an We have been debating about adding additional capacity to Sorange. approximately 14 days for the first product to reach market. (2022, April 8). Satisfy demand in Entworpe from Calopeia warehouse. A basic concept behind supply chain management is that customers order products from a business and the business keeps track of the products its selling. Assume the factory on Calopeia has a capacity of 70 drums/day. (2022, April 8). 0000000731 00000 n BecauseIintendtoserveallmarketsandtheyallhavemorethan2000inexpecteddemand,Iwillbuildawarehouseineveryregiononday730. How the demand will be satisfied? must. December 14 2016Some comment: thanks for the post, really helpful.1. a long stretch with no demand in Entworpe, and inventory just sat there, meanwhile we were losing sales There is no question of serving this area. Asaresult,IscarcelydeservedtheEntworpeandTyranwarehousesandhadtoreducedeliverytimebyswitchingtomailjusttokeepupwiththeSorangeandCalopeiademand,thusreducingmyprofitmargins. The final step is adding 5 to the current capacity after the analysis of experienced revenues and costs. over the remaining 330 days. April 8, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/calopeia-supply-chain-game-write-up/. A factory takes 90 days to build, and we cannot rely on demand beyond day 1430. 1. get all of the batch sizes (except for Fardo) to 600, which we calculate as EOQ. Starting, set up WH at all region, a Factory at Sorange and Fardo.5. and 14 days to get the product to market, leaves about 596 days of reliable production remaining. Expanding the capacity by 20 drums produced per day, the company faces capacity costs in $1,000,000, and 90 days are necessary to complete a capacity expansion. Order point: Calopeia factory to Sorange warehouse. Theconsequent5694instockwouldbeenoughtosustaindemandinCalopeiauntilmonth30. BecauseremainingdemandinSorangeisexpectedtobearound50000,theshortfallinproductionwillbefilledfromtheCalopeiafactory. Do not worry, you will not regret.7. Initial Situation Assessment At the end of the first part of the game, Day 730, we had the following available data, which was essential to trigger a strategy for the second and final phase: Cash Balance: $6,797,000 Calopeia's Warehouse Inventory: 2,528 drums Calopeia's Production Capacity: 70 drums/day In this second stage, we had 4 different - Morale system, lower your enemy's morale to weaken their firepower in the war games. pedroloanss@gmail.com . Thisexampletestifiesoftheimportanceandunpredictabilityofexteriorfactorsinasupplychainwhichisaconceptthatisnotintegratedinthesupplychaingame. 2019. ThismeantthatIhadtowait44daysbeforereceivingmyorder. Looking at the demand for the previous two years of producing chemicals, it is possible to state that the average demand was about 25-45 drums per day. Tyran Appliances Not seasonal-level19 8. The cost of building a factory is $500,000 regardless of the factory capacity. IvyPanda. Order point: Sorange factory to Calopeia warehouse. Thisaspectisoneofthekeychallengesinmodernsupplychainmanagement. AGILEA was createdin 2009, and introduced supply chain simulation game for management of Customers' demand, Suppliers' order book, inventory levels, backlog. ThelatterpartwillbeconcernedwithdetailingtheprogressofthegamewithaparticularfocusonthemistakesmadeandwhatcouldhavebeendonetoachieveabetteroutcomebeforeconcludingwiththelimitationsofthesimulationandwhatIretainfromthewholeexperience. Day 919 -Tired of losing sales at Sorange, increase capacity by 5 more, to 65. Whatsapp +18632310632. Demand is higher than originally AUTHORS' COMMENTS 1. IvyPanda. IdecidedtoadoptatwoperiodmovingaveragetopreservereactivityintheforecastandalsobecausethereisaclearpatternintheCalopeiademandwhichmeansitdoesntrequirethedelayedreactionpropertya3or4movingaverageforecastoffers-thatwouldbemoreadaptedtounstabledemands. Calopeia. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . 53 Emilii Plater Street 00-113 Warsaw Unfortunately, direct solution of the full The main strategy for this region is deploying Lean Processes that we would like to, minimize the cost at low as possible and utilize the capacity of the machine. Forecasts Misktakes Mailing Timing of increasing production Excess Production The business selling the products also ensures ordering enough raw materials from its suppliers so as to meet its customers demands. Shipping from Sorange factory to Sorange warehouse. Increased capacity by 1 to The highest possible profit per unit is made if both the factory and warehouse are located within the region they serve. Also want to be sure that all factories continue to operate at maximum capacity, as we know that we will be unable to fulfill all demand later in the game. 3. demand later in the game. However,toaccountfortwoorderseverymonth,IllestimatethatdemandforEntworpewillbe500monthlyforaremainingtotaloverthenext730daysofaround12000(500*24). can use excess capacity there to serve the high demand in Sorange. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. up as much inventory as possible. First,thedemandforecastforeachregionwillbeestablishedandIwillthenmakedecisionsregardinghowtoexploitthesemarketsinsection3. changed as needed to try and capture as much volume as possible. Our reasoning is that the additional $50 per unit in profit justifies saving inventory in Calopeia for the 60 days. Now we had to consider five different markets four Supply Chain Game. So we decided to serve Tyran from Entworpe for a short time. Because of this inventory buildup we did increase holding costs and lose interest revenue, but we were certain that the per unit profit justified these costs. The warehouse only supplies air conditioner retrofit kit manufacturers, who are all in . Thetermisdefinedastheuncertaintycausedbydistortedinformationflowingupanddownthesupplychain. TO TRY TO FOLLOW YOUR STEPS THANKS!! Head left and put the wheel on the cart. TheformulaabovewasusedtoforecastthedemandsforTyran/Fardothroughatable/grapheach,pleaserefertoAnnex3whichshowsremainingdemandis12899and12659respectively. made if both the factory and warehouse are located within the region they serve. Do you know your hidden name meaning ? Thefollowingformulaisusedtocalculatethemovingaverageforacertainperiod: whereFt+1=forecastforperiodt+1;n=numberofperiodsusedandAi=actualdemandinperiodi. take it up to 75. With regards to the issue of supply chain management, businesses are required to be steadfast in selecting their partners. We utilize security vendors that protect and RISK ASSESSMENT 4. Inaddition,IdidnotrespecttheamountsthatIplannedtoaddascanbeseeninannex10. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you Forexample,incaseofaretailerpromotion,demandwillsurelyincreaseandconsequentlyanyparticipantupthesupplychainwillincreaseitsstocklevelstomeetthenewdemand. IfIsummarizetheorderdataavailableslightlyafterday730bymonth,Iobtainthefollowingtable: Inowneedtodeterminetheintercept(a)whichisgiventhroughthefollowingformula: Icannowdeterminetheslope(b)withthisformula: NowthatIhavethevaluesofaandb,thefollowingregressionequationcanbeusedtoforecastfuturemonthsorders: Withthisequation,IcouldconstructthefullforecasttableandthecorrespondinggraphinAnnex2whereonecouldseethatestimatedremainingdemandforSorangeis51629. Inhindsight,thissimulationwasanexcellentwaytoputtheconceptslearnedduringthemoduleintopractice. per unit profit provided by a warehouse ($50), then multiply by the number of days of operation. Again a factory would not pay for itself. The first step is adding 20 to the current capacity. In addition we had proper safety stocks built up in both GUIDELINES FOR OPERATIONS IN JAPAN 5. Toconclude,thecontrolthegameofferedandthefactthatitwascontinuousmadeitafunwaytolearnaboutsupplychainmanagement. Tyran Mainland Regions Profit Potential Fardo Profit Potential. Plan:- Choose which markets to supply. This is followed by identification and contacting of potential suppliers. Capacity would have to be added at another factory, so operations couldn't start in Fardo until day 820, and shipping would take two weeks. First, the demand forecast for each region will be established and I will then make decisions regarding how to exploit these markets in section 3. It was really hard on my business going down due to my little short time illness then when I got heal I needed a fund to set it up again for me to begin so I came across Mr Benjamin a loan consultant officer at Le_Meridian Funding Service He asked me of my business project and I told him i already owned One and i just needed loan of 200,000.00 USD he gave me form to fill and I did also he asked me of my Valid ID in few days They did the transfer and my loan was granted. This PBL- approach has been gradually refined over a period of three years. Calopeia The strategy The main strategy for this region is deploying 'Lean Processes' that we would like to minimize the cost at low as possible and utilize the capacity of the machine. Order priority: Calopeia factory to Sorange warehouse. Overall Standing: 2nd Position, $7,126,112. Supply Chain Game. . IhavedecidedtosupplyallmarketswhileensuringIadjustthe, variablessothattheprofitmarginachievedinany. Iusedthefigure136.72asprofitperunitbecausetheoriginalstockhasbeentransportedbymail(86.72profit)buttherestofthestock(ifIhadsoldtheminthecontinent)wouldbetransportedbytruck(186.72profit)soIsimplycomputedanaverageprofitperunit. 0000001735 00000 n Misrepresentation - This is specifically made for exam purpose of contract law. Game 2 The 2-years historical data will be released when the game starts. We clearly were slower at adding capacity in New warehouse? 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