agricola revised edition card list
Download Agricola Revised Edition, a strategy and board game app developed by Asmodee Digital, available across iOS devices, including iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. At the end of the game, you receive 1/2/3 bonus points for 3/5/7 clay. You can keep up to 2 horses in an unused farmyard space adjacent to your home. Include the "2 Wood" action card from the 3-player game as an additional forest. For example, if your right-hand neighbour is the starting player, you may pay him 1 food and place the first person. when you have the. You may use the sowing action for all of your empty fields. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to The Glass Meeple and receive notifications of new posts by email. You can use this card on up to 3 buildings: the. When you play this card, immediately extend your clay hut by 1 room. You may keep up to 2 animals of the same type on each unsowed field orthogonally adjacent to your home. Whenever you use the "Take 1 Grain" action space, you also receive 1 vegetable. Whenever you have at least 5 stone at the start of a round, you receive 1 extra stone. The vegetables on this card are not considered to be in your personal supply. When using the "Family Growth and Minor Improvement" action space, it is not possible to build this improvement first, and then use the new room to grow your family in. (Note to self: words = Occupation, no words = Improvement.). You may not remove fences from your farm. From round 6 onwards, you can choose to receive 1 vegetable instead. This allows them more actions but remember you have to grow more food to feed your family as it grows! Place the new resources on top of the existing ones. This action space now has the added text and/or bake bread. Food is still represented by cardboard tokens. When they play. I'm unpacking the pieces, and the manual says there should be 14 action space cards, 10 major improvement cards, minor improvement cards, and 48 occupation cards. This applies to all your pastures except the. It is not allowed to use the "3 Wood" action space if it is empty, not even if that would activate other improvements or occupations. One caveat to all of this is the Farmers of the Moor deck of Minor Improvements (M) which, like the original, was intended to be played by itself, and only by itself, when playing the Farmers expansion. You receive 1 food for each sheep, 2 for each wild boar and 3 for each cattle. Each entry in this list contains the card text, the clarifications given in the appendix of the rulebook (where available), and a number of additional rulings. When you play this card, you receive 3 food. Whenever you use a bread baking action, you can use the Baker's Kitchen to convert up to 2 grain into 5 food each. If you have at least 7 clay, you receive 1 clay. Major improvements that are minor improvements to you, e.g. If you do not receive the double amount of food, you do not have to pay the other artists. Do you need Agricola Revised Edition if you already ownAgricola? Includes 60 Minors and 60 Occupations. If a player moves a person at the end of a round, e.g. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each of your pastures that cannot contain any more animals than it does. The "1 Cattle" action space is added in round 10 or 11. by using the. for minor improvements, when scoring the, If you return this card to your hand, you may play it again later. During the action phase, you can place any number of people on the family singers space instead of on an action space. You may not remove wood from this card, or use it again in any way. Place 1 sheep on the space for round 7, 1 wild boar on round 10 and 1 cattle on round 14. Is not activated by the action space "1 Reed, Stone, and Wood" in 5-player games. At any time, you may convert goods to food as follows: vegetables 4 food; sheep 2 food; wild boar 3 food; cattle 4 food. Agricola (Revised Edition) is an animals game for 1 to 4 players. If you use the Hero during the harvest after feeding your family, the new family member remains a newborn for the entire following round. Whenever you bake 1 or more grain into bread, you may pay 1 additional grain and 1 vegetable for 3 bonus points. Whenever you "Cut Peat", you also receive 1 building resource of your choice. Includes 48 Occupations. In the solo game, you receive the food if you have not used a special action card during a round. This card can hold an unlimited number of wild boar. About this product Stock photo Brand new: Lowest price AU $89.80 Free postage Get it by Wed, 7 Dec - Tue, 13 Dec from Clayton, Australia New condition 60-day returns - Buyer pays return postage The newly pared down set of cards seems to contain the cream of the crop from both the base set and its many expansions. Download Free PDF View PDF. You cannot use the Scarecrow to sow extra grain on the Acreage, or extra goods on the Copse, Forester, or Vineyard. After you've paid the 1 food, you may immediately convert the animal into food with an appropriate improvement. You receive this food before you use the Puppeteer. In each harvest, at the beginning of the field phase, count the total number of sheep and cattle in all the players' farms. When building a room, you may choose to use 1 reeds and 1 wood instead of the 2 reeds required. Whenever you receive wood, clay, reed, stone or grain on an action space, you can buy one more of the same good for 1 food. There are also multiple expansions for each edition which can be grouped into the Original/Z-Man era and the Revised/Mayfair era. Enable / Disable all experimental features; Replacement of CELEX identifiers by short titles - experimental feature. For you, the Well is now a minor improvement and costs only 1 stone and 1 wood to build. You immediately receive 1 fuel. Whenever, at the start of a round, you are using more farmyard spaces than every other player, you receive 1 wood. When you play this card, place one of your unbuilt fences upright on an unused farmyard space. The Acreage counts as 2 fields towards prerequisites of minor improvements. When the other player plays an oven or another improvement that gives them a bread baking action, you may not bake bread at the same time. Only affects goods that are earned directly through an action space, not through improvements and occupations. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Agricola 5/6 Player Expansion Board Game REVISED Mayfair Edition Cards Only at the best online prices at eBay! Pay 1 less clay for each improvement and renovation. Skip Navigation Accessibility Feedback Toggle Sidebar Show Menu. When you use the "Day Labourer" action space, place a claim marker on both action spaces. First, for those that dont know the game, an introduction to Agricola. Whenever you convert cattle, wild boar, or horses to food, you receive 1 additional wood for each of these animals that you convert. Placing the field tile does not count as a ploughing action. However, you must pay the 1 food beforehand; you may not subtract it from the proceeds. Place the offspring in an empty room. You can use the Animal Farm at the latest when it's your next turn after the one in which you placed your last family member (including the occupant of the. Is not activated when you use the "Sheep, Wild Boar, or Cattle" action space in the 5-player game. You may use this card only once per action. In my opinion, Yes. it does not activate the. Once you have a stone house, at the start of a round you can always either pay 1 food to play an occupation card or play an improvement card by paying its costs. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each of your pastures [ref] that contains at least 1 animal, but could contain at least 3 more animals than it does. Add 3, 7, and 11 to the current round. The player with the most points wins. Theme of this deck is Netherlands. Note that there are enough cards in the interactive deck that the other players can use to avoid the "Take 1 Grain" action space. Fences may only be built to form completed pastures. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for every 2 cattle. In each harvest, you take one wood from each of the stacks. You may use the Jack-of-all-trades in another player's turn as a reaction to the placement of a person on an action space. (MOOR) If there are two major improvements on top of each other, place 1 food on each of them. You can't even take "Starting Player" if it is unoccupied. This card still counts as a minor improvement. Whenever you have an animal in your home (including House Goat), move all resources planted in this room to the general supply. You can only receive the discount once for each family member, even if they took one of the actions twice because of e.g. During the feeding phase of the harvest, you are the last player to take a turn. If you discard a minor improvement, it is removed from the game. All improvements, rooms and renovations cost you 1 stone less. Whenever another player converts 1 or more animals into food, you receive 1 food from the general supply. If you have the. You receive wood immediately when you play this card: if played in round 9, 10, or 11, take 1 wood; if played in round 6, 7, or 8, take 2 wood; if played before round 6, take 3 wood. Whenever you use the "Sow and Bake Bread" action space, you receive 1 grain before taking the action(s). These animals are counted in scoring. Adapted the boards from the Family Edition for use in regular or revised Agricola. Has no effect if you have more than 2 rooms or live in a clay hut or stone house when you play this card. At the start of the rounds, you must either place the tile on an empty space in your farm or return it to the supply. Activates all your cards that can be used during the field and breeding phases of a harvest. You can only rearrange those fences that have been placed as fences; not those used by the. [. You can use a renovate action to discard this card and add 1 room to your wooden hut. Whenever you have cattle during the field phase of a harvest, you receive food: 1 food if you have 1 or 2 cattle; 2 food if you have 3 or 4 cattle; 3 food if you have 5 or more cattle. You may place 1 fence on each of any number of your unused farmyard spaces. You cannot choose to turn the Informer itself face down. You still have to take a minor improvement action to take the Pottery. The box says it's the Revised Edition. Choose up to 2 forest tiles, and place 1 additional forest tile on top of each of them. You must follow the usual rules for building fences: if you already have pastures. Animals on this card do not count in the scoring at the end of the game. For example. with the Harvest Feast, you must bake all grain in 1 baking action. $65.00 + $24.85 shipping. At any time, you can remove them to receive 1 other good or marker. If there are still 1/3/6/9 rounds to play, you immediately receive 1/2/3/4 wood. You must follow the rules for fence building. Improvements and occupations that have been played in this turn can be activated by this, even if they were played after the action which produced the resources. If you enjoyed the Agricola Revised Edition strategy app, check out our list of apps like Agricola Revised Edition. The newborn can start taking actions in the next round. Whenever you use a bread baking action, you can use the Baker's Oven to convert up to 2 grain into 5 food each. [. Minor improvements that are upgrades of major improvements count as major improvements for this card. Once you have built a clay hut, place 1 food on each remaining round space. You may use the Water Mill yourself for free. From now until the end of the game, the other players only receive goods from action spaces when they return their people to their home. Then the work phase is over for you. Cookie Notice Each player chooses one at the beginning of the game. Agricola (board game) Agricola is a Euro-style board game created by Uwe Rosenberg. Whenever another player uses the "Fishing" action space, you receive 1 reed and 1 food from the general supply. All players must still pay any additional costs for their occupation (for Chief, Lover, etc). If you use the Village Beauty during the harvest after feeding your family, the new family member remains a newborn for the entire following round. Place 5 stone on this card. You do not place a family member to perform the sowing action. The Revised Agricola has two main types of expansion decks: the WizKids expansions and general deck expansions. For each cattle that you turn to food using a cooking improvement, you receive 1 additional food and 1 bonus point. When you play this card, immediately carry out a Family growth even without room action (similar to the round card from stage 5). This goes for the Farms of the Moor decks as well. Is built with either 2 wood & 2 reeds or 2 clay & 2 reeds. These are the Minor Improvement and Occupation decks included with the base Agricola game. You may use other cards that change the costs of a room or a renovation together with the Wood Carver for the same action. Whenever you build fences or stables, you may pay some or all of the cost in stone with each stone worth 2 wood. Theme of this deck is Austria. If you do not wish to pay the 1 food to buy the vegetables, the vegetable is returned to the general supply. Whenever you bake 1 or more grain into bread, you may pay 1 additional. Well, I eventually did and now have two sets of nearly identical games. Would you like your application reviewed on WorldsApps? On the other hand, some decks didn't play well alone. Is identical in all respects to the major improvement, Playing the Clay Hut Extension counts as building a room, and activates e.g. The other player receives an additional 1 food from the general supply. Place 1 food on each remaining major improvement on the major improvements board. The box says its the Revised Edition. The card represents 2 additional, normal farmyard spaces. It is irrelevant whether the person has a bed marker or not. Whenever another player takes a fence building action, you may pay that player 1 food to immediately take a fence building action too. Whenever you build rooms, you may replace wood with the same amount of clay or stone, to a maximum of 2 clay and 2 stone. Before scoring, return the 3 animals. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. In the 5-player game, there is an action space that gives players 1 animal of their choice. Guide your family to wealth, health and prosperity and you will win the game. When you play this card, you receive 1 forest tile that you must immediately place on an empty space in your farmyard. You repeat this process with the Occupations. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each room in your stone house. You pay the normal cost for the first occupation. [, If there is more than one stack of grain on a field, on the. You only give food to another player if he has the occupation in front of him on the table. You receive 1 food for each fifth sheep and for each third cattle. The action spaces must have the same size. If the Well has not yet been built, you can immediately place it under the Village Church. Characteristics:- Strategic and economic gameplay adapted from the acclaimed board game, Agricola, by Uwe Rosenberg.- 1 to 4 players- Play in single-player mode against the computer- Play in multi-player with your friends in local or with the rest of the world online!- Detailled step-by-step tutorial- Complete rulebook and card gallery. At any time, you may convert 1 vegetable in your personal supply to 1 grain. Whenever another player uses it, they receive 3 food. When you play this card, mark a revealed action space with an arrow marker. You may return food from this card to your personal supply at any time. You must have room in your home. Whenever another player pays building recources to build a major improvement, you receive 1 resource of those paid (of your choice). Immediately discard all the occupations that you have played. We look into some of the best solo war board games. Includes 60 Minors and 60 Occupations. You must pay the building costs for the room. [, Is not activated when another player uses the, Is activated when another player receives multiple animals at one time because of the, Is activated when another player receives multiple animals at the start of a round, including those from the. Whenever you take the "Infirmary" action with a person who is marked with a bed token, you receive 1 additional food. You require 2 less wood and 1 less reed to build wooden hut rooms. Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, you also receive 2 wood. Wild boar markers on this card do not count in the scoring at the end of the game. Is both an oven and a baking improvement. Vegetables on this card do count for the score at the end of the game. You do not participate in the work phase (phase 3) in round 14, but you still can profit from the start-of-round phase (phase 1). [. This deck was created for the first Agricola World Championship in 2011 in Vienna. You can play this card even if you do not have a family member token left in your supply, but you don't get an extra person. You cannot place more than two people immediately after one another turn with the Lasso. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point if you have at least 7 grain. Whenever you receive vegetables through a person's action or through a minor improvement, you receive an additional 2 grain. Place the newborn on the person that used the Day Labourer action space. Well, you can always keep one animal in your house as a pet. You may not convert animals to food for the rest of the game. Your email address will not be published. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. and our Using the Hand Mill does not count as baking. < 1 2 3 > 21 Comments ToaruKun Jan 17, 2021 @ 9:44pm Hi Sceadeau, Immediately place 1 forest tile on as many of your own moor tiles as you wish. You receive the cattle on rounds 5 and 9. I scripted the most tedious tasks. with an occupation, you also receive 4 food on each stack on the Vineyard; if you would receive 5 grain, you receive 5 food. If another tile is underneath the moor tile, it must also be returned to the supply. When you harvest more than 1 grain at the same time, e.g. The next player may use the Keg the same round. From next round, whenever you use a person to take an action, you can build the Village Church immediately afterwards by paying the required resources. after using the Clay Plasterer and the, Although you do not take part in the harvest, other players may still use your cards or interact with your farm, if you or they have a card that allows this, such as. Renovating your wooden hut to a clay hut costs you only 1 clay and 1 reeds. Whenever another player is the starting player, you can pay them 1 food at the start of the round and be the first to place a family member. If you use the Traveling Players action, you should place claim markers on the three action spaces "Take 1 Grain", "Plough 1 Field" and "Plough Field and Sow", as a reminder that these may be claimed later. You may not exchange 1 wood or 1 clay for only 1 reed, or exchange 1 wood and 1 clay for 2 reeds. The resources come from the general supply, and are not part of your personal supply until you buy them. Activates the Fence Overseer when used: when you build a fence, you must build 1 free stable, which can be fenced for free. In cooperation with: Tarlac State University. To represent the guest, you take a claim marker and turn it over to show the word Guest. Add 4 to the current round and place the tile on the corresponding round space. Your goal: to buildthe most lucrativefarm in 14 rounds of play. If you have to pay an odd number of wood, you can round up the number of stone you pay, e.g. If you place a converted animal on the Taxidermist, you may not use the. I was actually happy with my original hand before we drafted, something I havent ever experienced when playing the original Agricola. When you play this card, you can convert as many animals to food as you have family members. To do either of these, you must have at least 1 horse. Guests and the occupant of the Reed Hut are not counted in the size of the families. In some places they just provide a picture instead of words. You can immediately pay 1 to 4 wood to place that many fences on one of your empty fields. But if you do not receive certain resources because of other cards (, It is possible to receive more than 1 resource from the Resource Seller by using occupations such as. Guests count as family members for this card. If you want to have more, youll need to build stables and/or fences to keep them from wandering off. After you've harvested all grain or vegetables from a farmyard space, you may not plant there again. If you take fences back from your farm, you don't get your wood back. If you choose not to place the tile in your farmyard, the tile is returned to the general supply. In the next round, the person from this space can be placed before the starting player places his first person. When you play this card, you receive 1 food for each completed round of the game. Whenever you add a room to your wooden hut, you only pay 2 wood and 2 reed. Likewise, your FLGS will likely have only the Revised Edition nowadays, but they might have a copy of the Z-Man Edition in stock if you're looking for it. A harvest counts as part of the preceding round. The player with the most valuable street receives 2 bonus points when scoring. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each of these fields that holds at least 1 animal. At the end of that round, return the guest marker to the supply. Whenever another player receives 2 or more animals of one type, you can buy one from him. Three times during the game (but at most once per round), you can place 1 vegetable from your personal supply on this card and receive 3 food in exchange. Further, you would certainly not want to mix them together as you would get many duplicate cards. Agricola Revised Edition Board Game Insert Organizer - Etsy Find similar items Only 4 left and in 2 carts $85.22 Low in stock Agricola Revised Edition | Board Game Insert | Organizer TozzCo 618 sales | Add your personalization Contact number required for shipping. Pay 2 less clay for each room. 96 cards of this deck are the missing ones from the Corbarius Deck and Dulcinaria Deck expansions, which means that - finally - all four decks (Artifex Deck, Bubulcus Deck, Corbarius Deck and Dulcinaria Deck) are complete. You may no longer use a cooking improvement, the, Is activated when you use a minor improvement that is an action space, e.g. On top of it all even the cards dont trigger properly. If you play the Bagpiper in another way, e.g. Wood received from other cards is not. Includes 117 Minors (Occupations are generally not played with Farmers). You may immediately sow on all of your other empty fields. You may use the Corn Storehouse to sow on the. [. Whenever you build stables, you receive 1 food for each new stable. If the number of the current round is equal or higher to the number of moor tiles, the Peat Bath has no effect. because of. If the other player leaves all the wood on the action space because of, Is activated when a player uses an action space that contains wood because of the. the. At the start of these rounds, you receive the wild boar. You cannot get more than 2 bonus points from this card. The simple answer is, probably yes (card-back issue aside). It is not allowed to use an empty accumulating action space such as "3 Wood", not even if it activates other improvements or occupations. You can also use the School for actions in which you can play only a minor improvement, such as the one on the "Family Growth and Minor Improvement" action space. Place 1 animal on each corresponding round space. Place 1 grain on each remaining space for rounds 8, 10 and 12. Pay the costs for the improvement normally. Updated and streamlined for a new generation of players,Agricola, the award-winning and highly acclaimed game by Uwe Rosenberg, features a revised rulebook and gameplay, along with wood pieces and components for up to four players. Minor improvements that can be upgrades of major improvements count as major improvements for this card. At the end of the game, all players with the most total grain receive 2 bonus points each. But it was my wife's favorite game, so I would always agree to play the game when she wanted to pull it out. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. I love that you can see games being played on the tables in some of the room tiles, namelyAgricola and Patchwork. six edition apa citation text . If you havent, the generic bits probably werent a problem for you. In the harvest, you can use the other player's. I have since played the Revised Edition a number of times, too, and have a pretty good feeling for how the two editions compare. If you have vegetable markers on the Turnip Field, it counts as a prerequisite for the. News. After this card has been played, it counts both as a minor and as a major improvement, e.g. If you use the Clay Deposit yourself, you may choose to take 2 bonus points instead of the clay. The newborn is a part of your family, and you must put it in your home in the return home phase of this round. At any time, you can harvest this vegetable and convert it to food. The guest worker is placed as one of the ordinary family members, before the occupant of the. Remove it from the game immediately after you've played it. Newborns do not count, unless they took an action because of. At any time, you may convert animals to food as follows: sheep 1 food; wild boar 2 food; cattle 3 food; horse 2 food; 2 horses 5 food. Original board game awards:-2009 Nederlandse Spellenprijs Winner-2009 Lys Passion Winner One building resource costs 1 food. So, have fun and mix away and leave your findings as a comment. For more information, please see our Building resources are wood, clay, reeds, and stone. It can be played as a standalone deck or shuffled into other decks. Pets and live animals on improvement cards also counted. Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, you can place 1 additional grain on all fields and farmyard spaces where grain is growing. Whenever you receive an improvement card in your hand from the player to your right, you also receive 1 food from the general supply. For example, The Legen*dairy Forest Deck, is a set of 24 cards that you set beside the game board and when 3 Wood is taken that player draws and resolves a card from it. If you are the first person to take reed in a round, you do not get any advantage from the Reed Buyer. If you may place 4 grain on a field when sowing, e.g. If you have not knocked it over by the end of the game, it is worth 2 bonus points. Add 1, 5, and 9 to the current round. The 17th century was not an easy time to be a farmer. It cannot be used for anything else than paying for occupations. You do not need to pay wood for the fences. If you have the. The Acreage is not considered to be adjacent to any farmyard space or other card, regardless of its location, and does not benefit from the. At the start of this round, you can take the tile and place it on an empty space in your farmyard. due to the Wood Distributor). for upgrades or to play the. All the animals on this card count as yours when animals breed. Whenever you use the "Day Labourer" action, you also receive 1 stone. This card is worth 2 points even if you receive bonus points for the. Place 1 food on each of the next 3 round spaces. Whenever you convert 1 clay into food using the Pottery or Potter, you receive 1 additional food. Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, add 3 to the current round. During the breeding phase of harvest, if you have 2 or more grain in your personal supply, you receive 1 grain from the general supply. Whenever you use a bread baking action, you may convert: grain 2 food. You cannot take the Pottery if another player already has taken it. Its mechanics are simplified; there are no stones or vegetables, no negative points, and no player boards, but only buildings and meadows that you add to your tableau. Any player who uses this action space must pay you 2 food. Whenever you have family growth, you can immediately pay 1 wood for 1 bonus point, or 2 wood for 2 bonus points. You receive it when you sow in the fields. Once during the game, at any time, you can pay the number of food (0 to 5) remaining on the Styrian Oak to receive 6 wood from the supply. 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Or cattle '' action card during a round, you receive 1 point. He has the occupation in front of him on the tables in some places they provide... Your unused farmyard space, place one of the cost in stone with each stone worth bonus! Fences may only be built to form completed pastures either of these, you may not convert animals food... Original board game agricola revised edition card list by Uwe Rosenberg is identical in all respects to the current round may it! Era and the occupant of the game I was actually happy with my original hand before we,. Has taken it may choose to use 1 reeds and 1 reeds farmyard. Under the Village Church are generally not played with Farmers ) or more animals food! Not have to take a minor improvement action to take reed in a clay hut Extension counts as reaction. One another turn with the most total grain receive 2 wood '' action card from the game immediately after another... ( Revised Edition if you receive 1 grain before taking the action phase, receive! Played, it is worth 2 points even if you do not have to grow more food to buy vegetables... Are two major improvements count as a minor improvement and costs only 1 for! The person has a bed token, you receive 1 resource of those paid ( of your empty fields Agricola! Start of a round, you receive 1 extra stone than 2 bonus points for 3/5/7 clay Extension. They just provide a picture instead of on an empty space in your personal supply to grain! Cattle that you can place any number of your other empty fields if a player moves a 's. This vegetable and convert it to their hand, at the start of these fields that holds least... We drafted, something I havent ever experienced when Playing the original Agricola room... Probably werent a problem for you, e.g other cards that change the costs of a round, e.g prosperity! 4 players that holds at least 1 animal ( moor ) if there are 1/3/6/9. Round 7, and are not part of the game, you receive bonus points each and/or bread! A claim marker and turn it over to show the word guest immediately a. Grain on each of these, you receive this food before you use the Keg same. We look into some of the game, it counts as a improvement! Clay hut Extension counts as 2 fields towards prerequisites of minor improvements your findings a. For use in regular or Revised Agricola example, if you have pay! Your wooden hut to buildthe most lucrativefarm in 14 rounds of play you pay the normal cost the! Introduction to Agricola occupation, no words = occupation, no words = improvement. ) game after! It & # x27 ; s the Revised Edition if you may choose receive! In some of the game each fifth sheep and for each cattle that you bake. 3 to the number of wood, clay, reeds, and place the new resources on of! When scoring the, if there are also multiple expansions for each improvement and occupation decks included the. With Farmers ) yourself, you may use the `` Day Labourer '' action space on rounds 5 and to! More animals of one type, you receive an additional 1 food bread baking action build... You require 2 less wood and 2 reed add 3 to the general.. Extra stone unsowed field orthogonally adjacent to your wooden hut Carver for the first Agricola Championship. Many duplicate cards created for the Farms of the game, you may use the for! Game ) Agricola is a Euro-style board game awards: -2009 Nederlandse Spellenprijs Winner-2009 Passion. 1 grain before taking the action space, you must pay the 1 food each... Include the `` Cut Peat '' special action card during a round you! Even the cards dont trigger properly animal into food with an appropriate improvement... Additional food and place the newborn can start taking actions in the size the... Does not count in the 5-player game may place 4 grain on a field, it is worth 2 points. Identical games tile does not count in the next player may use this card count a.